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Old 01-04-2014, 22:28   #46
Senior Member

Re: "Respect your elders"

Oh, the ravages of time. I had a studio portrait taken a few months after we arrived here many years ago (someone I worked with was having hers done so I went along for the ride). I was 23 at the time – that’s funny, I wonder if this had any connection with my comments earlier. The photo was framed and hung on the wall for years but it started to depress me when comments such as ‘what happened?’ were made more and more frequently along with comparisons as to before and after…..but not in a nice way. (Not much respect shown!).

I took the photo out of its frame and hid it away, but my youngest daughter dug it out and had it framed (again!) for a present for me – as she said she loved this photo. Was she trying to punish me for something?

Anyway there it stands in all its glory – while here I am avoiding mirrors.

(Maybe the hot Australian sun, 5 kids, the ups and downs of married life and oh! yes, old age, might have something to do with the wrinkles and ‘what happened’).
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Old 01-04-2014, 22:38   #47
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Re: "Respect your elders"

Hey Dotti dont bother its summat to be proud of yer portrait. sod the comments, we have a good friend in Spain who is in late 70s n she has a portfolio from when she was a model, she was absolutely stunning when she was young,shes still young at heart, but believe me thats all, it dont matter a stuff to us, we love her to bits.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 01-04-2014, 23:30   #48
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Re: "Respect your elders"

Pulp - Help The Aged:

Last edited by DAV007; 01-04-2014 at 23:32.
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Old 01-04-2014, 23:46   #49
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Re: "Respect your elders"

Cashie you’re a gem!!!!! I have to say I did tell them to ‘sod off’ but maybe in a more ladylike fashion – or not! (I'm not much of a lady).

I agree - attitude is so important. There's some who are old before their time and then there's some of us who never grow up at all.....
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Old 02-04-2014, 00:39   #50
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Re: "Respect your elders"

Originally Posted by dotti34 View Post
then there's some of us who never grow up at all.....
Ain't that the truth ... and I'm happy to number myself among that "some." And just maybe there's some of us who prefer to grow in all dimensions and directions. "Up" is boring.
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Old 02-04-2014, 02:42   #51
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Re: "Respect your elders"

Originally Posted by Eric View Post
No ... not Less ... it is I. And I stand by the post (or lean on it when I'm in my cups) And if you, or anyone else, believes that this thread has even the slightest smidgen of neutrality, you are being more than a little disingenuous.
I could agree E, but that would make us both wrong...I think there's a smidgen neutrality to the thread

MP was right about it being a family,just a shame for some it's like the worst table at a wedding
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Old 02-04-2014, 04:09   #52
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Re: "Respect your elders"

When we were kids we were reminded daily about manners and respect especially to older folk. Maybe some of the problem is our fault for not being there as much for our kids due to work, sports, more social activities etc. The world has changed so much and so fast in the past 50 years, priorities and, sadly, responsibilities have suffered. Who sets the standard for the youth of today? Unfortunately T.V., films, etc. have to take a lions share of the blame due to their lack of morals. The world has changed some for the good but a lot for the not so good. I like to think everyone should be treated with repect regardless of age, set the example and you may even get respect back.
Now what's all this about age? I turn 70 this month and have just this week hung up my football boots, not because I,m too old, just because I want to climb some more mountains and canoe some more wilderness lakes, head up to the Yukon for some hunting trips and in general complete my bucket list.
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Old 02-04-2014, 05:01   #53
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Re: "Respect your elders"

Overall, I've been treated better by my elders than the younger generation.
From what I've experienced older folk tend to be more mature, trustworthy, and respectful.
Most of the younger folk I've come across have been rude reprobates, immature, and far from trust worthy...not them all, but most.
I'm guessing that's what the elders mean by young people of today not having morale.
I'd prefer to give my respect to a older person than a youth , but it's still got to be earned,it's not just a god given right.
I think it's wisdom I respect, not age.
Taking pics of some of the places you see is DANGEROUS . I do not condone or encourage breaking the law or unsafe behavior.

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Old 02-04-2014, 07:03   #54
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Re: "Respect your elders"

Age......Dotti, I think I am young at heart. In fact in my head I am 14...... And I guess that is why I won't let my daughters children call me that horrible G thing.
When I want to know my age.....I look in the back of my says 16! That'll do for me.
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Old 02-04-2014, 07:09   #55
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Re: "Respect your elders"

When I look back at posts of mine from 10 years ago it seems that 30 years have gone by. I guess that's 10 years of binge drinking for ya.

Accyex - you started with the clique crap again thus resulting in the loss of respect from most regular members of this forum. But I was talking life in general.
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Old 02-04-2014, 07:14   #56
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Re: "Respect your elders"

Rob, this clique thing is going to come up from time to time.
In the main I think it is because those who have been members for a long time have some kind of affinity.....which to new members may appear to be a clique...but isn't.
It is a misconception on the new members part and should be taken with a pinch of doesn't cause me to lose respect for them. They time.
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Old 02-04-2014, 11:24   #57
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Re: "Respect your elders"

I still stand by what I suggested in post #2. This is not a thread I can take seriously ... I believe I hinted at that in #44, with my oblique allusion to one of the more famous observations of Groucho Marx.

"Respect you elders". This phrase was casually tossed out as if everyone agrees on the meaning of "respect", and that of "elders". The phrase, "with all due respect" comes to mind. When you here this, you know that there ain't much respect going to happen. I suggest that there is no general agreement. The topic, in my opinion, is just one more contentious thread, scantily clothed as "reasonable, serious debate".

Anyway ... a small, scruffy munchkin is demanding that she go for a tour of the neighbourhood ... and, as I respect the fourteen loving years she has spent on this planet, I'm heading out for walkies. Keeps me young and healthy.
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Old 02-04-2014, 11:36   #58
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Re: "Respect your elders"

Wrap up warm Eric.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 02-04-2014, 11:51   #59
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Re: "Respect your elders"

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Wrap up warm Eric.
Why? 'Cause I'm old? Have some respect woman

But seriously, it's a nice day out there. Already up to 1c ... and the sun is starting to give out some warmth ... should hit 6c today Even Hope didn't wear her coat; and she made it all the way around the block; barked at three other dogs (who ignored her ... no respect there), chased half a dozen squirrels, read a whole bunch of pee-mail and added her comments (dogs have been into social networking for millenia). By the way ... snowdrops are up, there's a hard working woodpecker in the area, and hundreds of geese heading north ... it's a hard time for them as there isn't much open water around.

Sorry about the wander ... just an old man rambling on
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Old 02-04-2014, 12:52   #60
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Re: "Respect your elders"

No not because you are old. I do not consider you to be old anymore that I consider myself to be old(we are similar in generational terms).
I am telling you to wrap up because you still have that nasty cold white stuff over there.
It is 50F here...don't know what that is in new money, but it feels mild.
anyway good to hear that you have signs that it is getting a bit kinder,weatherwise.

Is it more than six weeks since Groundhog day? Shouldn't you be getting mores signs of spring soon?
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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