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Old 03-09-2006, 04:19   #1
God Member

rebuilding Lebanon

The U.N. have rightly made appeals for member states for finance to re-build the houses/flats/goverment buildings that have been turned to rubble during the latest fighting in Lebanon .. seems reasonable, but who pays? we do!

Isreals border was encroached and citizens abtucted and some action had to be taken.
so Isreal flatten the infrstructure of Lebanon but refuse to pay for this action.
yet we have to pay because we have no choice as part of our taxes are paid to the un/unesco and various other good causes.
But when will we stop paying for the re-build of houses that so called democratic member states have destroyed? wether thay be muslim, christian, Jewish or any other, in the baltics africa or the middle east?

Last edited by Mancie; 03-09-2006 at 04:31.
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Old 03-09-2006, 04:29   #2
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mani's Avatar

Re: rebuilding Lebanon

good point

i think this is better shown when usa had to put up a few billions to regenerate iraq and people in the us are complainin their money should be spent on services in usa not other countries - an example highlighted when the levvy's in new orleans werent improved to save money for iraq etc
If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you - Ghenghis Khan
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Old 03-09-2006, 09:28   #3
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Re: rebuilding Lebanon

Its ok the UN asking for money to rebuild but were does it come frome? As Mani said the USA spent money abroad and their own people suffered when Katrina hit. We have problems aplenty that could do with hard cash ie care for the elderly dentists NHS etc, yet Pres Blair could quite well jump on the band wagon to look good abroad. Those that started this little ruckus should pay along with those that did the damage because its time countries stood back from this palavour and looked after their own first.

All comments above are nothing to do with here and therefore not the resposibility of the Accrington Web site owners admins or mods.


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Old 03-09-2006, 16:35   #4
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Re: rebuilding Lebanon

The U.N. is a corrupt, impotent and anti-Semitic organization. We should disband it, just as we did the old League of Nations. Iran should be paying the tab to rebuild Lebanon. The Hezbos are Iran's surrogates and are financed and armed by them. Of course, no-one should be in too much of a hurry to replace what was destroyed. The fighting is far from over.

On the subject of New Orleans. The U.S. Corps of Engineers has spent the last year rebuilding the levees. Billions of dollars of taxpayers' money has gone into the region as a whole.....not to mention the millions sent from private charities and individuals. Americans are the most generous people I know. We do take care of our own. However, putting money into New Orleans is like throwing it down a sewer. It has a history of political corruption. The Mississippi Gulf Coast was hit much harder by Katrina.....and they are rebuilding without all the whining that goes on in the Big Easy.
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