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Old 04-01-2011, 13:07   #1
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Rest break death ambulance man keeps job

Just read this about an ambulance technician who whilst on a tea break chose not to respond to a 33 year old woman having a heart attack, this is compounded by the fact that his ambulance was only 800 yards from the incident.The crew that did attend had to travel 15miles and sadly the lady died.
What do you think should he have kept his job or not?
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Old 04-01-2011, 14:20   #2

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Re: Rest break death ambulance man keeps job

Sounds like a good Union man, wonder if he is a member of Unite, seeing they have 1400 members in the service.
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Last edited by Boeing Guy; 04-01-2011 at 14:22.
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Old 04-01-2011, 14:32   #3
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Re: Rest break death ambulance man keeps job

Without knowing the full details, I generally think he should be sacked !!!
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Old 04-01-2011, 15:43   #4
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Re: Rest break death ambulance man keeps job

Think this guy is one on his own, can't think of too many ambulance drivers or paramedics who would have taken this guys attitude, can't think he's any sort of asset to the NHS no matter what the circumstances
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Old 04-01-2011, 15:56   #5

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Re: Rest break death ambulance man keeps job

Originally Posted by archiveuk View Post
Without knowing the full details, I generally think he should be sacked !!!
I agree with you but I also need to know the fact and not media hype.

The guy could have been to exhausted to go on another call for example.
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Old 04-01-2011, 18:01   #6
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Re: Rest break death ambulance man keeps job

BBC News - 'Rest break' death ambulance technician keeps job
If this incident has been reported correctly, then of course he should have been sacked, it is the kind of attitude that is rife amongst many workers these days, many have no pride in their work.
If time travel were possible, wouldn't somebody have been back or forward and told us by now?
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Old 04-01-2011, 18:26   #7
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Re: Rest break death ambulance man keeps job

Here's a more in depth piece :-

NewsNow: Loading story...

It sort of sums up what's wrong with society today unfortunately.
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Old 04-01-2011, 18:46   #8
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Re: Rest break death ambulance man keeps job

Thanks for that Dave, Garry Simpsons comments at the end of that report are good, he says that we only hear the 'official' version from the top brass, never the complete findings, which would probably include government cutbacks, stupid eu rules, etc, I find it hard to believe that anyone in a similar capacity as this guy wouldnt respond within his own community without him actually having his hands tied!
If time travel were possible, wouldn't somebody have been back or forward and told us by now?
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Old 04-01-2011, 19:11   #9
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Re: Rest break death ambulance man keeps job

Having said about his hands being tied surely even if thats so you would respond to a call of that nature in your own community ,but as the family of this poor girl said you cant teach compassion
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Old 04-01-2011, 19:40   #10
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Re: Rest break death ambulance man keeps job

Don't you think you're being a bit harsh on someone who has probably saved 100s of lives in his job?

You have no idea what the situation was so it's a bit harsh to say he has no compassion.

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Old 04-01-2011, 19:49   #11
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Re: Rest break death ambulance man keeps job

"The control centre in Inverness made contact with trainee technician Mr McLauchlan, 23, and asked him to attend, but he refused because he was on a break."
seems odd a 23 year old trainee technician was working unsupervised, don't ambulances usually have a 2 man crew ?
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Old 04-01-2011, 20:01   #12
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Re: Rest break death ambulance man keeps job

The situation was he was having a brew and CHOSE not to respond to the call,even if he has not opted out of the undisturbed break scheme it shows a lack of commitment for what is an undoubted committed type of job.That is a fact of the case, he in my opinion has no compassion, if you are in that sort of job being disturbed goes with the territory. Even where i work i deal with the public, not saving lives or anything as important as that but even we have been having a brew or dinner and if someone needs help we tend to do it. At the end of the day ambulances and their crews are an EMERGENCY service ,if your house was on fire you wouldnt expect the fireman to say "yeah no probs will be there as soon as we have had a brew".Would you? I for one would hate to think that my life or any of my friends or family would be in the hands of a man who puts a cup of tea before someones life
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Old 04-01-2011, 20:02   #13
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Re: Rest break death ambulance man keeps job

Originally Posted by steeljack View Post
"The control centre in Inverness made contact with trainee technician Mr McLauchlan, 23, and asked him to attend, but he refused because he was on a break."
seems odd a 23 year old trainee technician was working unsupervised, don't ambulances usually have a 2 man crew ?
I would imagine if he refused his partner would not be able to attend due to being on his own.
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Old 04-01-2011, 22:33   #14
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Re: Rest break death ambulance man keeps job

Originally Posted by walkinman221 View Post
I would imagine if he refused his partner would not be able to attend due to being on his own.
Unless times have changed that much I don't think many of us would have got far in real life or kept a job if we had as trainees/apprentices told our foreman or journeyman supervisor to "sod off I'm having a brew" .... got to be a bit more to the story
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Old 04-01-2011, 23:09   #15
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Re: Rest break death ambulance man keeps job

Surely if he was a 'technician' he may not yet have been trained in using the defibrillator. Patients who suffer un-witnessed cardiac arrests and have delayed BLS (Basic Life Support)/defibrillation as a result have a dismal outlook and resuscitation attempts will be unsuccessful in most cases

Not to attend when only 800 yards from the incident does not, in my opinion, show an empathic nature, though all of the surrounding details/circumstances are not known, I can, hand on heart say, his presence in any capacity would have helped, if only to have reassured the patient and hold her hand.

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