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04-01-2013, 22:19
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Re: Report in the Mail
suspicous minds  just curious thats all
04-01-2013, 22:25
Beacon of light
Re: Report in the Mail
No, not suspicious...just going off your past history of posting...and my aniti cynicism pills have stopped working..must need a higher dose.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
04-01-2013, 22:28
Beacon of light
Re: Report in the Mail
BBC News - Renovation for 200 empty terraced homes in Accrington
More information for you to peruse.
oops sorry, just noticed the above link is also posted on the thread about the regeneration of Woodnook.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
04-01-2013, 22:28
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Re: Report in the Mail
nowt wrong being a cynic 
04-01-2013, 22:34
Beacon of light
Re: Report in the Mail
If you check out the BBc report in the above link, it answers many of the questions you have asked.
I have done with the legwork(or clickwork) now.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
04-01-2013, 23:46
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Re: Report in the Mail
Originally Posted by cmonstanley
another thing,i thought there would be a lot of interest in these houses as the latest housing benefit cuts will be the cause of a lot of down sizing and people looking for new premises.
i wonder if they will alter them to be 1 bedroom properties so that people without kids dont get penalised and forced onto the streets because housing benefit wont accomodate a person with a spare bedroom
its fine saying dont pay rent for a person who lives alone in a 2 bedroom property but if theres no 1 bedroom properties where the hell do these people go ?
also according to the rules fathers who have their children at weekends cant have a second bedroom for them so many single men are facing not only loosing their homes but loosing access to their children because to have overnight access you have to be able to provide a bed for them.I pay my own rent now but these rules would have severly screwed up my access to my kids and god knows what i will do if i am no longer able to pay my own rent again i will probbably loose my home
its not just men effected its anyone living alone in a 2 bedroom property.People who through no fault of their own fnd themselves in a 2 bedromm property are going to be serverly penalized
meanwhile at the other end of teh scale two houses can be knocked into one because someone on benefit cant stop spitting kids out.
if government insists people only have 1 bedroom then they should make 1 bedroom properties available
All comments above are everything to do with here and therefore the resposibility of the Accrington Web website owners admins and mods.
ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
Last edited by accyman; 04-01-2013 at 23:49.
05-01-2013, 00:08
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Re: Report in the Mail
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
While you are thread wandering, if you find our local industry..please point it in the direction of Accrington  .
It was just a weird thought ... your kinda neutral or passive way of putting it brought to mind a line from a song: "If it wasn't for the nips being so good at building ships, the yards would still be open on the Clyde."  Or something like that 
05-01-2013, 07:34
Beacon of light
Re: Report in the Mail
Passive/neutral is the only way when you know something is gone...and gone for good.
I suppose it signifies acceptance...you have to SUMO...that is, shut up and move on.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
05-01-2013, 07:36
Beacon of light
Re: Report in the Mail
Personally, I think that these fourbedroomed properties will be aimed at one ethnicity....they are the ones who have the larger families....or is it just my cynicism taking over?
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
05-01-2013, 13:15
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Re: Report in the Mail
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
Personally, I think that these fourbedroomed properties will be aimed at one ethnicity....they are the ones who have the larger families....or is it just my cynicism taking over?
i was lucky enough to sell my property in that area before it went totally down the drain but then found myself renting in the area 12 years later on down the line.Its not that common for asians to rent social housing they tend to buy properties rather than rent.These 4 bedroom properties will probbably go to the same ethenic group that destroyed the area in the first place which sad to say was white british.
drug dealers ,prostitues ,theives and smackheads drove the decent folk out or left them unable to sell their houses to anyone other than landlords because no one wanted to buy in an area where within 24 hours of moving in you got burgled and the place got worse and worse until what we see there today which is 4 streets or so of housing that even smackheads dont want
All comments above are everything to do with here and therefore the resposibility of the Accrington Web website owners admins and mods.
ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
05-01-2013, 13:53
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Re: Report in the Mail
Originally Posted by accyman
Its not that common for asians to rent social housing they tend to buy properties rather than rent.
That is my understanding too.
They have their own 'banking system' whereby large amounts for house purchase can be gathered from their family members, without need for building societies.
I think they don't pay interest on such loans because religion forbids 'usury'.
05-01-2013, 15:10
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Re: Report in the Mail
05-01-2013, 16:08
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Re: Report in the Mail
Originally Posted by MargaretR
Families who need 4 bedrooms and have the income to support 3+ children don't choose a terraced house with no garden - so the families who occupy them will be on benefits.
That is a bit cynical to say the least. Am sure there are many families on low incomes who would be happy to move into one of the renovated properties if they have a chance of buying it
05-01-2013, 18:13
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Re: Report in the Mail
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
Passive/neutral is the only way when you know something is gone...and gone for good.
I suppose it signifies acceptance...you have to SUMO...that is, shut up and move on.
SUMO, eh ... interesting ... never liked those short forms; I prefer English  . But after another look at the photographs I can see that there has been a hell of a lot of shutting up, but not much moving on. Quite a bit of moving down though. 
05-01-2013, 19:09
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Re: Report in the Mail
My sister has 6 children. In blackpool they rent off the council. It is a detached house with six bedrooms. Its like a mansion compared to what I am used to
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