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Old 11-04-2009, 20:53   #1
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Riot at cat C jail

right, so they are in a 'soft' jail with all mod cons, playstations and etc.

Theya re a 'little cramped'. so let burn the place and riot..

IMHO, chuck them in Cat A prison for 5-10 years min for disrepect of Gov property and taking teh P seeing as they got a holiday camp instead of the JAIL that they deserved.

stop Fannying about!!!!!!!! Prison is for punishment, you don't end up ther unless you are braeking the law( odd case of misjustice accepted)

Most of teh people in this case would have been given a softer sentence because they admit to lots more crime( illogical but true!!!).

All the rehabilitation crap isn't working, teh best way to rehabilitate is to make it somewhere they don't want to go back to. Stinking toilets, 6 to a broom cupboard, 23.75 hours locked up etc. Chuff human rights, where were they when we were being mugged, burgled, etc?

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Old 11-04-2009, 20:58   #2
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Re: Riot at cat C jail

I have read today that category A jails are full, so A prisoners are put in B, and B prisoners are put in C.
The prison holding them isn't equipped to handle them.

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Old 11-04-2009, 21:02   #3
Beacon of light

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Re: Riot at cat C jail

If they burn it down then they must live under canvas until they have rebuilt it again.
My views of prison and punishment is that prison is for punishment...not to enable the inmate to get a is to take him/her out of the society that they have committed crimes is to protect the public, and to deter other criminals from committing offences.......and from what I can see, our system clearly doesn't work,and is hideously expensive into the bargain(no pun intended).
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 11-04-2009, 21:08   #4
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Re: Riot at cat C jail


Its good enough for British jobs, Its good enough for our prisoners!!!!!!!

A stinking, hellishly HOT Indian/Pakistan/elsewhere Gaol with limited sanitary conditions, I'm sure would be welcome.....NOT

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Old 11-04-2009, 21:11   #5
Beacon of light

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Re: Riot at cat C jail

or a grim hebridean island with little or no shelter...they have to build it themselves, no food either unless they can catch it and cook it.......and they can work out their own laws and decide on punishments for the law breakers.

Methinks that they would be pretty happy to go back to a comfortable category C prison after a few weeks in such an environment....if they survived, that is.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 11-04-2009, 21:14   #6
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Re: Riot at cat C jail

Didn't we used to do that? Australia wasn't it? And look at them now.
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Old 11-04-2009, 21:16   #7
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Re: Riot at cat C jail

yep, but it did take them 200 years to get there!!!!

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Old 11-04-2009, 21:17   #8
Beacon of light

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Re: Riot at cat C jail

Yes we did.......and they(the prisoners) were sent to the most inhospitable places.
It either made them or killed them.....they certainly had to use their wits to survive.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 11-04-2009, 21:26   #9
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Re: Riot at cat C jail

Just to increase your blood pressure a little more
"In a Commons statement yesterday, Mr Denham admitted rules allow prisoners on full-time university courses to claim student grants and loans.

He said some inmates were let out on day release to pursue their studies. Mr Denham said 91 prisoners had received about £250,000 in maintenance loans and £120,000 in maintenance grants during 2007.

The loans are repayable once graduates reach a £15,000 salary threshold. However, critics said much of the cash would have to be written off since many inmates would be unable to repay it."
Daily Mail
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Old 11-04-2009, 21:30   #10
Beacon of light

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Re: Riot at cat C jail

Yes Wadey I saw this bit of is an insult to the general population who have to scrimp and save to get their tuition fees.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 11-04-2009, 21:35   #11
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Re: Riot at cat C jail

I think they are a bit soft with one or two thing,s now,than what they use,t to be but there not like some of the jail,s but the law brakers must be kep,t some were, but this is what happen,s when they clash with other thing,s,
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Old 11-04-2009, 21:41   #12
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Re: Riot at cat C jail

Some years ago, in the early 1990s, I worked with a chap who stole money through his job as a Tax Collector. Inevitably, he was found out and prosecuted and he was sentenced to 2 years in Kirkham Open Prison. While in prison he had a TV in his cell and played squash regularly. He also studied for a degree in Economics (ironic, given his offence) and was allowed out alone every Thursday to go to Lancaster University for lectures which, needless to say, he hardly ever attended.

In my opinion, no matter what the offence, if an individual is sent to prison his "rights" should end at the prison gates. He should be made to work for his keep and the experience should not be pleasant. We are not sentencing offenders to punishment, just a change of address.
Some cinemas let the flying monkeys in............and some don't.
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Old 11-04-2009, 22:22   #13
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Re: Riot at cat C jail

its all been said before, there is NO REAL deterrent for crime its that simple, the soft asses have won.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 11-04-2009, 22:40   #14
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Re: Riot at cat C jail

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Yes Wadey I saw this bit of is an insult to the general population who have to scrimp and save to get their tuition fees.
The entire EMA system is terrible. It could save the government millions each year if they stopped giving grants out to students whose parents are on <£30k a year. Why should my degree cost x3 as much as other people doing the exact same course because my parents earn more than £30k ? It's my degree not theres. I'm all for equal opportunities but make them equal - loans available to anyone leaving college/sixth form to cover tuition fees and living costs - but they should be exactly that - loans. There is no justification for giving away grants.
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Old 12-04-2009, 09:08   #15
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Re: Riot at cat C jail

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
its all been said before, there is NO REAL deterrent for crime its that simple, the soft asses have won.
The Lunatics are running the asylum, I bet some of our pensioners would mind doing a five stretch, own TV with Sky, all mod cons, 3 square a day, just a pity they don't have a wine waiter too
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