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10-11-2018, 19:07
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!
How about, Free Union for Continental Kinship and European Dignity?
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
Quotes & quoting
Last edited by Less; 10-11-2018 at 19:13.
10-11-2018, 19:27
Beacon of light
Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!
Would that be them...or us Less?
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
10-11-2018, 19:33
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
Would that be them...or us Less?
Equal shares for all in Utopia.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
Quotes & quoting
10-11-2018, 19:57
Beacon of light
Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!
I am fed up of reading these 'could' and 'might' stories.
I COULD win a chunk of money if I bought a lottery ticket.....but the odds are heavily against me.
The media love to print stories that second guess what MIGHT happen.....and there are those unfortunate people who cannot see past these two words....they cannot engage critical thought to let them come to some sort of reasoned idea.
That is NOT the fault of the media...it is the fault of the swallower.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
10-11-2018, 20:25
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
I am fed up of reading these 'could' and 'might' stories.
I COULD win a chunk of money if I bought a lottery ticket.....but the odds are heavily against me.
The media love to print stories that second guess what MIGHT happen.....and there are those unfortunate people who cannot see past these two words....they cannot engage critical thought to let them come to some sort of reasoned idea.
That is NOT the fault of the media...it is the fault of the swallower.
Well its the dustbin that keeps printing em. 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
10-11-2018, 21:13
Beacon of light
Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!
yes....I know, but it is unthinking individuals who keep believing this mush....and posting links.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
10-11-2018, 21:14
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Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!
I'm just surprised that anyone whichever way they voted is surprised at how the whole thing is going - Theresa May was wholeheartedly a remainer until she got the job as prime minister, albeit by default. For all her protestations that Brexit means Brexit & No deal is better than a raw deal, did anyone seriously expect that she meant it?
10-11-2018, 22:16
Beacon of light
Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!
I always thought that getting ourselves out would be a crapfight....but I felt that although she was a remainer, she would honour the result of the referendum.
She has not had an easy ride of it.....and there have been times when I have felt sorry for her.
Not only has she had to deal with the pit of snakes that are supposed to negotiating our exit, but she has had a bigger pit of snakes in her own party.
All along the way she has been badly advised.....from calling a snap election(like that was going to work...and yet people kept on saying she did not have a mandate from the electorate) then the Chequers plan.
Firstly that was never going to go down well with Michel Barnier...or JC Junker...so it had little chance of success...but also the strong arm tactics of trying to get tory ministers on board was a bit like shovelling fleas across a barn yard.
When she took. on the role of PM she inherited a poison chalice...so I do not envy her one little bit.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
11-11-2018, 21:44
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!
I gave her the benefit of doubt, even though she made a balls when Home Sec, I think i was wrong to do so, agree its a poisoned chalice, but fail to see how she could be this stupid.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
11-11-2018, 21:53
Beacon of light
Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!
I really do not think she is stupid Cashy....she is presiding over a parliament that is a pit of self serving snakes, whose only interest is their own careers....not the interests of the country.
She has had so many daggers put in her back, from those who are supposed to be on her side.
She has had the hardest job of any prime minister since the last war....and very little backing.
There have been those who have openly let the people across the channel know the game plan. They would make bloody awful poker players.
It must have been gleeful for Michel Barnier and JCJunker to see the Tory party so divided.
A divided nation is easy to defeat...It played right into their hands.
So I don't think she carries all the blame on this.
It was never going to be easy...And I think I would have walked away and told them to 'give me a bell' when they can agree on some compromise.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
12-11-2018, 10:27
God Member
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Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!
I'm sure, like 14+ million other people, we are all sick and tired of two years of constantly being told why we voted to Leave, and just how misled we were. But those two years of political chicanery convince me of two things.
First is that the vast majority of MPs and the entire metropolitan media (especially the Brussels Broadcasting Corporation) continue to despise the electorate, consider us ignorant fools, and are certain they can manipulate us. The latest evidence is that pompous Keir Starmer, amongst others, telling us that no-one voted for a no deal.
But I recall that the only reason that Cameron called the referendum was that he'd come back from Brussels having failed to get any deal for minor changes from the EU.
So the truth is that the majority of the British people did actually vote for a no deal, because they knew that was the only thing on offer.
And the second thing is that I would vote for no deal to get out of the EU a second, third, fourth or as many times as asked.
12-11-2018, 10:57
Beacon of light
Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!
That is exactly right.
I would prefer that the EU did not spoil the habit of the lifetime we have been in it....to offer us anything of any value....they are villains and shysters whose only aim is to create a monster Federal States of Europe....with harmonised taxes, financial institutions and an EU Army.....and I also knew what I was voting for.
I knew that it was not going to be easy, but I am prepared to put up with whatever it takes for us to be free.
So Morecambe Ex-pat....I second your motion...and will third it and fourth it.
Our politicians are so out of touch with how the grass roots feel....especially in the North of the country.
I include our MP in that too....he seemed to think we were too dumb to wipe slavver off our chin, let alone vote on the issue.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
12-11-2018, 11:26
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
I really do not think she is stupid Cashy....she is presiding over a parliament that is a pit of self serving snakes, whose only interest is their own careers....not the interests of the country.
She has had so many daggers put in her back, from those who are supposed to be on her side.
She has had the hardest job of any prime minister since the last war....and very little backing.
There have been those who have openly let the people across the channel know the game plan. They would make bloody awful poker players.
It must have been gleeful for Michel Barnier and JCJunker to see the Tory party so divided.
A divided nation is easy to defeat...It played right into their hands.
So I don't think she carries all the blame on this.
It was never going to be easy...And I think I would have walked away and told them to 'give me a bell' when they can agree on some compromise.
agree with most of that Margaret, but to me the stupidity is deserved, by calling that election?she knew the people in her party and what they were like, she was a remainer and i honestly think she still is, i dont believe for a min she has changed, though she made a damn good effort in conning people,she had, i include myself in that comment, so i also deserve the stupid tag.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
Last edited by cashman; 12-11-2018 at 11:30.
12-11-2018, 12:23
Beacon of light
Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!
No Cashy, you do not.
We have to put our trust in those we elect...even if they are not who we voted for.
We have to be governed....like it or not.
I think she was most definitely badly advised....but without knowing what the advice was or how it was put to her we should not judge. You can only make decisions on the information you have to hand at the time.
Maybe the snakey is civil servants(and none of them want us to leave) gave her misinformation....I don't know...but it would make sense to me.
Yes, she is a remainer but my belief is that she accepted the vote and set about trying to fulfill the wishes of the electorate.
In this she was thwarted at every turn...And I believe that this was the doing of very senior civil servants....she has presided over a nest of vipers.
Very little support has she had from any corner.
As for 'call me Dave' Cameron....he is a coward because he set this in motion and then ran for the hills.
That is not the action of an honourable man...in fact it is not even the action of a man...he is a wuss who could not handle the thought of going to Brussels again....they really slapped him down.
At least TM tried to make a fist of it....that she has not succeeded is down to those who telegraphed the battle plans to Brussels.
Those are the ones who should be held responsible....and the looney leftie luvvies.
If they like the EU so much let the flit.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
Last edited by Margaret Pilkington; 12-11-2018 at 12:26.
12-11-2018, 18:36
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Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!
How come Dyson who is 100% Brexit isn't building his new electric car plant in the UK but in Singapore!
How come he's not making them in the UK? People like him will never suffer because of job losses caused by a hard Brexit if it comes to a no deal Brexit.
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