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Old 07-11-2005, 10:11   #61
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Re: reporting an illegal immigrant...

Can we even define "English" ?

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Old 07-11-2005, 10:15   #62
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Re: reporting an illegal immigrant...

def - English - a huge and continuing mixture of different cultures!!
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Old 07-11-2005, 10:57   #63
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Re: reporting an illegal immigrant...

Originally Posted by woody
def - English - a huge and continuing mixture of different cultures!!
Yet this mixture can be a blessing and a nightmare all in the same day.

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Old 07-11-2005, 11:00   #64
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Re: reporting an illegal immigrant...

Originally Posted by Bad-Wolf
It is a very un popular thing to say I know. But in my mind all immigrants are illegal and should all be removed! Without exception!

England for the English!:engsmil:
Where would you start and what constitutes English. Germany tried it befor the last war and it didnt work so what makes it different here? There has been that much intergration that it wouldnt work and you might be left with several hundred thousand redheads.

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Old 07-11-2005, 13:33   #65
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Question Re: reporting an illegal immigrant...

Originally Posted by Bad-Wolf
It is a very un popular thing to say I know. But in my mind all immigrants are illegal and should all be removed! Without exception!

England for the English!:engsmil:
read a report more than 10 years ago which stated the N.H.S. is over 70% staffed by immigrant workers, i presume you would rethink your comment if you or your family/friends were in desperate need of the medical service.
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Old 07-11-2005, 13:35   #66
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Re: reporting an illegal immigrant...

I would not attempt to deny that England contains a mix of many cultures and races, however, this is not as people keep trying to suggest a good thing. Look at France this last week.

Unlike any other time in our recent history we are having to tolerate many different cultures entering this coutnry, many are people who are not prepared to tolerate us! If this is the case (and it is) then why should we tolerate them? I see no reason at all. They are a threat to our culture our way of life and our own freedom!

I am well aware as indeed most people must be, that the English race (if you can call it that) originates from many different places and times. However, just because that is the case it does not mean that we can accomodate people from all over the world all of the time, parituclarly when the vast majority of the population clearly do not want it. People may not like this fact but at the end of the day if the majority do not want them they should have to have them.
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Old 07-11-2005, 13:39   #67
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Re: reporting an illegal immigrant...

you seem to be back peddling to me- your statement clearly said all immigrants,what you are saying now seems a completly differant scenario.
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Old 07-11-2005, 13:41   #68
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Re: reporting an illegal immigrant...

Originally Posted by cashman
read a report more than 10 years ago which stated the N.H.S. is over 70% staffed by immigrant workers, i presume you would rethink your comment if you or your family/friends were in desperate need of the medical service.
NO I would not. The NHS whilst indeed does have such a number working for them if indeed by now not a greater percentage.

The fact of the matter is that the only reason the NHS has so many immigrants working in it is becasuse of the extreme low wages and generally bad working conditions, of this we are all aware. The fact that so many immigrants work there only highlights the poor condidtion of our own governments situation and refusal to provide adequte teaching training and pay for NHS staff and many more areas beside. If you want a decent NHS kick out the government and replace it with a system that actually gives a toss about its people! If we had this we would have no need of any immigrants working in the system.

Many thanks Cashman for drawing our attention to the main cause of the problem!
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Old 07-11-2005, 13:59   #69
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Re: reporting an illegal immigrant...

I can say with absolute certainty that NHS wages have improved significantly over the last few years, especially in nursing/midwifery. The wages for these professions are however nowhere near those of the police force. Nursing was a traditionally female profession and policing traditionally male, so we are still a long way behind the police in pay. The NHS is funded by national insurance and tax contributions made by the people of this country. We have fewer young people paying tax and NI now and more claiming benefits. The average age of NHS workers is between 35-50 years old. When you look at immigration, the vast amount of asylum seekers coming into the country have medical problems eg HIV, TB, Hep B. All of these problems are expensive to treat and are treated at our taxpayers expense. Other immigrants, even when they come here to work, often bring dependents with them who don't work. Lastly, British citizens who marry people from abroad and then bring them into the country. These people will get free care because they are a spouse to a British citizen.
The only way to get more money into the NHS is to either Make people pay for their care and privatise the system or increase taxation to fund the increased demands on the services.
Privatisation or health insurance schemes would mean that we are back to a system where only the rich can afford healthcare and the poor are dying in the streets for want of treatment.
I think that all immigrants should be made to pay for their care for the first five years of living in this country until they have paid money into our system. This includes spouses of British citizens, but I also think that children's care should be free...
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Old 07-11-2005, 14:00   #70
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Re: reporting an illegal immigrant...

Originally Posted by Bad-Wolf
NO I would not. The NHS whilst indeed does have such a number working for them if indeed by now not a greater percentage.

The fact of the matter is that the only reason the NHS has so many immigrants working in it is becasuse of the extreme low wages and generally bad working conditions, of this we are all aware. The fact that so many immigrants work there only highlights the poor condidtion of our own governments situation and refusal to provide adequte teaching training and pay for NHS staff and many more areas beside. If you want a decent NHS kick out the government and replace it with a system that actually gives a toss about its people! If we had this we would have no need of any immigrants working in the system.

Many thanks Cashman for drawing our attention to the main cause of the problem!
Could it be that they will work for low wages in bad working conditions and the English prefer to live off the state.

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Old 07-11-2005, 14:15   #71
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Re: reporting an illegal immigrant...

Originally Posted by lettie
I think that all immigrants should be made to pay for their care for the first five years of living in this country until they have paid money into our system. This includes spouses of British citizens, but I also think that children's care should be free...

That would go part of the way to solving the problem. Perhaps we would have fewer illegal immigrants if that were the case - also if it was a requirement that before drawing any benefits (housing and such like) you had to have worked in this country for the 5 years and paid into the system.

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Old 07-11-2005, 14:29   #72

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Re: reporting an illegal immigrant...

also if it was a requirement that before drawing any benefits (housing and such like) you had to have worked in this country for the 5 years and paid into the system.
I'm pretty sure something like this is already enforced for legal immigrants, at least it is for russians. Nastya's visa has it clearly marked that she is not allowed to use any publicly funded system, ie NHS, she certainly can't claim the dole or get anything for nothing. But then again, I probably don't know the 'system'
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Old 07-11-2005, 14:29   #73


Re: reporting an illegal immigrant...

Originally Posted by woody
def - English - a huge and continuing mixture of different cultures!!
A further intervention in to another sovereign Muslim State by a British or American Government will show you just how English those immigrants are. Outrages of the recent past were carried out by English born residents of this country.

By definition an illegal immigrant is someone who is in the country without the consent of the people i.e. the government. How do you think these people live when there here? Lets if we can form a list?

Benefit fraud
Illegal Work Gangs
Human slavery
Human Trafficking (more illegal immigrants)

Feel free to jump in an add to the list.

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Old 07-11-2005, 14:57   #74
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Re: reporting an illegal immigrant...

Originally Posted by Roy
I'm pretty sure something like this is already enforced for legal immigrants, at least it is for russians. Nastya's visa has it clearly marked that she is not allowed to use any publicly funded system, ie NHS, she certainly can't claim the dole or get anything for nothing. But then again, I probably don't know the 'system'
Hehehe, you probably don't know the system Roy, or maybe our system is unfair. I have recently had dealings with our patient services dept, regarding a lady from Pakistan whos husband was born here. She had been here for less than a week and had never lived in this country before, when she turned up for healthcare. Patient services reckoned that she will get away without paying because spouses get free care. If this is the case for somebody from Pakistan, but not the case for somebody from Russia, then our system is not fair to all is it?
Never put off until tomorrow what you can avoid altogether.

The views expressed here are my own and not necessarily those of my family, friends, employer, this site, my neighbours, hairdresser, dentist, GP, next door's dog or anyone else who knows me..
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Old 07-11-2005, 15:26   #75
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Re: reporting an illegal immigrant...

Originally Posted by lettie
Hehehe, you probably don't know the system Roy, or maybe our system is unfair. I have recently had dealings with our patient services dept, regarding a lady from Pakistan whos husband was born here. She had been here for less than a week and had never lived in this country before, when she turned up for healthcare. Patient services reckoned that she will get away without paying because spouses get free care. If this is the case for somebody from Pakistan, but not the case for somebody from Russia, then our system is not fair to all is it?
would hazard a guess lettie and thats all it is, could be that pakistan was part of the british commenwealth wereas russia wasn't???
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