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Old 17-02-2009, 09:58   #46
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Re: Redundancy good for the soul

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
...and yet the good people of Hyndburn kept returning him, right up until 1992.

I'm afraid you've just got to accept that it was your good old salt of the Earth working classes who supported Maggie by the millions.

The number of Tory grandees didn't increase. It was the hoards of traditional Labour supporters who bought into the dream of owning their own house, having shares, which ironically they already owned because they were nationalised industries, and wanted to 'better' their own lives.
The rich and famous never have and never will elect Tory Governments, its the ordenary man in the street that does that
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Old 17-02-2009, 13:07   #47
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Re: Redundancy good for the soul

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
...and yet the good people of Hyndburn kept returning him, right up until 1992.

I'm afraid you've just got to accept that it was your good old salt of the Earth working classes who supported Maggie by the millions.

The number of Tory grandees didn't increase. It was the hoards of traditional Labour supporters who bought into the dream of owning their own house, having shares, which ironically they already owned because they were nationalised industries, and wanted to 'better' their own lives.
Garinda Ken Hargreaves only won once after 1983, and that was in 1987. And that's only because the Labour Party handed Ken the seat on a plate.

When we got the right candidate, we won back the seat in 1992
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Old 17-02-2009, 13:30   #48
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Re: Redundancy good for the soul

Originally Posted by Mancie View Post
If anyone on hear remembers the great depression then they have been silent.. I remember when accrington unemployment was almost 20% in the early eighties... then to be told by a Government that was elected by lets say more prosperous areas get on your bike and find work.. "like le'tour de london" long bike ride.. and the same old Tory bods come creeping out like woodlice..
You are spot on with this post. The first time I was made redundant was in April 1984 -despite applying for a large number of jobs (and registering with a temp agency). I did not find any more work until late September and then it was as a temp, in fact it was not for 2 years before I got another permanent job (and then only because I was offered a job at a company I was temping at). I remember going to sign on in Accrington and the queues stretched out of the door.

Being made redundant in a depression can be soul destroying, it is the added pressure of not knowing whether you will ever get another job, whether you are going survive financially. Each job application or interview that turns you down can increase your feelings of 'worthlessness'.
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Old 17-02-2009, 17:05   #49
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Re: Redundancy good for the soul

Originally Posted by claytonender View Post
You are spot on with this post. The first time I was made redundant was in April 1984 -despite applying for a large number of jobs (and registering with a temp agency). I did not find any more work until late September and then it was as a temp, in fact it was not for 2 years before I got another permanent job (and then only because I was offered a job at a company I was temping at). I remember going to sign on in Accrington and the queues stretched out of the door.

Being made redundant in a depression can be soul destroying, it is the added pressure of not knowing whether you will ever get another job, whether you are going survive financially. Each job application or interview that turns you down can increase your feelings of 'worthlessness'.
I have always been lucky with redundancy. But I remember in the 1980s it wasn't uncommon for people to made redundant 2 or 3 times within a short space of time.
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Old 17-02-2009, 17:12   #50
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Re: Redundancy good for the soul

Originally Posted by Robert Owen View Post
I have always been lucky with redundancy. But I remember in the 1980s it wasn't uncommon for people to made redundant 2 or 3 times within a short space of time.
Or lose their jobs because it interfered with their political work
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Old 17-02-2009, 18:42   #51
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Re: Redundancy good for the soul

Originally Posted by Robert Owen View Post
Garinda Ken Hargreaves only won once after 1983, and that was in 1987. And that's only because the Labour Party handed Ken the seat on a plate.
I didn't say anything different. He won two elections, and served as M.P. for Hyndburn 1983-92.

Personally I thought Ken Hargreaves did a good job for the borough, and is a good man, though I never voted for him. He helped me, after my grandma asked him to, and managed to get me some money owed to me whilst I was a student in Liverpool. The city at the mercy of the loony left at the time, under Derek Hatton.

I'll agree about Greg Pope though.

Thankfully Hyndburn came to their senses well before the rest of the country did '97'.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 17-02-2009, 22:15   #52
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Re: Redundancy good for the soul

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
I didn't say anything different. He won two elections, and served as M.P. for Hyndburn 1983-92.

Personally I thought Ken Hargreaves did a good job for the borough, and is a good man, though I never voted for him. He helped me, after my grandma asked him to, and managed to get me some money owed to me whilst I was a student in Liverpool. The city at the mercy of the loony left at the time, under Derek Hatton.

I'll agree about Greg Pope though.

Thankfully Hyndburn came to their senses well before the rest of the country did '97'.
I wasn't inferring that Ken wasn't a good M.P. It took a very good labour candidate in Greg to beat him.
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Old 17-02-2009, 22:28   #53
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Re: Redundancy good for the soul

Originally Posted by Robert Owen View Post
I wasn't inferring that Ken wasn't a good M.P. It took a very good labour candidate in Greg to beat him.
I don't think you were inferring it; but you might have been implying it.
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Old 17-02-2009, 22:44   #54
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Re: Redundancy good for the soul

Originally Posted by Eric View Post
I don't think you were inferring it; but you might have been implying it.
Eric. Neither inferring nor implying. Ken Hargreaves was very popular local M.P.

And as I said it took a very good labour candidate, who also happened to be local to beat him.
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Old 17-02-2009, 23:14   #55
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Re: Redundancy good for the soul

Originally Posted by Robert Owen View Post
Eric. Neither inferring nor implying. Ken Hargreaves was very popular local M.P.

And as I said it took a very good labour candidate, who also happened to be local to beat him.
S'ok .... I was just being pedantic; it's a flaw of mine, essentially harmless, but sometimes annoying. And I just can't resist the urge to do it.
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Old 17-02-2009, 23:58   #56
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Re: Redundancy good for the soul

Originally Posted by Robert Owen View Post
I wasn't inferring that Ken wasn't a good M.P. It took a very good labour candidate in Greg to beat him.
Then I really don't know why you chose to quote my post, about 'the good people of Hyndburn kept returning him, blah, blah, blah, right up until 1992'.

My post contained no inacurracies.

You may not like the fact that this once Labour stronghold returned a Conservative M.P. to Westmisnster, at more than one election, but it's a fact.

You should have selected a more appealing candidate to stand against him.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 18-02-2009, 00:29   #57
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Re: Redundancy good for the soul

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
Then I really don't know why you chose to quote my post, about 'the good people of Hyndburn kept returning him, blah, blah, blah, right up until 1992'.

My post contained no inacurracies.

You may not like the fact that this once Labour stronghold returned a Conservative M.P. to Westmisnster, at more than one election, but it's a fact.

You should have selected a more appealing candidate to stand against him.
I take your point. A more local candidate probably would have taken the seat in 1987. But we put it right in 1992.
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Old 18-02-2009, 00:36   #58
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Re: Redundancy good for the soul

Originally Posted by Eric View Post
S'ok .... I was just being pedantic; it's a flaw of mine, essentially harmless, but sometimes annoying. And I just can't resist the urge to do it.
Sorry Eric I was being a bit pedantic myself.
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Old 19-02-2009, 12:37   #59
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Re: Redundancy good for the soul

well all i can say is what a load of tosh.
i've been made redundant twice in two years (without redundancy pay). do ithink its been good for the soul? do i hell!
in the last two months of unemployment i have done everything in my power to get back to work to no avail. I have been in contact with over 300 coach companies plus the many other related vacancies i have found on the net/jobcenter and had how many redponses? THREE.
no-one is hiring and those vacancies that are there aren't responding
I am worn out, I feel degraded having to attend the job center Every fortnight to claim my pittance of dole money. I cant support my family,
My home is being reposessed and I am in debt up to my eyeballs because tger aint enough coming in to pay the bills.
I have been through every channel to look at the opportunity to retrain or go back to college and I am getting nowhere. College courses dont start untill september so I have to either stay unemployed untill then (which I do not want to do) or dind a job (ha ha) and pay for the course myself come september (which I cant afford).

good for the soul - I think not. I have never felt so low in my life and personally I cant see things getting any better.

They used to say a public flogging was good for the soul, and after a comment like that i think it would be good for mine to see this guy get one.
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Old 19-02-2009, 12:40   #60
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Re: Redundancy good for the soul

i think ya should write to that pillock jedi n explain exactly that.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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