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13-10-2006, 20:15
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rip off britain
does anybody else think we live in a rip off britain paying extortionate prices for entertainment ie football matches pictures pubs [drink] clubs [excluding pound shops] 
13-10-2006, 22:22
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Re: rip off britain
Originally Posted by cmonstanley
does anybody else think we live in a rip off britain paying extortionate prices for entertainment ie football matches pictures pubs [drink] clubs [excluding pound shops] 
HELL YES!!!!!!!! Just bin on holiday and only spent £300 in 2 weeks, if I did the stuff i did on hols here god knows how much it would av cost me!!!!
14-10-2006, 12:28
Apprentice Geriatric
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Re: rip off britain
Originally Posted by cmonstanley
does anybody else think we live in a rip off britain paying extortionate prices for entertainment ie football matches pictures pubs [drink] clubs [excluding pound shops] 
Of course!
The name of the game is to make as much money as possible (for the fat cat bosses, shareholders and the government in taxes so they can spend it on non-essentials like Nukes and illegal wars) whilst paying the lowest wages you can get away with.
14-10-2006, 13:54
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Re: rip off britain
I'll second that.
14-10-2006, 17:14
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Re: rip off britain
Is it cos Britain is such a costly place to live,that so many people now want to move abroad?With hindsight,i would have started saving years ago to emigrate if i'd have known what a rip off,dumping ground,this country would become.Soon we'll even getting taxed on the air we breath(unless you claim benefits & should'nt legally be here.....then everything's on us)! 
15-10-2006, 11:10
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Re: rip off britain
I agree, Britain is a rip off...id support a goverment that scraps: NHS (replaced with private Health care) / Job Seekers allowance / Stop immigrants other than those that can benefit the country and last but not least...pay for children, If people choose to have children then yes single child parents should get benefits, people often don't realise the finanical implication of a *sprout* but after the 1st there should be a fee (at least in my opinion) how often do u see people walkin with 4 + kids just to gain more benefits?
Bored of paying up to 150 a week in tax and then NI for people that can't be assed to work or abuse the system.
Yeah, the goverment are partially to blame but who here has abbused the system?i can honestly say with hand on heart i have never..not even a claim when i lost part of my limb when it was not my fault, or even a sick day..i could rant on and on and on....  sure u get the point.
Last edited by Who knows; 15-10-2006 at 11:16.
15-10-2006, 13:14
Re: rip off britain
Originally Posted by Lolly
HELL YES!!!!!!!! Just bin on holiday and only spent £300 in 2 weeks, if I did the stuff i did on hols here god knows how much it would av cost me!!!!
Where did you go to?
What would you have earned in that same country in 2 weeks?
You can't just compare the cost of things. You have to compare everything from wages, taxation etc to the services you get in the country.
Why do you think so many people want to move here from other countries if it is rip of Britain?
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15-10-2006, 16:53
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Re: rip off britain
Actually thats a very good point Neil, u just dont think of that sort of thing when ur on holiday do u? All you do is work out how much something is in ££'s and then obviously you think "wow thats cheap"
15-10-2006, 17:00
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Re: rip off britain
Originally Posted by jambutty
Of course!
The name of the game is to make as much money as possible (for the fat cat bosses, shareholders and the government in taxes so they can spend it on non-essentials like Nukes and illegal wars) whilst paying the lowest wages you can get away with.
oo how very Marxist of you. It's true though.
The pityful fact is that the state of affairs will never change unless the proletariat revolt.
Which will never happen.
The cost of living won't ever stop soaring, & with people like David Cameron knocking at the door of no.10 there's gonna be dark days ahead for a lot of people.
15-10-2006, 19:16
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Re: rip off britain
Originally Posted by jambutty
Of course!
The name of the game is to make as much money as possible (for the fat cat bosses, shareholders and the government in taxes so they can spend it on non-essentials like Nukes and illegal wars) whilst paying the lowest wages you can get away with.
Jambutty is fond of excoriating the rich. Not I. I love free market capitalism. It spells freedom to me. No, it's not a perfect system. However, it has provided a far better standard of living for people around the globe than the alternatives. I see nothing wrong with a person making money from their talent and hard work. I never look in other people's pockets. Let them make all the money they want......as long as they do so honestly.
As for government, it has involved itself in far too many things. At the national level, its main priority should be the common defense of the country. The guns and butter strategy never has worked well.
16-10-2006, 12:07
Apprentice Geriatric
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Re: rip off britain
Moi! Marxist! Shakermaker? I don’t think so.
I would just ask – who is the most important person/employee of any business?
The owner/shareholders?
The board of Directors?
The management team?
The departmental heads?
The production workers?
The stores staff?
The canteen staff?
The cleaners?
I would suggest that it is a team and remove any group and there is no product to make and sell and thus create the wealth for them to share.
I’m not suggesting that everyone in a business should be paid the same because those who have studied hard for a qualification deserve a higher salary than those who haven’t. But non-the-less the workers on the shop floor who actually create the wealth by producing the product that is sold get a raw deal. To add insult to injury not only does senior management award themselves a higher pay rise than the rest, but it is done on a percentage basis. Thus the lowest paid will get a small cash rise whilst those at the top will get a much larger cash rise.
Price increases are the same for everyone be they someone who is unemployed or a company director.
In a nutshell those who control the wealth creation have first crack at grabbing as much as they can get away with and they do without a thought for those who do the actual work. They are left to scrabble over a pittance.
It is an indictment of the system that a person in full time work can still qualify for Housing and Council Tax Benefits.
Yes I am fond of having a dig at the rich bullseyebarb because they have their snouts in the trough long before anyone else can get near AND the greedy pigs control when that can happen and also control how long the rest can stay at the trough.
If free market capitalism is the bees knees then tell that to the millions, yes millions that don’t even have clean water to drink let alone enough food to eat. Free market capitalism is a euphemism for greed.
The old adage of “The rich get richer and the poor get poorer” is more true to day than it ever was.
16-10-2006, 13:10
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Re: rip off britain
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