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Old 28-09-2019, 11:50   #3241
Beacon of light

Margaret Pilkington's Avatar
Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!

Originally Posted by accybeme View Post
Just why did the remainder’s want to recall parliament, was it just to stir up hate & division in this land, the 2016 referendum was a simple leave or remain, all parties said they would honour the result, and now they are calling for JB to resign because he wants to honour that commitment, the death of joe cox & threats to other MP’s should have been condemned by all members, to try and implicate JB for such disgusting acts is a total ridiculous,, as for the supreme court judges should they not be sitting to judge the behaviour of MPs that promised to honour that 2016 referendum as being unlawful
They wanted to recall Parliament so that they can continue to subvert the will of the people.
They also want to score points against The PM.
They say that they want to further discuss details about Brexit(small round things, globular objects, rollocks) they have had three years of discussing.
Now they can see a PM who means business and they do not like it. He has made more progress in the time since he was appointed, but it is not the sort of progress remainers want, is it?

This is because they are not interested in the WA.
They are all dishonest, because what they really want is to revoke article 50, they feel that the only way this could happen is by continuously delaying.

The Media and parliamentarians want to pour as much discredit on the PM.

It is OK for them to use insulting and disparaging language, but not OK for the Leavers to use the same tactics.

What is sauce for the goose should be sauce for the gander.
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Last edited by Margaret Pilkington; 28-09-2019 at 11:53.
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Old 28-09-2019, 14:08   #3242
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Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!

Originally Posted by MoreJoe View Post
A friend of mine from Australia was talking to me about John Anderson, a tv broadcaster who conducts in depth conversations with some informed and interesting people. Then he sent me a couple of links as examples and lo and behold I feel like I scored twice. The video link I posted below is about a year old but I found it very informative and spot on.
It also introduced me to a lady I was unfamiliar with but I really enjoyed her knowledge, her wit, and her delivery. Her name is Melanie Phillips and I guess you may already know of her.
Fair warning, the video is almost an hour long but well worth a watch.

Well, were was a longish watch.
Initially , when I saw it was Melanie Phillips I was a bit concerned that she might be on her left wing promoting soapbox.
She used to write for the left wing Guardain I was totally wrong footed by her change in her ideology.

That was a very interesting video and I found myself not only agreeing with her, but cheering her staance.
Many of the things she said, I have been saying on here for as long as I can remember.
So thank you for posting the video.

For those of you who have not watched it...i recommend it!
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 28-09-2019, 14:22   #3243
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Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!

i cant im waiting for some mate to sort my computer sound has gone. gonna take 6 days at least away at moment.
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Old 28-09-2019, 14:35   #3244
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Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!

Well Cashy....when you get your sound back, it is worth a look....failing that watch on YouTube with subtitles.
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Old 29-09-2019, 09:23   #3245
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Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!

Way Back on this thread, I said that I was suspicious that remainers had colluded with the people inside the EU...(those who were opposite us and supposed to be negotiating a WA)
I said I felt that they had been supported with advice on how to keep the UK from leaving the EU.

Well what do you know? Investigations are taking place because there is evidence to suggest that this is the case.

Oliver Letwin Dominic Grieve and Philip Hammond have been impicated......Philip Hammond has said that this is categorically untrue...but then, he would say that wouldn't he?
Is that not treachery? Is that not the work of traitors, fifthe columnists??

There is even a suggestion that John Bercow might bypass the PM and appoint an EU commissioner over his head.

What has it come to when elected MP's sell out their voters by seeking assisstance from the organisation we are trying to leave?

I am going lie down in a darkened room with a valium sandwich (sigh)
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 01-10-2019, 19:41   #3246
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Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!

I think Sadiq Khan is probably going to be one of the bigger threats. I believe he will replace Corbyn before long and is poised to become the new Blair.

- here is his twitter message from yesterday ….

Sadiq Khan@SadiqKhan·
Sep 30
To the one million EU citizens who have made our city your home: you are Londoners, you make a huge contribution and you are welcome here.

What he neglects to mention is whether he includes.....

….that lot.
I wouldn't be surprised if once they leave jail they will end up with a council flat in Islington and full benefits. Johnson (or someone) needs to start pushing that any rights should only be granted to law abiding citizens and we need to reserve the right to expel the likes of murderers, rapists, burglars etc.
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Old 01-10-2019, 21:30   #3247
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Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!

Sadiq Khan has nothing at all to be proud of during his time as Mayor of London.....and as for taking over From Corbyn....I think there might be a queue.

No one in their right mind would want to emulate TB....a bigger liar than Tom Pepper and the single most hated man for what he did to the fabric of society.
He was big on sound bites and little on action...more interested in how he will be portrayed in the history books, than sorting the ills of the country.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 01-10-2019, 23:23   #3248
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Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!

Being a newbie to this site I find a refreshing approach to the healthy debate of current topics.
My own perspective on the whole Brexit issue being that in 1652, the Civil War commenced to decide who had the ultimate power to represent the wishes of the people, the Sovereign or Parliament. I have grave concerns when reading in the press or hearing on TV, that we appear to in an era of “the Sovereignty of Parliament”. I don’t recall a vote transferring “the divine right”, from the one to 650!
Whether a leaver or remainer, a democratic referendum was held, the arguments for and against presented and it’s time this was accepted and the expressed will of the majority respected.
History holds many examples of the failures of appeasement towards European issues and and unless we begin to acknowledge the fundamentals of democracy we are in danger of accepting our elected “betters”, have that dive right to make decisions regardless of the wishes of the people.
Still the Civil War only lasted nine years so only another six to go maybe

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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Old 16-10-2019, 18:11   #3249
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Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!

jaguar and land rover now think leaving the E.U. will be a good thing, funny sod all on any news channel that ive seen go look it up folks.
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Old 16-10-2019, 20:35   #3250
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Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
jaguar and land rover now think leaving the E.U. will be a good thing, funny sod all on any news channel that ive seen go look it up folks.
Oh, c'mon Cashy....we all know that the reporting media do not report those things that portray leaving the EU in good light....they all want us to be cowering and afraid of the future.
They want us to be submissive to a dictatorial undemocratic regime.

A divided and fearful population is far easier to manipulate and control.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 17-10-2019, 09:53   #3251
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Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
jaguar and land rover now think leaving the E.U. will be a good thing, funny sod all on any news channel that ive seen go look it up folks.
oh they will cashy if they can find something wrong about the owners at jaguar and land rover now. it will head the news channels.
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Old 17-10-2019, 23:40   #3252
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Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!

I see the Anti-Brexit campaigners have launched a legal bid to stop the UK government from passing its proposed EU withdrawal agreement. Campaigner Jo Maugham QC confirmed the petition had been lodged at Scotland's highest civil court. Why are these all going through the Scottish Courts and not English ones?????

Mr Maugham was involved in the legal fight against Boris Johnson's decision to suspend parliament for five weeks - a move that was ruled unlawful by the Supreme Court.

He was also part of the team that wants the Court of Session to rule on whether it could use a special power called nobile officium to sign letter requesting an extension to the Brexit process on behalf of the government.
An Oxymoron is but an Onomatopoeia isn’t. I shall leave you to ponder that one.
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Old 18-10-2019, 08:13   #3253
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Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!

Its funny, all the Traitorous Scum that are supposed to represent the public, said B.J. did not want and would NOT get a deal, now he has got one which by the way would probably have been better if this scum had not put obstacles in the way!! now i havcent heard nobody say we were wrong? hes got a deal. all we get now from them is is "Far worse than T.M.s deal its SCAREMONGERING of the highest order, i just hope the public are not daft enough to fall for this.
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Old 18-10-2019, 11:08   #3254
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Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!

One view of Johnson’s so-called deal.
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Old 18-10-2019, 11:20   #3255
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Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!

Originally Posted by Exile on Spencer St View Post
One view of Johnson’s so-called deal.
that view could well be correct? cant get away from the simple fact that these barsteward remoaners have caused it? so personally i think No Deal is the only way.
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