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09-12-2018, 19:33
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Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!
Originally Posted by MoreJoe
....I had always counted on Auntie Beeb to provide News rather than editorial?
Joe, you don’t know just how wrong you’ve been.
I listen to a lot of BBC Radio 4 and, regrettably, have come to the conclusion that it is a political organ. I don’t mean just in what news it reports but also in all it’s output. Nearly every radio programme has a political slant, and it slants the same way.
09-12-2018, 19:57
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!
Originally Posted by Exile on Spencer St
Joe, you don’t know just how wrong you’ve been.
I listen to a lot of BBC Radio 4 and, regrettably, have come to the conclusion that it is a political organ. I don’t mean just in what news it reports but also in all it’s output. Nearly every radio programme has a political slant, and it slants the same way.
Which way?
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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09-12-2018, 20:44
Beacon of light
Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!
It seems the disillusionment of the EU by ordinary people is not confined to the UK...maybe people are waking up to the dictatorial ways that Brussels employs to keep 'club members' in line.
Not a second before time.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
10-12-2018, 09:33
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
It seems the disillusionment of the EU by ordinary people is not confined to the UK...maybe people are waking up to the dictatorial ways that Brussels employs to keep 'club members' in line.
Not a second before time.
Well France,Greece,Spain,Holland, Belgium, some people seem to be waking up to that fact, perhaps others also.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
10-12-2018, 10:30
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Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!
The ECJ (court of justice what a joke) it’s just been shown to be a political tool of the corrupt EU, almost pleading for traitor Theresa May to scrap Brexit
10-12-2018, 10:53
Beacon of light
Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!
Yes, they are saying that we could just revoke Article 50.
They would love that.
There would be no need to look for how to plug the great gaping hole in their finances when we DO eventually leave.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
10-12-2018, 12:25
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Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!
It’s laughable now.
While the Govt were dithering over whether to invoke Aticle 50 (it only took them 9 months) I’m sure I remember them being ‘warned’ by EU ‘experts’ that, once done, it couldn’t be revoked.
10-12-2018, 12:27
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Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!
Originally Posted by Less
Which way?
Mmm, let me think about that.
Maybe appointing an ex Labour Party Minister, Blair acolyte, and ‘alleged’ expenses fiddler as Head of BBC radio gives a clue.
10-12-2018, 18:05
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Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!
For some time, the Prime Minister has insisted , quite rightly in my opinion that the result of the referendum should be followed through and UK should leave the EU on 29 March next year. She felt that democracy should be respected and that is what the people voted for. Again I am in total agreement with this.
Today, she informs Parliament that the "meaningful vote " on her deal would not happen tomorrow as it would most likely be significantly rejected. How does this fit in with democracy (which originates from the Greek demos and kratia, the power of the people). Today we have the power of one person who can disregard democracy if they are going to lose.
10-12-2018, 18:29
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Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!
Just reading the reports on this afternoons proceedings in Parliament and this made me smile.
Labour MP Peter Kyle asks whether it's true that no prime minister is better than a bad prime minister.
10-12-2018, 18:30
Beacon of light
Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!
She wants time to give away more concessions to the grinning loons in Brussels.....while they encourage her to see that revoking article 50 is quite feasible....desirable even....from their point of view that is.
Whatever gave you the idea that democracy would be respected Mark?
It is only respected when it meets with their idea of what is right....don't you know that we are far to thick to be able to understand such a complicated principle?
What a blooming dogs breakfast. I am ashamed to be British.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
10-12-2018, 19:07
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!
As far as i'm concerned today displays perfectly the "Arrogance" of this bitch, everyone has virtually told her the deal is crap. shes insisted this vote will be tomorrow,and 24 hours before has cancelled, simply cos the penny has dropped, yet she has also always insisted No Deal,is better than a bad deal, yet is she gonna tell em that? is she hell as like, shes going back yon to try get some movement on the backstop, NOT to start re-negotiating, shes been full of crap from day 1, never once has she left it up to the brexit negotiator to try to get a reasonable deal, which is why they have all quit.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
10-12-2018, 21:25
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Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!
Sitting here across the Atlantic watching the back and forth between Britain and the EU. Then between TM and TM (I am sure she is talking to herself...and arguing too)
I see a situation today best summed up by the Internet expression "W T F".
11-12-2018, 10:11
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Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!
[QUOTE=Margaret Pilkington;....while they encourage her to see that revoking article 50 is quite feasible....desirable even....from their point of view that is.
and that has always been the problem, its always been from their point of view yet some still do not grasp it.
11-12-2018, 11:32
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Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!
I’ve never thought of myself as a destructive type of chap but after watching BBC2 news this morning and hearing all the reasons we should cancel Brexit the TV nearly went though the window. Only the thought of the cold air blowing in stopped me.
In my eyes even those who say they support Brexit are secretly working against it happening.
Gremlin R.T.
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