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Old 09-10-2006, 13:57   #1
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Tealeaf's Avatar

Robin Hood & his band of Merry Men....

Who among you can recall that classic television series of the early '60's, Robin Hood? Broadcast in glorious black & white, it came on once a week around tea time and told many an intrepid adventure of the outlaw Robin Hood and his men against the dastardly schemes of the evil Sheriff of Nottingham and his nasty side-kick, Guy of Gisburn.

Starring the British actor Richard Greene, it ran for many years and each episode was arguably as entertaining as the great 1930's film with Errol Flynn as the mighty swordsman and Basil Rathbone as the Sheriff, which contained probably the best duelling scene in cinematic history. Well, since then we have seen various attempts to recreate the Locksley Legend, both on the large and the small screen, none with any reasonable success.

With some excitement therefore, I prepared to settle down on saturday evening to view the new well-publicised ten million quid blockbuster of Robin Hood. Filmed in Hungary by the BBC, but almost lost to our screens following the theft of the master tapes, The BBC had to fork out an additional half million ransom for their return,in order that everything could go ahead as normal and everyone would be happy.

Struggling with the uncorking of a fine South African Pinotage, I missed the opening minutes of the show; When I did get my first view, there on the screen was a callow youth, sporting a half-hearted attempt at a beard.

"Who is this character?", I wondered.

The answer was not long in coming - for it was no more than the man himself - Robin Hood! The BBC are having a laugh, I thought...but worse was to come...much, much, worse.

For in the next scene, Robin was forced to draw his weapons..which comprised a simitar and an arabic bow. Now, nowhere in the legends of Robin Hood has there been any reference to his use of these armaments. Why would he? The English Long Bow was by far the superior weapon while the broadsword was more than a match for the curved sword (useful in slicing, but useless in stabbing). Nevertheless, the BBC decided to rewrite the history of early medieval warfare.

Although this was political correctness gone mad, worse was to follow...soon the script was coming out with howlers such as "standing shoulder-to-shoulder with the Pope" while Robin Hood was challenging English middle-eastern policy. Enough being enough, I slung my bottle of wine towards the TV screen, fortunatly missing, but in the process leaving a large stain on the back wall.

I fear for what will happen next week, as no doubt, we are introduced to the merry men in Sherwood. Will we see the Iman Tuck? Will Maid Marion be fully veiled, or will it go the other way, and she turns out to be a fighting lesbian bandit...or maybe a combination of both? Will Will Scarlett be a puffter? And will the nasty Prince John turn out to be Tony Blair, biding his time until King Richard turns up, aka Gordon Brown?

Last edited by Tealeaf; 09-10-2006 at 14:05.
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Old 09-10-2006, 14:51   #2
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Re: Robin Hood & his band of Merry Men....

I take it that you are not recomending this then Tealeaf. Maybe someday they will get it right but not in our lifetimes. Does al this nonsense mean that Sinbad is going to be banned for promoting the Arab cause?

All comments above are nothing to do with here and therefore not the resposibility of the Accrington Web site owners admins or mods.


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Old 09-10-2006, 16:47   #3
white rabbits

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Re: Robin Hood & his band of Merry Men....

TE DE,, DE DE ,,DE DE DE,, DE DE ..............Followed by the bullseye in the dartboard
Oh Tealeaf that old opening tune just popped back into my head.....
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Old 09-10-2006, 17:35   #4
Resident Waffler

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Re: Robin Hood & his band of Merry Men....

Oh I loved Richard\Greene as Robin Hood. I'm glad I didn't see this rubbish version.

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Old 09-10-2006, 20:53   #5
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Thumbs down Re: Robin Hood & his band of Merry Men....

Got to agree with you Tealeaf it was a definite thumbs down
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Old 09-10-2006, 22:03   #6
Accy Goddess

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Re: Robin Hood & his band of Merry Men....

I to liked Richard Green and the catchy tune.
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Old 09-10-2006, 22:37   #7
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Re: Robin Hood & his band of Merry Men....

what i find funny is that robin hood was this outlaw - living rough

and this guy is like nicely trimmed beard adn superslick styled hair *L*

when will the bbc realise that from their own track record its the shows done on the cheap with some real effort by individuals not by splashin 10m on a show or whatever it cost
If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you - Ghenghis Khan
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Old 09-10-2006, 22:42   #8
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Re: Robin Hood & his band of Merry Men....

never saw it, but the original was on sunday teatime,as we didn't have a telly at that time we used to go up to the lady who came across from ireland with me mam,for tea,every week without fail, was a wonderful prog for a young lad,black and white did not detract from it as colour was not about. p.s. i dont remember it.
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Old 10-10-2006, 13:48   #9
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Re: Robin Hood & his band of Merry Men....

The 60's Robin Hood series with Richard Greene was terrific - Saturday teatime - I've got the darn theme tune still stuck in my head - I remember the words of the first verse and just dum de dum the rest - here we go -

Robin Hood, Robin Hood riding through the glen,
Robin Hood, Robin Hood with his band of men,
Feared by the bad, loved by the good
Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Robin Hood
forgotten the rest

how sad can I get?
Strangely, Sherwood Forest is now on my doorstep, beautiful place, very atmospheric and the Major Oak - wonderful. Nottingham Castle however, is always a disappointment to Robin Hood tourists as it is relatively recent, not medieval atall. There is an ancient pub just below the castle, The Trip to Jerusalem, which allegedly dates back to Crusader times.
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Old 10-10-2006, 13:55   #10
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Re: Robin Hood & his band of Merry Men....

Tealeaf, how can you remember the television from the series from the early sixties?

How old are you?

I know your date of birth on your profile says 1902, but I thought that was a joke.
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Old 10-10-2006, 13:59   #11
Resting in Peace

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Re: Robin Hood & his band of Merry Men....

Here you go have a look and listen to it again willow & KayJay
watch all your fav programs again GREAT SITE this !!

Last edited by Mick; 10-10-2006 at 14:31.
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Old 10-10-2006, 14:33   #12
Resident Waffler

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Re: Robin Hood & his band of Merry Men....

It must have been reruns when I watched it. No way did we have a telly by 1958 even if I'd been old enough to watch it.

I do remember the rest of the theme song though.

He called the greatest archers
To a tavern on the green,
They vowed to help the people of the king,
They handled all the trouble
On the English country scene,
But still found plenty of time to sing!

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Old 10-10-2006, 14:41   #13
Resting in Peace

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Re: Robin Hood & his band of Merry Men....

I hope you joined in the song hehe
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Old 10-10-2006, 15:44   #14
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Re: Robin Hood & his band of Merry Men....

I can't get the links to work on that site.

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Old 10-10-2006, 22:00   #15
white rabbits

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Re: Robin Hood & his band of Merry Men....

I Cant Either...only The Wirligig Thing..
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