Originally Posted by cashman
Can't accept that Margaret, the truth was remain or leave anyone thinks different is stupid or very devious, its that simple to me.
Yes...of course that was the question.
The problem arose when we chose the Leave option.
It did not fit with what our politicians expected....so they have worked tirelessly to thwart the will of the people....and the deal offered to TM was just that....it was promoted by the government as the only option....and it was supposed to be leave...but even a blind man can see that it ties us to the EU with the only chance of getting out(is not getting out) is with their permission......and we both know that they are never in a million years going to let us go.....but the government will tell you that they have fulfilled the wishes of the electorate by getting a deal that allows us(on the twelfth of never) to leave.
It is all about interpretation.
On the ballot paper it did not say 'leave with a deal'
It did not say 'leave with no deal'.
We were hoodwinked by the sound bite 'leave means leave' (unless it is the deal offered by the EU)
We were also assured by the PM that No Deal was preferable to a bad deal.....so then you need to define what constitutes a bad deal(this one fits that bill,perfectly)
You see Cashy we had our expectations raised. we did not consider all the dirty tricks that would be pulled by the likes of Dominic Grieve, Keir Starmer, Ken Clarke et al and the project fear that was used to scare the electorate.
Not to mention those who considered the people who voted to leave as brainless idiots, and boring old farts...the same boring old farts that heaved this country out of the brown stuff after the last war (but we aren't supposed to mention that are we) the boring old farts that the young voters wished dead, for us wanting to take back the freedoms that our fathers fought so hard to obtain.
So if that sounds bitter and twisted, it is because it IS.
I feel that we, as a nation, have been betrayed....sold down the river by a few hundred career politicians who care for only their own agendas.