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Old 25-04-2016, 06:31   #331
Beacon of light

Margaret Pilkington's Avatar
Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!

That is if she is elected. It just might go the other way(shudder).
America is really not interested in what is best for the UK.....only what serves its own ends.
We have to make our own decisions.
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Old 25-04-2016, 07:02   #332
Beacon of light

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Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!

We are supposed to have some kind of 'special relationship' with the US.(though I think it only applies when they want an ally)
They are supposed to be our friends.....I would think nothing much of a friend who considered their interests over and above mine if I asked for advice.
Did we ask for advice from Barack Obama? I don't think we did.( though DC might just have given him a script to follow).
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 25-04-2016, 10:09   #333
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Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!

The only special relationship we have with the US is that they think that we are "Speshul" and are stupid enough to bend over for them to do what they want - anything we want does not get done.

Because we are their puppet, they want us in the EU so that we can still fight for their corner.
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Old 25-04-2016, 10:23   #334
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!

Originally Posted by Lucysgirl View Post
I don't know about the holiday island of Guernsey but Jersey brings in extra money by specialising in providing off-shore banking services. John Nettles, who plays Bergerac, the TV series that takes place on Jersey, was interviewed a year or so ago and said he'd applied to live there. He was turned down, apparently because foreigners aren't allowed to own property and neither can they reside there without permission, which is only allowed in exceptional circumstances. As he and the TV company had spent years spending money on the island and bringing in more visitors he thought he'd be given permission.
Just been having a quick re-read of the thread,

the above is an wonderful example of what you can do if you can control your own borders.
If we were 'out', we too could interview people that wish to become members of our community this would give us control of our borders, we would only need to allow people and their families in if they were going to be an asset to our economy.

I'm sure someone will start screaming racist or some such term at me but you would be wrong, (after all, Jersey isn't being racist, just careful),
I don't care what colour or creed a person applying is, just so long as they are determined not to become a drain on our society but to help it improve they should be welcome.

What we don't need are unlimited numbers having to be absorbed just because someone else say's we have to.
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Old 25-04-2016, 11:41   #335
God Member

Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!

As noted on the radio this morning, if anyone doesn't believe Obama was reading a script prepared by Downing St lackeys, when was the last time you heard an American use the term "queue".
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Old 25-04-2016, 12:00   #336
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Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!

Originally Posted by Exile on Spencer St View Post
As noted on the radio this morning, if anyone doesn't believe Obama was reading a script prepared by Downing St lackeys, when was the last time you heard an American use the term "queue".
That was my reasoning too....the americans do not use the word at all they use the word 'line'.
It is more of the stirring the fear factor pot by the Remain team.

I don't buy it...and it just a way of hardening my resolve to vote OUT.
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 25-04-2016, 12:03   #337
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Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
We have to make our own decisions.
... ones, no doubt, which will serve only your own ends, without any consideration of how an "out" decision will affect an already fragile world economy, for example.

Several posters have pointed to Eurosceptic movements in other member countries. And the implication is that the EU is bound to fail whatever the UK decides to do. It might be in Britain's best interests to stay in, and, when the inevitable meltdown occurs, have some influence in piecing together what is left, and forming a new more sensible structure. Perhaps a purely economic union of the wealthier and more stable countries: UK, Germany, France, the Benelux, and Scandinavia. Ok ... take Italy too. They have great food and wine, and they make beautiful motorcycles.

Other posters have whined about how some EU members pick and choose which laws, directives, and other rules they will follow, while the UK obeys them to the letter. Well, what should Britain do about this? Isn't the answer obvious?

My opinion is that the EU is a good idea gone terribly wrong. It is time to dump the deadwood ... by the way, I read that Serbia wants to join up ... surrender to the fact that one can not erase history, sovereignty, national identity, and, yes, patriotism, and get down to the business of creating an economic powerhouse. Sorry Serbia et. al.

By the way, Obama is President of the United States of America. Putting the interests of the US before anything else is his job.
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Old 25-04-2016, 12:38   #338
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!

Maybe Eric out is best then, after the meltdown we can choose with whom we wish to make financial alliances without the traditional non and nein votes always blocking our path?
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Old 25-04-2016, 13:47   #339
Beacon of light

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Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!

I fall into several of the categories you mention....I have pointed out that there are other countries which feel the EU does not serve them well.
I have also mentioned that there are countries who cherry pick which legisaltion they will and will not follow.
I have probably said (in some round about way) that the EU will ultimately fail because of its lack of accountability and undemocratic configuration.
I make no apologies for these observations and would not for one moment call these observations whinging...or anything so negative. They are MY opinions......and to me are valid.

Maybe the fragile world economy has something to do with us being IN the EU.... the way the EU operates...the fact that we cannot trade with who we want....maybe leaving the EU would be better for world trade.

Maybe it is time to dump the deadwood(I hope we fall into that category...but I know that we don't)

Of course President Obama is there to look after the interests and the values of the you say it is his job.
As it is the job of our PM to look after the interests of this which he has failed miserably.
Barack Obama spoke today of his support for the EU and mentioned democracy.
The EU and democracy should never appear in the same sentence it is not a democratic may look democratic, but it isn't.
Not when you consider that we cannot have any influence over those who make the rules...they are unelected and as such are not accountable to the ordinary folks.
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Old 25-04-2016, 14:01   #340
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Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!

"The United States and the entire world needs a strong and prosperous and democratic and united Europe.'

These were the words that Barack Obama used.(the democratic in bold is my doing)

The EU is not democratic. The countries in it purport to be democratic, but all their democracy is wiped away by the adherence to EU rules which the people of those democracies have had no say in..
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 25-04-2016, 14:01   #341
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Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!

Well i reckon its easy for people who dont live here, exiles or not, to think its ok in the E.U. but the fact is, they aint living it.
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Old 25-04-2016, 14:34   #342
God Member

Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!

obama has been in germany publicly praising merkel for her open boarder policy

im sure the people of germany also appreciate his input
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Old 25-04-2016, 14:49   #343
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Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!

Originally Posted by accyman View Post
obama has been in germany publicly praising merkel for her open boarder policy

im sure the people of germany also appreciate his input
Oh well thats same as America then.
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Old 25-04-2016, 14:59   #344
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Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
Oh well thats same as America then.
yep obama is pretty much despised in the USA for his insistence of bringing in even more refugees and also trying to make it so illegal people in the USA can have a vote in the election

Donald trump has been such a huge hit with the American people simply because he wants to boot out illegals and not only stop refugees but send the ones back that obama let in.All of which i agree with and wish would happen here

sadly the nearest thing we have is nigel farage so dont expect anything any time soon
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right

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Old 25-04-2016, 16:40   #345
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Referendum is a load of crap.!!

Originally Posted by accyman View Post

sadly the nearest thing we have is nigel farage so dont expect anything any time soon
Hey, that guy is like me, any photo opportunity he reaches for a pint, maybe he'll stop the continuous taxation on beer and fags? After all it is only pretend that they do it to keep us healthy, they just know we'll keep on using and they will get easy taxation.
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