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Old 30-03-2019, 20:45   #2566
Beacon of light

Margaret Pilkington's Avatar
Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!

Whereas....our representative in Parliament says he works hard for the area(which one?The Yemen? Syria).....and that his door is always open.....ready to answer questions, bury stupidity,(so there he is again....making generalisations) protect jobs and is actions we need not words.
As the proverb says'fair words butter no parsnips'

Maybe the spectre of a GE is giving him some cause for concern.
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Old 31-03-2019, 11:35   #2567
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post

Maybe the spectre of a GE is giving him some cause for concern.
Nah, he's a politician he doesn't worry about such minor items in fact his record shows he doesn't worry about anything that concerns the local populace, if it ain't the party line he won't tug on the rope.
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Old 31-03-2019, 12:37   #2568
Beacon of light

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Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!

Less, that he believes he has worked hard for the area gives some cause for concern.
He is clearly deluded...or maybe that thought gives him comfort.
I think he should let his constituents decide on his performance.
Maybe that opportunity will come quicker than he hopes.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 31-03-2019, 13:05   #2569
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Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!

Thing is did our M.P. not surrender the Party Whip cos of Labours New Leader? yet now he seems to be backing him. pardon me but thats HYPOCRISY of the highest order to me?
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Old 31-03-2019, 13:42   #2570
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Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!

yes he did Cashy.
Maybe he thinks we are not only thick, but have short memories too.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 31-03-2019, 15:31   #2571
God Member

Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!

Originally Posted by Ryewolf90 View Post
... he seems to be one of the few people I've come across that isn't spouting doom and gloom over a no deal brexit - though I'm sure there are others....
There are plenty of others, it’s just that they tend to get ignored or ‘no platformed’ by the metropolitan media.
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Old 31-03-2019, 15:46   #2572
God Member

Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!

Here’s a transcript of Mervin King’s excellent interview on Radio 4 t’other day. For once, we’ll done to the Brussels Broadcasting Corporation.
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Old 31-03-2019, 16:38   #2573
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Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!

Originally Posted by Exile on Spencer St View Post
There are plenty of others, it’s just that they tend to get ignored or ‘no platformed’ by the metropolitan media.
It does not suit the establishment to promote those who can see clearly that there is a way out without bending the knee to Brussels.
And looking at the transcript it is clear and well thought out.....more than that some of us on here have been saying some of those things, perhaps in different ways, but in essence the same.

We have had things hidden from us by the people to whom the 'leave' result was a shock.
The deal that is currently on offer is NOT leaving.....except in name...but we would still be tied to the EU without an opportunity to influence anything....though we, so far, in the 46 years we have been enmeshed, have influenced precisely NOTHING.

Mervyn King is right when he says that preparations for leaving without a deal should have been started from the outset because we KNOW that the EU is peevish and unable to negotiate in the true sense of the word.

This transition period is a time when the EU could bring in punitive rules and laws(and I think I have read something that makes me think that we would find it difficult to revoke them....though I could be wrong).
The fact that JCJ and MB are still smiling means that they feel we are entrapped.

It also seems like Oliver Letwin has been conniving with Michel Barnier with the aim of thwarting a democratic vote....he should be deselected by his constituents for this underhand activity.

Though I really feel that TRAITORS SHOULD BE HANGED.
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Last edited by Margaret Pilkington; 31-03-2019 at 16:41.
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Old 31-03-2019, 16:52   #2574
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Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!

In the immortal words of Groucho Marx:
"I don't want to belong to any club that would accept me as a member".
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Old 31-03-2019, 16:54   #2575
Beacon of light

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Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!

I voted not to join the EEC all those years vote was in vain.
I accepted the democratic decision....those who wanted to join were in the majority.
I have waited 46 years to be given another chance to have my say.
I have seen the situation change from a 'trading organisation' to one which wants to swallow up national identities and substitute the Federal States of the EU.
I have seen proud countries brought to their knees by the ideology of the EU.
The single currency has hobbled the economies of Greece and Italy and to some extent Spain and Portugal.
The unemployment levels for young people in those countries are approaching 50%.
That is half of all young people without jobs....impoverished by the is an entity that runs on its own rules...unelected and therefore this not a dictatorship?
It looks very much like it from where I why would anyone want to be a party to such an organisation?

So if we are betrayed by the spineless politicians that are currently in Parliament I can see violence and riots ahead.
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 31-03-2019, 19:43   #2576
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Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!

Well said Margaret.
You deserve to have your parsnips buttered! ;-)
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Old 31-03-2019, 19:56   #2577
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
I voted not to join the EEC all those years vote was in vain.
I accepted the democratic decision....those who wanted to join were in the majority.
I have waited 46 years to be given another chance to have my say.
I have seen the situation change from a 'trading organisation' to one which wants to swallow up national identities and substitute the Federal States of the EU.
I have seen proud countries brought to their knees by the ideology of the EU.
The single currency has hobbled the economies of Greece and Italy and to some extent Spain and Portugal.
The unemployment levels for young people in those countries are approaching 50%.
That is half of all young people without jobs....impoverished by the is an entity that runs on its own rules...unelected and therefore this not a dictatorship?
It looks very much like it from where I why would anyone want to be a party to such an organisation?

So if we are betrayed by the spineless politicians that are currently in Parliament I can see violence and riots ahead.
Aye but probably half of those young without jobs reckon corbyn will fix it. just remind me oer tuition fees.
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Old 31-03-2019, 21:36   #2578
Beacon of light

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Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!

I did not mean the young people of this country Cashy....unemployment here has fallen to its lowest level for something like 40 years(some of this fall may be in the way stats are recorded).
I am talking about the way the goons in Brussels have demeaned the non industrialised countries in the level playing field for them.
Yet they can do absolutely nothing about it.
These bureaucrats are not elected, so cannot be voted out.
Greece will never in a million years be able too pay back what it owes to Brussels?
Had Greece been in charge of its own money (not tied in to the Euro) it could have devalued its currency....making holidays cheaper, more competitive and eventually become fiscally sound.
Being in the Eu was detrimental their financial stability

Now who is to sat that the EU in the. Interim of us getting out, will not get up to some jiggery poker to damage the UK in some way?
What is for sure is that they want to see us fail....and fail spectacularly.
I do not trust them as far as I could throw a tree.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 01-04-2019, 08:12   #2579
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Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
unemployment here has fallen to its lowest level for something like 40 years(some of this fall may be in the way stats are recorded)

The figure refers to the number of people entitled to unemployment benefit. Many people out of work are offered training schemes where they are paid a few quid a week. They officially come off unemployment benefit which reduces the number of people claiming.

The figures are as meaningless as their fictitious inflation figures.
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Old 01-04-2019, 08:46   #2580
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Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!

Yes....I felt sure that there would be some kind of government chicanery to account for some of the figures.
That said, our economy has done better than the doom mongers predicted when the it was seen that those who voted wanted to leave the EU.

The common agricultural policy and the fishing policies of the EU have meant farmers and fishermen have seen their livelihoods shrink....with fishermen having to throw back perfectly edible fish because EU rules mean they cannot legally sell this instead of feeding people(or even going into animal feed) it feeds the seagulls.
There are varieties of apples that used to be common on our market stall, but the EU clamped down on those they have disappeared....if they cannot be sold then growers will not grow them.
It is more economical for farmers to let their fields out to wind farms than grow food in them.
This dismantling of our life styles and heritage has been going on for more than 4 decades....too long.....let us be OUT.....right out.

The French cherry pick the rules they will follow....and ignore the rest....and no action is taken against them.
Brits follow rules slavishly...
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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