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Old 27-06-2005, 18:02   #16
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Re: richard whiteley

Latest from the ntl home page
Countdown legend Richard Whiteley died on Sunday from heart problems, aged 61. The presenter and former news reporter had initially been taken ill with pneumonia in May. He later had an operation to cure an infected heart valve but had been thought to be recovering.

His wife Kathryn Apanowicz, 45, was by his side. Whiteley's Countdown co-presenter Carol Vorderman is said to be distraught. Whitely, famous for his bad jokes, co-hosting the show with Carol Vorderman since 1982, when it was the first programme ever transmitted on Channel 4.

Even the Queen is said to be a fan of the popular show and she presented Whiteley with an OBE last November. The show's producers have scrapped their plan to film a new series of the show with guest presenters that they hoped would fill in until Whiteley recovered from illness. They are yet to decide whether they will air the final episodes of Countdown Richard hosted before he became ill
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Old 27-06-2005, 19:20   #17
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Re: richard whiteley

Episodes are to be shown this week......with the final on Friday along with a tribute to Richard.
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Old 27-06-2005, 21:23   #18
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Re: richard whiteley

It's so sad when you hear of the death of a nice man, which he always seemed to be. I remember, well, the news episode with the ferret that attached itself to his finger. He was the perfect presenter of Countdown and I don't think the programme can survive without him. It will become "run of the mill", just like Radio 4's "Home Truths" is since the death of John Peel.

I'll miss Richard, his dreadful ties, his garish jackets and his awful puns.
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Old 27-06-2005, 22:19   #19
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Re: richard whiteley

if it did continue i wonder if carol voderman could,saw her on telly today and felt for her she was genuinly distraught, makes a change from the false botty licking that usually goes on when someone dies.
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Old 27-06-2005, 22:22   #20
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Re: richard whiteley

When my mum found out he had died she was crying for hours and wanted to wake me and ma sister up ye he were a nice man i couldnt really do countdown though
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Old 28-06-2005, 14:30   #21
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Re: richard whiteley

Latest from ntl news
Carol Vorderman has paid a touching tribute to her friend and Countdown co-star Richard Whiteley, who died yesterday aged 61.

"I adored him and I always will," she said of the man she partnered on screen for 23 years. "

In a statement issued today (Monday), Vorderman continued: "We have had thousands of messages from our Countdown family. We even had a message saying Mass is being said for him in Ireland today. He was loved by millions as every day he filled the screen and made us laugh.

"He was the star. Many times the audience was full of students – all younger than Countdown itself – and they came to pay homage to their favourite uncle. They had T-shirts made with his face on. They raided their dads' wardrobes for the worst jacket and tie they could find and they had their hair cut like Richard's.

"I'm privileged to have known him, to have been so close to him and to have been supported and loved by him. I adored him and I always will
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Old 28-06-2005, 18:44   #22
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Re: richard whiteley

It's a real shame;I was never a fan of the programme but he was obviously a much loved and admired chap.My sympathies to his family.
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Old 29-06-2005, 15:25   #23
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Re: richard whiteley

It did say before he died "Guest presenters" would host the programme until he was well, maybe they will continue doing that, as the programme "Have I Got news For You" has done.
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Old 29-06-2005, 18:02   #24
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Re: richard whiteley

Hi all just been on the channel four website. They have opened a (virtual) book of condolence. However it is in the form of a forum and you have to join to log in. However you can read posts without joining. If anyone is iterested follow the link below.

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Old 29-06-2005, 18:59   #25
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Re: richard whiteley

that was interesting.... thanks for that,,,,,,,,,,
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Old 29-06-2005, 20:32   #26
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Re: richard whiteley

It seems that there are a lot of people out there who will miss this jovial host.......good to read those tributes.
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