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Old 18-03-2008, 16:13   #1
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religion makes people have happier lives!

A belief in God could lead to a more contented life, research suggests.

Religious people are better able to cope with shocks such as losing a job or divorce, claims the study presented to a Royal Economic Society conference.

Data from thousands of Europeans revealed higher levels of "life satisfaction" in believers.

However, researcher Professor Andrew Clark said other aspects of a religious upbringing unrelated to belief may influence future happiness.

This is not the first study to draw links between religion and happiness, with a belief among many psychologists that some factor in either belief, or its observance, offering benefits.

BBC NEWS | Health | Religion 'linked to happy life'
If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you - Ghenghis Khan
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Old 18-03-2008, 18:16   #2
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Re: religion makes people have happier lives!

Mani=A belief in God could lead to a more contented life, research suggests.
Not if you go through all the rigours of converting, perhaps even including circumcision just to found out a day later that The University Dons have proved conclusively that he doesn't exist!

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Old 18-03-2008, 18:20   #3
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Re: religion makes people have happier lives!

They might be happier whilst alive, but I bet they're livid when they're dead, and realise it was all one big con, and there is no eternal paradise waiting for them.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 18-03-2008, 18:50   #4
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Re: religion makes people have happier lives!

Well I was brought up a catholic and am still practicing catholic, although I don't go to church now because of my health problems, but I recieve communion every Sunday morning frm church. About the research, it seems a bit flawed to me, I went through two divorces and my religion didn't seem to make things easier, neither did it when both my parents died, well it didn't seem to at the time. A persons religious bliefs are a personal thing, people look at it in different and varying ways. ut at the end of the day religion is in my eyes a very emotive subject
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Old 18-03-2008, 18:54   #5
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Re: religion makes people have happier lives!

think karl marx had it just about right
religion is the opium of the working class
its just

like i've never been gone
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Old 18-03-2008, 19:12   #6
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Re: religion makes people have happier lives!

Originally Posted by beechy View Post
think karl marx had it just about right
religion is the opium of the working class
It's "opium of the masses".
Marx knew nothing about religion anyway. Gustavo Gutierrez pretty much diminished every word Marx wrote about religion oppressing the lower classes.

Sorry, back to thread.
I do not have faith. However I do like going to a church/Church occasionally because I get something from it. It helps me think about the things I want to and thus makes me generally happier. You don't have to sign your soul away.
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Old 18-03-2008, 19:15   #7
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Re: religion makes people have happier lives!

Get comfort from religion if you feel the need
As a non believer I think life is too short to waste any of it on your knees talking to yourself

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Old 18-03-2008, 19:21   #8
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Re: religion makes people have happier lives!

another load of cobblers from people justifying their jobs religion will make some have happier lives, so will football, and hundereds of things, everyones differant,people are individuals n its whatever suits that person will make em happy.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 18-03-2008, 22:09   #9
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Re: religion makes people have happier lives!

My Grandad was an orthodox jew ( over a century ago now) and my grandma was from strict roman catholic family
they married and neither saw any of their families again -so they may have disagreed.

"religion makes people have happier lives!" i think their research may be on people who are contented in their lives and are driven by their religion rather than their religion being a part of their life.
but good for them i say - ignorance is bliss.
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Old 18-03-2008, 22:14   #10
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Re: religion makes people have happier lives!

Originally Posted by shakermaker View Post
However I do like going to a church/Church occasionally because I get something from it.
So did I...then they closed down the Commercial.
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Old 18-03-2008, 22:17   #11
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Re: religion makes people have happier lives!

I am a non Believer, even though my parents THOUGHT I might like to be christened C/E

Actually, I got quite annoyed today. My mate wants to be married in a church in October. She went to see a Vicar today, he said cos non of them were baptized, they will have to be baptized before the bishop will give them the go ahead.

It's the same old crap all the time. People just using Religion as their own gain. They do it to get their kids in school's, they do it to get married in a church ( just cos its a nice building ) not because they see it as a religious thing. It's all a farce in todays ways.
Millions of sperm and you was the fastest??

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Old 18-03-2008, 22:20   #12
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Re: religion makes people have happier lives!

Originally Posted by slinky View Post
I am a non Believer, even though my parents THOUGHT I might like to be christened C/E

Actually, I got quite annoyed today. My mate wants to be married in a church in October. She went to see a Vicar today, he said cos non of them were baptized, they will have to be baptized before the bishop will give them the go ahead.

It's the same old crap all the time. People just using Religion as their own gain. They do it to get their kids in school's, they do it to get married in a church ( just cos its a nice building ) not because they see it as a religious thing. It's all a farce in todays ways.
dont get annoyed slinks Rules is Rules if they wanna church wedding then they have to play the game, if not a registrar. simple as.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 18-03-2008, 22:21   #13
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Re: religion makes people have happier lives!

Originally Posted by slinky View Post
I am a non Believer, even though my parents THOUGHT I might like to be christened C/E

Actually, I got quite annoyed today. My mate wants to be married in a church in October. She went to see a Vicar today, he said cos non of them were baptized, they will have to be baptized before the bishop will give them the go ahead.

It's the same old crap all the time. People just using Religion as their own gain. They do it to get their kids in school's, they do it to get married in a church ( just cos its a nice building ) not because they see it as a religious thing. It's all a farce in todays ways.
Does she go to Church anyway or does she just want to get married in one because, like you said, it's a nice building?

I can see why vicars want people to be baptised before marrying them in Church. It shows a bit more commitment to the faith. If you are not religious then you shoudn't be getting married in Church, in my opinion.
Old aunts used to come up to me at weddings, poking me in the ribs, cackling and telling me
'You'll be next.' They stopped when I started doing the same to them at funerals.
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Old 18-03-2008, 22:23   #14
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Re: religion makes people have happier lives!

Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris View Post
So did I...then they closed down the Commercial.
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Old 18-03-2008, 22:30   #15
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Re: religion makes people have happier lives!

Originally Posted by Lilly View Post
Does she go to Church anyway or does she just want to get married in one because, like you said, it's a nice building?

I can see why vicars want people to be baptised before marrying them in Church. It shows a bit more commitment to the faith. If you are not religious then you shouldn't be getting married in Church, in my opinion.
Oh yes, I can see it from the vicars point of view.... no she does not go to church, and said " I won't be going to church after I have been married" so yes, it is just because she wants a church wedding.

I know a Registry office may not seem very special.... but thats where I got married, thats because, I aint no 2 bit two faced person, that will pretend to be religious, when I really am not. And I don't like how people can make a mockery out of it. Just my opinion on the whole thing.
Millions of sperm and you was the fastest??

Miracles do happen!!

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