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Old 14-10-2006, 20:57   #61
Resident Waffler

WillowTheWhisp's Avatar

Re: roadworthy taxis ?

I usually use the same taxi company each time and I've never had any worries about travelling with them. I believe the cars are safe and the drivers look after their vehicles and their passengers. After all like Tinks say it' stheir livlihood.

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Accrington Web
Old 16-10-2006, 09:22   #62
God Member
SPUGGIE J's Avatar

Re: roadworthy taxis ?

Taxi drivers up here have the standard MOT and the council ones every 6 months even on new cars. The council works on the basis that your average Joe Mac will do 35,000 miles a year and therefore for the safety of the pasengers and others on the road cannot be comprimised. These cars are put through checks so stringent that the cars have to be kept as close to factory delevery condition as possible. There is no leway at all so most drivers would rather be of the road for a couple of days to fix a problem than risk failing the council MOT and having their license suspended.

Unlike 99% of the taxi's I have been in when in Accy, Falkirks' taxis have to run the meter at all times in the allocated price band;

Band 1 £1.60 for the first 800 yards and 10 pence for every 120 yards thereafter. 07:00 - 21:00

Band 2 £2.00 for the first 800 yards and 13 pence for every 120 yards thereafter. 21:00 - 07:00

Band 3 £2.40 for the first 800 yards and 15 pence for every 120 yards thereafter. This is for bank holidays, Christmas and New Year (1st & 2nd up here)

All comments above are nothing to do with here and therefore not the resposibility of the Accrington Web site owners admins or mods.


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