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Old 26-03-2005, 13:54   #1
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Respect, or rather the lack of it.

Why is that todays "little darlings" feel the need to let everyone know that they were there?

This is on the War Memorial in Oakhill Park.
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Old 26-03-2005, 14:07   #2
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Re: Respect, or rather the lack of it.

All i can say, is DISGUSTING

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Old 26-03-2005, 14:10   #3
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Re: Respect, or rather the lack of it.

Like l've posted before my Grandpa was killed in France aged 22 in 1944, leaving my Gran carrying his unborn child my Mum. As a family War memorials, as they do to a lot of people, mean a great deal.
For my Mum it's her Dad's grave, and the lack of respect from these morons is mind boggling.
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Old 26-03-2005, 15:16   #4
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Re: Respect, or rather the lack of it.

The memorials probably have no meaning to their parents and so the kids have never been taught to respect them. Is it any wonder I am so passionate in my hatred of graffiti? I wish they could be caught and made to clean it up.


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Old 26-03-2005, 15:30   #5


Re: Respect, or rather the lack of it.

Disgraceful. This is where we start to loose any sense of respect for those fallen irrespective of the conflict. We should blame the government “local and Central” for there failure to educate these idiots and thugs. That said we should also be prepared to educate our own children ourselves. At least then we may have some comfort that our own offspring are not carrying out this act of gross indifference.

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Old 26-03-2005, 15:34   #6
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Re: Respect, or rather the lack of it.

We know who to blame...the parents and the idiots that sell the spray paint!!

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Old 26-03-2005, 15:38   #7
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Re: Respect, or rather the lack of it.

Originally Posted by Doug
At least then we may have some comfort that our own offspring are not carrying out this act of gross indifference.
I think the blame lies totally at the hands of parents. People learn respect from their parents, and if they have no respect then the kids will carry that on. I think grafitti should be punished in the eye for an eye tradition. If anyone is caught doing grafitti then the police (or someone) should be perfectly within their rights to march round to the parents house with a spray can and spray on the front door 'the kid who lives here is a brat' or something similar.

The only flaw in my argument is that the parents would blame the authorities and not themselves or the kid. In my day if a kid was caught doing anything untoward they would have got a clip round the ear from the policeman first and then one from their dad after being marched home.
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Old 26-03-2005, 15:57   #8


Re: Respect, or rather the lack of it.

I respect your views purplelass and I had thought of posting a similar post to yours. But at the end of the day an eye for an eye approach is not the answer here. I’d like to see the little ******s beaten at the steps of those memorials they’ve disrespected, but again that won’t educate someone to the suffering and fear and sacrifice that those people suffered in conflict. I believe the answer is through education in our schools and other intuitions by central and local government. Lets see some pride for these people who give everything.

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Old 26-03-2005, 15:59   #9
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Re: Respect, or rather the lack of it.

Originally Posted by Doug
I believe the answer is through education in our schools and other intuitions by central and local government. Lets see some pride for these people who give everything.
Yes, these people can help but kids only learn how to treat others by seeing the way their parents treat others. If the parents are scum there's a pretty fair chance that the kids will be too!
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Old 26-03-2005, 16:24   #10


Re: Respect, or rather the lack of it.

Originally Posted by PurpleLass
Yes, these people can help but kids only learn how to treat others by seeing the way their parents treat others. If the parents are scum there's a pretty fair chance that the kids will be too!
Maybe my friend, but I doubt that the parents demonstrated how to use a spray can. These parents may well have little understanding of how to instill respect into their little b*****ds and then again the parents may well be ex-service or old folk themselves, they may well be totally oblivious to what their kids are doing.

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Old 26-03-2005, 16:25   #11
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Re: Respect, or rather the lack of it.

Originally Posted by Doug
Disgraceful. This is where we start to loose any sense of respect for those fallen irrespective of the conflict. We should blame the government “local and Central” for there failure to educate these idiots and thugs. That said we should also be prepared to educate our own children ourselves. At least then we may have some comfort that our own offspring are not carrying out this act of gross indifference.
my sentiments exactly ,,,
and to garinda it beggers belief,,,if your grandad came back today what would he think ? ,,,
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Old 26-03-2005, 16:48   #12
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Re: Respect, or rather the lack of it.

Originally Posted by jason
We know who to blame...the parents and the idiots that sell the spray paint!!
Agreed, but I think you have missed out HBC Leisure Services and MidPennine Arts who run courses in spray-can "art" for the bored and feckless brats, at our expense.
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Old 26-03-2005, 17:20   #13
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Re: Respect, or rather the lack of it.

One of the possible causes for this particular display,is that the history of the second World War is no longer seen as being neccessary knowledge for school age children.
This said we have lots of children in the area who seldom if ever attend school!
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Old 26-03-2005, 19:00   #14
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Re: Respect, or rather the lack of it.

If that is so, what has been the point of the national celebrations to remember D-Day last year and the celebrations to commemorate the end of the war this summer? And are our children, in this town, with it's history not being taught about World War I? I can't believe that.
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Old 26-03-2005, 19:45   #15
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Re: Respect, or rather the lack of it.

people still lay flowers at that memorial i find these kids actions disgusting and there is no one to blame but the individuals themselves

its about time kids like this were held acountable for their own actions , everyone is born with some sense of right and wrong and definatly by teenage life you have a damn good idea between right and wrong

i would make tham scrub the graffiti off then paint their face blue and make them walk around for a week wearing graffiti and see how they like it
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