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Old 18-09-2019, 14:36   #3166
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!

Have to disagree with that, those who will vote Lib Dem after what that bitch has promised to me are voting for a dictator just to suit their own ends. and they are too stupid or dont care enough to see it.
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Old 18-09-2019, 16:54   #3167
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Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!

Cashy which bit do you think I have got wrong?

Of course, I am comfortable with you having different views to me(that makes me Liberal)...unlike the lib-Dems....they cannot bear anyone having a different view of things....and are happy to legislate against any other opinions.....a real vote loser that.

If they will ignore the voters on something as important as this, then they would be likely to ignore the views of the voters on other issues

she will get those who want to remain in the EU to vote for her....maybe, but like many others....come the GE, she is just as likely to get the heave ho.

These traitors will be remembered and not in a good way.
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Old 18-09-2019, 18:05   #3168
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
to me a dictator is a leader who ignores the will of the people hitler did that, and got away with it, the will of the people was Leave, so that makes her a DICTATOR.
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
so are all the remainers who have done all in their power to disrupt the process of leaving the EU.
John evidence in the Supreme court is the biggest traitor...and a hypocrite to boot.
He suspended Parlaiment to to deflect the 'Cash for Questions' Issue....and he suspended it for 19 days...not the five that Boris has suspended it for....then Majors ineffectual government was taken down and Tony Blair elected.
So this former PM thinks it is a good idea to throw Boris under the leave the doors open for a Jeremy Corbyn caretaker government.
If that happens then we really will see the pound slide...and a no deal Brexit would look like a cakewalk.
John Major is showboating.....he has absolutely nothing in his political life that he can be proud of
The bit that says "So are all the remainers" I cannot see them as Dictators at all, just fools and selfish uns at that who follow Swinton simply to get their own way, thats the bit, unless i have misunderstood?
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Old 18-09-2019, 18:31   #3169
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Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!

Oops....I really meant the Remainer MP's who have obstructed all attempts to get us out of the EU.

The likes of John Major, Kenneth Clarke, Philip Hammond, etc etc.....and all those who have left the party, gone to parties that they were not elected to.
These are people who campaigned on the manifestos that said they would respect the result of the vote.
The people who were given a raft of votes to determine what they wanted the WA to look like.

The answer, Cashy....and it is a simpleton who cannot see that the ruling elite(those we elected to represent us) want to revoke article 50.

They have not voted for a deal, because they do not want a deal......all this hoo-ha about not wanting a NO Deal is a red herring.
These MP's all think that they know better than us....they do not want to deliver what WE want.....just what they want.
Which stay.

I should have explained myself better.
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Old 18-09-2019, 19:54   #3170
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!

Yep but surely the Dictator is the Leader? Good old Swinson i agree those you name want to stay in, end of the day they are nothing as regards power.
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Old 18-09-2019, 21:03   #3171
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Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!

yes she is,of a relatively minor party but realistically she has very little chance of being PM...although she might be in the same position as Nick Clegg was or the DUP leader....the case of the tail wagging the dog...
But that will only happen if there is an election...and as I said before, she might lose her seat, along with many othrs that have created this chaos.
My hope is that Boris has a secret scud missile up his that will destroy Bercow and all the other white flag wavers.
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Old 19-09-2019, 07:56   #3172
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Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!

[QUOTE=accybeme;1231992]This is our friends in Europe, in the invent of no-deal Guy Verhofstadt has put together a plan to ostracize the UK from any future trade deals,

i really hope that he does that. those in the eu that export to us especially food and motor vehicles will then see him for what he is and the eu for what it is. in the long run it could start the end for people like him and the start of mass unrest in the organisation. they may not like us but like our money.
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Old 19-09-2019, 09:00   #3173
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Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!

Spot on Monkey hanger.
We Brits are disliked, but not the money we contribute.
Only Germany puts in more than we do. A big hole to fill if we do eventually escape.
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Old 19-09-2019, 19:23   #3174
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!

Just seen on Sky news the E.U. president Junker says a deal can be done before Oct 31St, so Blair,Major,Corbyn, and all the other ******* who accused B.J. of lying has demonstated its a load of balls, and they are the ones lyning for there own ends it seems to me.
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Old 19-09-2019, 19:36   #3175
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Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!

couple of interesting comments from a news site.
1)Despite EU denials, each year its debt increases. By deferring unpaid bills to the next budget it can keep saying it is running a balanced budget. EU overspending has increased from 131bn at the end of its last budget in 2006 to a projected 247bn euro by the end of this current budget in 2020.

Not only does the 2021-27 budget start 247bn in debt but the EU will be losing the UK's contribution. HMRC projections indicate if the UK remains we would give the EU between 112bn and 150bn (166bn euro) during the 2021-27 budget. But despite having a hole of about 400bn euro, the EU intend increasing 2021-27 spending by 179bn euro.

Now here's the problem. The 6 or 7 counties that pay for the EU, have refused to accept massive contribution increases. Germany alone faces up to a 100bn increase. But the 20 countries that do not pay a penny, just take money out, have told Brussels they will not tolerate a reduction in their subsidies.With these problems is the EU in a position to dictate to the UK?

2)EU data reports the UK was the most PROFITABLE market for the EU 27's trade in goods in 2016 and 2017. (135.6bn and 129.6bn euro respectively.)
The US replaced the UK as the EU number1 most PROFITABLE market with 139.6bn euro in 2018. In 2017, just 5 countries accounted for 70% of all EU goods exports to the UK. 17 countries accounted for an insignificant 7.5% of EU exports to UK.

The majority of EU states have virtually no exports with the UK. The UK is Germany's 1st or 2nd single most profitable market.

The economy of the EU's biggest contributor is already on the brink of recession. If trade with Latvia was interrupted so what. But for the top 5 EU exporters,the loss of UK market would be disastrous.

As the Belgian Economy Minister Kris Peeters said about no deal, (Oct2017) "The economic consequences will be catastrophiic...for Belgium."
Despite the iignorant denials of Remoaners, the EU would be plunged into crisis if it lost the 123 billion euro profit it made from the UK in 2018.

Worth a read.
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Last edited by Margaret Pilkington; 19-09-2019 at 19:39.
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Old 19-09-2019, 19:55   #3176
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Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!

Just a note...I have converted the comments from what seems to be a wellread individual in blue to denote that they are not my words.....but this information is in the public domain for those who wish to check it out.

It really bears out what we have been saying all along...that the EU cannot pass an audit...and that they really do need us far more than we need them.

Should we be forced to stay in the EU....if article 50 is revoked, this would mean our yearly subscriptions to this club would become crippling because they have to get the money from somewhere...and there are more vanity (expensive) projects in the pipeline.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Last edited by Margaret Pilkington; 19-09-2019 at 19:57.
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Old 20-09-2019, 08:13   #3177
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Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post

Should we be forced to stay in the EU....if article 50 is revoked, this would mean our yearly subscriptions to this club would become crippling because they have to get the money from somewhere...and there are more vanity (expensive) projects in the pipeline.
get some more dosh from greece and the old eastern block countries who seem to live on, its better to receive than to give. the club was bad enough but the inclusion of the latter ones have at least given more ammunition and increased the number of leavers.
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Old 20-09-2019, 17:16   #3178
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Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!

Found the graphs and the linked article interesting:

Basically, it suggests the EU, especially Germany, needs the UK more than we need the entire EU.
When the UK is not counted as part of the EU we become the 2nd-biggest buyer of EU goods in the World, almost as large as the USA and far more important to the EU27 than China.
Quite simply, the UK does dreadfully out of the Customs Union
Tariff-free access merely allows EU conglomerates to flood the UK market, to the detriment of UK manufacturing and jobs. It only benefits multinational companies, not the 92% of British business who do not trade with the EU.
It forces the Common External Tariff on the UK, which means UK consumers pay far more for imported goods than they need to. It works in the interests of EU27 countries, not in the UK’s interests.
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Old 20-09-2019, 17:35   #3179
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Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!

No surprises there then.
No wonder they want to tie us into the customs union...good for them and terrible for us

None of this information is being disseminated to the general population...and a lot of them either do not know how to find it or are happy to suck up what our Pro remain biased media want to portray.
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Last edited by Margaret Pilkington; 20-09-2019 at 17:39.
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Old 20-09-2019, 19:54   #3180
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Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!

And another thing....the European Central Bank has printed 3billion Euros in the last three months....that is money that is not earned....quantitive easing is what it is called.....injecting liquidity into the European financial markets(thin air money is what some people call it because the banks create it out of thin air) this suggests that things in the Eurozone are pretty damn serious.
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