So, looking back it started well, in fact it started fantastic if accyweb had existed back then I could have described myself as doing far better than my wildest dreams.
Anyway enough about that, very soon into this decade, it was tit's up & it's been downhill from there on, now, I could fill a whole server with how bitter I feel about the last ten years but, what the Hey, we are all looking forward to Christmas, the New Year and hopefully an improvement all around, so thank you to Gayle for her Review of the year thread, (believe me, I know how annoying such reminders can be).
The biggest thank you goes to everyone else, I'm still here to whine, groan & moan, about my petty problems because you don't, (often), complain about me.
So, hopefully, if I've done this right, I've covered the last decade, no-one else needs to mention it, let's all get on with trying to live a full & happy life, and that I'll be here to copy and paste this in 2020.
Oh, by the way, standard Christmas Greetings, If you were expecting a card you don't know me, if you received one, do not go to any web site mentioned on it, unless you want to lose your identity, it wasn't from me!