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Old 21-12-2017, 09:35   #1651
God Member

Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!

[QUOTE=Margaret Pilkington;1206039]Oh yes, something else about our perceived racism...have you read any of the reports of those brown men who talk funny and worship a different god, sexually abusing young and vulnerable white girls....Rochdale, Rotherham, Blackburn,Newcastle Oxford, and many many other places where these men saw white girls as easy game, trash and plied them with drugs and alcohol and then perpetrated despicable acts on
Well, I will tell you...the police and social services were afraid that their action would be seen as racist.

if the boot had been on the other foot then it would have stopped just after the abuse started. if applying the law of the land to all is racist then bring it on.
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Old 21-12-2017, 11:11   #1652
Beacon of light

Margaret Pilkington's Avatar
Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
You have just displayed pig ignorance, you really know sod all about the way things have developed oer here. if you knew dave you would know different, but like i said yeh know sod all.
I would not have put it quite like that Cashy, but I know that you call a spade a spade.
I just think that when you do not live here, it is easy to swallow what the media portrays...and he is entitled to his opinion.
However, all that having been said, he is not in a position to sling the racist mud.

I would not dream of giving an opinion of mine about a political or economic situation in California because I KNOW that I am not in a position to judge.
I can only know what the media wants to tell me...and I distrust much of the media.
I would prefer to get the information from the man on the spot, the person living the situation..They know what they can see, they know how it really is from everyday experience.
That was my point(and I know you get it).
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Old 21-12-2017, 19:15   #1653
a multieloquent Mule

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Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!

Originally Posted by Burningman View Post
"colonial" you patronising ass. (Oh how very American of you & "ASS" as far as I recall in the Uk it's Arse, like I said you've been "Colonialised" spent far too long in the god ol' US of A) I come from Dill Hall Lane! I emigrated and have made a home in California among some of the most open hearted people I have ever met. Not once have I been challenged as to my roots... but then again I am a white christian aren't I? (Exactly that, WASP that you are, now had you been a mad Mullah or Mohammedan or even North Korean how welcome do you think you'd be?) That's what you guys are really talking about here isn't it? (And here it is the typical leftist faux outrage & the attempt to shut down argument by shrieking Nazi & racist ... oh please, the dramatic effect has long been put in its box because of over use, it bothers me not what you label me, I know exactly what I am, what my tolerances are & my view on life) beenBrexit had nothing to do with economics or law... (You reckon? If I said to you you've got to open your doors to someone who can't stand you or your customs & culture, don't agree with your laws & customs & on top of that they've got a free hand to do pretty much what they damned well like & you daren't say a thing about it, well just how happy & tolerant would you be when they're trying it on with your kids, wife or even pets?) it's about brown people who speak funny and worship a different God coming over her and taking our .. blah blah. Well I am calling on your racism... (Ooh so I'm a vicious nasty nazi racist ... of course I am in your warped liberal hand wringing whiny leftist world, so what of it? Am I concerned by your dislike of me? Let me think? ..... Nah not a jot! Eventually when your pets are turning on you & biting the hand that fed, watered, housed & paid them egged on by useful idiots such as yourself, the screams will be unmerciful & you'll be begging for knuckle dragging "Racist Nazis" like me to save you & your pathetic liberalist ilk from your own moronic virtue signalling stupidity) It screams on many posts on this thread and it is shameful. I would think you would have more insight than most being a foreigner in another country. (Roger that my foolish friend! I came to Germany in the early 80's as a soldier one of HM's finest to maintain the peace in europe in a Country that had twice in the 20th century brought the world into turmoil so don't try to tell me about racial hatred & nazis, the germans were getting better then Merkel & her mongrels happened on the Germans, violent crime, sexual attacks & anti Semitism has increased drastically in the last few years & would you believe it? Over the same period there has been a rather large influx of ME & NA "Gimmegrants" who also strangely enough adhere to the religion of pieces (coincidence I wonder or malice a forethought) both legal but mainly illegal over the same period ..... funny old thing that but you leftards just can't grasp the simple maxim of "Cause & effect") I hope you are being treated with more empathy and racial tolerance than you allow to others (Yes actually I am thank you very much, mind you that might have something to do with the fact that I applied legally to stay here, confirmed I could support myself & not leech from the state, got myself a job, pay taxes, play by their rules, don't demand special treatment & accommodation of my particular wishes because I'm English, hell I even speaka da lingo, badly admittedly but at least I try, I think it's called integration, whereas mutti's latest "Guests" ....) Talk about hypocrisy.. you walk the walk mate.
You really do fit in well will the great American dream don't you, you've taken it on & embraced it wholeheartedly it seems, your world view is "Red, White & Blue" tainted it appears, you have a singularly American bubble outlook on the rest of the World.

Still you're not alone, I've met many Americans on my travels & most of them have a similar outlook on life, if it ain't American it ain't important, sad but true! And as to your shrill cries of racist, wind your neck in Lad, I learnt Nepalese to better assist the Gurkhas & their families settle in Germany & also within a British Army unit full of soddin' Foreigners "Yorkshiremen". When our commonwealth (Multi coloured, multi nationalities)& Fijian Soldiers or families had a problem with papers or just general "Germanness" in daily life, ikky boy here smoothed the waters & got things squared away.

Enough said I think, so poke your squeals of racism where the sun don't shine mate, it bothers me not. When you know me & my true nature, then & only then have you any right to judge me
I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
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Old 21-12-2017, 19:25   #1654
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Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!

Nice one dave. serves the arrogant sod right.just another know all, that knows nowt.
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Last edited by cashman; 21-12-2017 at 19:31.
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Old 21-12-2017, 19:40   #1655
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Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
I would not have put it quite like that Cashy, but I know that you call a spade a spade.
I just think that when you do not live here, it is easy to swallow what the media portrays...and he is entitled to his opinion.
However, all that having been said, he is not in a position to sling the racist mud.

I would not dream of giving an opinion of mine about a political or economic situation in California because I KNOW that I am not in a position to judge.
I can only know what the media wants to tell me...and I distrust much of the media.
I would prefer to get the information from the man on the spot, the person living the situation..They know what they can see, they know how it really is from everyday experience.
That was my point(and I know you get it).
The fact that he has slung racist mud Margaret, to me, tells me all i need to know about him.
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N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 21-12-2017, 21:20   #1656
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Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!

Yes Cashy, I know it does and you need no virtue signalling to get by in life.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
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Old 21-12-2017, 21:22   #1657
a multieloquent Mule

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Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!

Just for you "Burningman" & also to reinforce your view of my "Nazi" credentials. A prime example of how the idiot left makes not just a rod (or should that be girder?) for its own back & the rest of the populace via their own stupidity & pandering.

Left-Wing Politician Bemoans Lack of Police Action Against Migrant Criminals
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I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
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Old 21-12-2017, 21:25   #1658
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Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!

I see that one of these cultural enrichers has driven an SUV into the Christmas crowds in front of Flinders station in Melbourne.
The police say the man had mental health problems...was not, therefore a terrorist act.
Pardon me?
He is reported to have had an accomplice filming the carnage on a phone...this accomplice was also in possession of a bag of knives...I suppose he had gone out to cut some Holly boughs.

Australia is a country that has very stringent immigration laws, but still they get in and commit carnage against their host country, a country they have chosen to adopt.

I would suggest to the member in California that he look up and perhaps read the Coudenhove-Kalergi plan...just to see if he thinks Europe is on track to fulfil the criteria.
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 21-12-2017, 23:54   #1659
I am Banned

Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!

[QUOTE=Margaret Pilkington;1206037]You have been lucky to be adopted into the heart of your new country.
You are from Dill Hall Lane you tell us... but how long ago?

Yes Margaret he does come from Dill Hall Lane, I worked with his father for many years, and have known Burning Man since he was a little lad. I have'nt seen him in oer ten years, I dont think he realises, how poluted weve become with scavengers, scroungers an evil do'ers since he left our shores, and the ones he lives with now were there generations before he was. If war was declared between India & Pakistan, 1/2 of Bradford & Birmingham would be war zones.
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Old 22-12-2017, 08:14   #1660
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Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!

Retlaw, I was not suggesting that he was misleading us.
Dill Hall Lane has always seemed to me to be quite a select area to live in.
He was not living in the streets along the curry mile.
His views sound as if he has not been back for far more than a decade.
DInG makes a very valid point.
He IS a white man living in California...maybe that accounts for his acceptance in his chosen location, had he been a different race or dare I say it 'colour' and creed maybe his experiences would have been different.

Whatever, he is not in a position to judge and pass comment on what is going on here...though of course he IS entitled to an opinion.

I am fed up of being in a town like Blackburn and feeling like it could be somewhere in Bangladesh.
I am telling it as I see it. Since when has stating facts been racist?
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 22-12-2017, 08:38   #1661
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Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!

I find it amusing that someone in the USA can call other nations out on racial tolerance. They make it sound like they have mastered all of their racial integration issues and can teach the world tolerance.
There is a sunset every day in Morecambe but some are better than others.

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Old 27-12-2017, 22:53   #1662
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Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!

Originally Posted by DaveinGermany View Post
Just for you "Burningman" & also to reinforce your view of my "Nazi" credentials. A prime example of how the idiot left makes not just a rod (or should that be girder?) for its own back & the rest of the populace via their own stupidity & pandering.

Left-Wing Politician Bemoans Lack of Police Action Against Migrant Criminals
“Blood mixture and the resultant drop in the racial level is the sole cause of the dying out of old cultures;" Hitler, Mein Kampf

"the dilution of the "Aryan" race through marriage to other nationals, the pure German is slowly being replaced with a European hominid"...your own words Dave.
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Old 28-12-2017, 00:59   #1663
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Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!

Migrants tell of brutality in Libya - CNN

the European unions complete failure to address this issue is shocking and a good reason to leave

they are too concerned with punishing member states who wont agree to Germany's refugee quota instead of having the leadership to intervene in Libya
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Old 28-12-2017, 06:15   #1664
a multieloquent Mule

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Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!

Originally Posted by Burningman View Post
“Blood mixture and the resultant drop in the racial level is the sole cause of the dying out of old cultures;" Hitler, Mein Kampf

"the dilution of the "Aryan" race through marriage to other nationals, the pure German is slowly being replaced with a European hominid"...your own words Dave.
Not quite sure of your point here? But yes, I'm aware that the Germans are being replaced by marrying non Germans, it happens all over the world too with other populations, but the telling point of your comment is "European Hominid", not some Eurasian drone as envisioned by Coudenhove-Kalergi.
I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
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Old 28-12-2017, 19:55   #1665
a multieloquent Mule

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Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!

Right, got it now! You've taken a sentence from a previous quote (see below) & put it up alongside one of Adolfs little "Nuggets", thereby highlighting the similarity of content. Sneaky, very sneaky, seems you & your sly little lefty convolutions may require some closer watching.

Originally Posted by DaveinGermany View Post
That said though, the dilution of the "Aryan" race through marriage to other nationals, the pure German is slowly being replaced with a European hominid, that & the attitude of the younger Germans is focusing the opinion that the "sins of our fathers" are not our concern. All well & good, but the new liberalism is just as damning.
In my quote (above) I am commenting on a situation prevalent at this time in Germany. Whereas (below) the original comment from Adolf taken in full is a justification by him as to his belief in the "Supremacy" of the Deutsche Volk above all others.

"Blood mixture and the resultant drop in the racial level is the sole cause of the dying out of old cultures; for men do not perish as a result of lost wars, but by the loss of that force of resistance which is contained only in pure blood. All who are not of good race in this world are chaff...."

So taken in context, the content may appear similar, yet in actuallity their intentions are not. But Hell, that doesn't suit the agenda does it?
I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
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