20-01-2010, 10:40
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Re: Recycling?
Originally Posted by accyman
the other countries havnt been buying it now for some time now as it has lost its value so much infact news was a while back that councils are renting storage space to keep recycled goods which is costing US more than what it will ever be worth even if teh economy picks up
recycling is an absolute waste of time
global warming has not been proven to be down to us we have just been beaten into accepting it
the process of recycling the stuff causes more polution than throwing it away and making fresh things
energy light saving bulbs are a farce the process of making them alone is far greater than what any standard bulb would ever be or woudl ever use in its lifetime
been green is just an excuse to add tax to things we need or enjoy and that is the only truth about the whole damn thing
unless of course you believe the last climate change was teh dinosours fault for driving around in cars too much and leaving their xbox on stanby instead of switching it off
climate change is a natural occurance that will happen no matter what we do or how much extra tax we pay
Spot on that!....People should stop being fooled by the term "Climate Change" its actually "Climate Variance"....which has happened ever since the Earth was formed, long before we had cars and invented plastic! Yes i'm in favour of cutting down on waste, but not for reasons of saving the planet!! Another Gross Con job, and my my my are we falling for it!!
Best Regards - Taggy