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Old 08-11-2007, 17:08   #76
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Re: Raise The School Leaving Age?

Originally Posted by Jae Swift View Post
Old people think younger people are "silly little yobs that do nothing. All they do is mug people, it was much different 'back in the day'"
Oh no we don't !!
Some of us have grandchildren in their teens who act responsibly.
There were yobs back then too, but they were dealt with harsher and earlier by the law/police and so didnt repeat offend as much.

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Old 08-11-2007, 17:13   #77
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Re: Raise The School Leaving Age?

Originally Posted by [email protected] View Post
Oh no we don't !!
Some of us have grandchildren in their teens who act responsibly.
There were yobs back then too, but they were dealt with harsher and earlier by the law/police and so didnt repeat offend as much.
Everyone is nice and responsible in front of their grandparents. Its what they do when their on their own that causes the problems, not when their with their grandparents. Even the worst children behave for their grandparents.
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Old 08-11-2007, 20:37   #78
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Re: Raise The School Leaving Age?

Originally Posted by Jae Swift View Post
Old people think younger people are "silly little yobs that do nothing. All they do is mug people, it was much different 'back in the day'"
Absolute utter rubbish young man, each person is judged by the company they keep is my yardstick, I would not seek to judge you only through, your posts that are , are normally good that, was a crap reply, but i've sent you some karma for previous efforts. Just because us old- uns are 'old' it does not mean we are stupid, I can remember my youth as if it were yesterday
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Old 08-11-2007, 21:25   #79
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Re: Raise The School Leaving Age?

So "old people think younger people are silly little yobs..........etc."? What you are saying, Jae Swift, is we older ones stereotype the young but aren't you stereotyping the old with that statement? You are implying that, once we reach pensionable age, we become incapable of differentiating between responsible young people and ill-bred louts. Nothing could be further from the truth. Many of us keep our mental faculties longer than our teeth and hair and we do know and appreciate the difference and, what's more, that there are differences.

And Blazey, "Everyone is nice and responsible in front of their grandparents". Do you assume grandparents have no knowledge of the nature and character of their grandchildren when they are out of sight? Do grandparents live in a cocooned world where their rose-tinted glasses show them only the well-scrubbed, false faces of their otherwise feckless grand-offspring? Perhaps, in a few instances, that is so but the majority of us are not so gullible.
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Old 09-11-2007, 02:52   #80
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Re: Raise The School Leaving Age?

Originally Posted by Ianto.W. View Post
Absolute utter rubbish young man, each person is judged by the company they keep is my yardstick, I would not seek to judge you only through, your posts that are , are normally good that, was a crap reply, but i've sent you some karma for previous efforts. Just because us old- uns are 'old' it does not mean we are stupid, I can remember my youth as if it were yesterday
Well my friends are quiet studious geeks lol and so that theory doesnt quite add up.
I'm the type that stys up til 3am studying and you dislike me merely because my opinions clash with many accy webbers, yet someone like Jae comes along who goes on about getting hammered (during the week might I add, which is ludicrous if your looking for a job) and having no job and everyone loves him?

Something tells me theres a bit of hypocracy in that sense.

Most of the company I keep at university are mature students aswell, I only drink in the post graduate bar when u can have a discussion without havent to get 'hammered' and play the fool, so I'm a big fan of the Oldies lol.
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Old 09-11-2007, 08:21   #81
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Re: Raise The School Leaving Age?

What is getting hammered to do with wherther kids should be kept in education till theyre 18? And does getting hammered make someone a bad person, whereas staying sober and studying till 3am make you a good person? Personally I couldnt care on someones drink ethics, it is the brain that I am interested in. One of the most intelligent people I ever knew (trinity College educated etc) was an out and out alcoholic.

I think that funding wise, the limit of 30k should should be raised due to the raise in housing prices (both mortgaged and rental) as that is the main drain on a family and more individual circumstances should be looked at.

Also, maybe I am an anomaly, but I have only GCSES, dropped out of college due to a family death, workied my butt off (even worked in McDonalds for a year), but at 31 have managed to get to a position where I work for a Global IT company with an income 30k+, company car, expense account etc etc etc. However, although that figure looks great, once I have paid for a rented house, childcare which I receive no help with, council tax (again no help), bills, income tax etc, I probably have less expendable income than 'a professional jeremy kyle watcher' (nice phrase lmao)

I came from a single parent family and was raised by my father, who had to end his careeer in the army to look after myself and my brother. I am raising a little boy as a single mother, and know that when it comes to the time when he is arguing why he should stop in education till he is 18, I will not be able to argue the case without looking like a hypocrit.

It should be up to the individual child if they want to go into further education, but there should be more help for those that want it, regardless of the family income.

With regards to the NHS, it winds me up to pay for being ill. So far, I am close to £50 this month. Goddamm winter!! lol
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Old 09-11-2007, 12:25   #82
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Re: Raise The School Leaving Age?

Originally Posted by blazey View Post
Well my friends are quiet studious geeks lol and so that theory doesnt quite add up.
I'm the type that stys up til 3am studying and you dislike me merely because my opinions clash with many accy webbers, yet someone like Jae comes along who goes on about getting hammered (during the week might I add, which is ludicrous if your looking for a job) and having no job and everyone loves him?

Something tells me theres a bit of hypocracy in that sense.

Most of the company I keep at university are mature students aswell, I only drink in the post graduate bar when u can have a discussion without havent to get 'hammered' and play the fool, so I'm a big fan of the Oldies lol.
Before you seek to call me a any names as you say 'HYPORACY' I suggest you learn how to spell the word it is 'HYPOCRICY'. For your information before you 'hijack' this thread and the 'mods' take it off and remove offensive posts,the reply I posted was to Jae Swift, and not a platform for a WINDBAG LIKE YOU.

Last edited by Ianto.W.; 09-11-2007 at 12:34.
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Old 09-11-2007, 14:11   #83
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Re: Raise The School Leaving Age?

Originally Posted by Ianto.W. View Post
Before you seek to call me a any names as you say 'HYPORACY' I suggest you learn how to spell the word it is 'HYPOCRICY'. For your information before you 'hijack' this thread and the 'mods' take it off and remove offensive posts,the reply I posted was to Jae Swift, and not a platform for a WINDBAG LIKE YOU.
Must apologize for the 'non' deliberate mistake, it should read HYPOCRISY, before I get my 'but' kicked. My eyes are still a bit funny after chemotherapy. sorry.
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Old 09-11-2007, 17:23   #84
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Re: Raise The School Leaving Age?

Originally Posted by blazey View Post
Well my friends are quiet studious geeks lol and so that theory doesnt quite add up.
I'm the type that stys up til 3am studying and you dislike me merely because my opinions clash with many accy webbers, yet someone like Jae comes along who goes on about getting hammered (during the week might I add, which is ludicrous if your looking for a job) and having no job and everyone loves him?

Something tells me theres a bit of hypocracy in that sense.

Most of the company I keep at university are mature students aswell, I only drink in the post graduate bar when u can have a discussion without havent to get 'hammered' and play the fool, so I'm a big fan of the Oldies lol.

Because I'm the best! LOL.

I don't drink through the week either.

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Old 09-11-2007, 18:32   #85
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Re: Raise The School Leaving Age?

Originally Posted by Jae Swift View Post
Because I'm the best! LOL.

I don't drink through the week either.

You said something about getting hammered in the chat room on wednesday night. One would think you wouldnt be able to afford alcohol if you dont work and you dont sign on JSA? Are you a busker?! (sp)
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Old 09-11-2007, 18:41   #86
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Re: Raise The School Leaving Age?

Originally Posted by Ianto.W. View Post
Before you seek to call me a any names as you say 'HYPORACY' I suggest you learn how to spell the word it is 'HYPOCRICY'. For your information before you 'hijack' this thread and the 'mods' take it off and remove offensive posts,the reply I posted was to Jae Swift, and not a platform for a WINDBAG LIKE YOU.
It wasn't eant to be offensive, it was a thought as to why you say you judge people on the company they keep, yet you like 'gang' members like jae swift who have no job and stand around on street corners all the time.

I never said I didn't like you, I never said anything other than it seemed a bit hypocritical. Who cares if I didn't spell the word correctly? Its a comment on a forum, I'm not writing a novel. Seemed just like thats the only come back you could think of. I thought I was quite polite by wording it like that, regardless of the spelling, rather than just blatantly calling you a hypocrit, and I didn't write that comment with any malice, in fact I was saying I like older people, so my good intention should be overruling the minor evil of calling you INDIRECTLY a hypocrit.

Jesus, anything to cause a rift.
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Old 09-11-2007, 18:45   #87
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Re: Raise The School Leaving Age?

Originally Posted by West Ender View Post

And Blazey, "Everyone is nice and responsible in front of their grandparents". Do you assume grandparents have no knowledge of the nature and character of their grandchildren when they are out of sight? Do grandparents live in a cocooned world where their rose-tinted glasses show them only the well-scrubbed, false faces of their otherwise feckless grand-offspring? Perhaps, in a few instances, that is so but the majority of us are not so gullible.
Well I know alot of people whose parents seem to think their children are angelic little angels, particularly in regards to smoking, drugs and alcohol when at school, so yeh, i'm quite positive that many grandparents would also think the same as their children. Young people are full of deceit, regardless of how angelic they may seem.
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Old 09-11-2007, 19:15   #88
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Re: Raise The School Leaving Age?

you mad cos jae has friends?

ya seem to be singling him out quite abit.....?
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Old 09-11-2007, 19:37   #89
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Re: Raise The School Leaving Age?

Originally Posted by blazey View Post
Young people are full of deceit, regardless of how angelic they may seem.

Your'e 18 aren't you Does that make you a young person ?
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Old 09-11-2007, 20:17   #90
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Re: Raise The School Leaving Age?

our younger kids wont really know any different
i want my child to have a better chance at a good future
lol that sound soooooooooooo
corny or something
yummy mummy !!!!!!
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