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Old 31-05-2006, 07:46   #1
Junior Member+

Talking romantic proposals

hi all
has anyone had a romantic or different proposal from your partner?

i proposed to my girl whilst on the karoke in my local i was singing "everyday i love you" by boyzone and at the end of the song there is a line saying "if i ask would you say yes" thats when i dropped on 1 knee and pulled out the ring in front of her thankfully she said yes lol

i was wondering if anyone else had a story

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Old 31-05-2006, 11:58   #2
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Re: romantic proposals

A lad proposed to me going over herne bay coastline in a helicopter a few years back but i said no needless to say i dumped him straight away.Im such a b*tch

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Old 31-05-2006, 20:55   #3
God Member

Re: romantic proposals

I value your opinion of yourself misskitty
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Old 01-06-2006, 02:35   #4
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Re: romantic proposals

my parents proposed to the missus on my behalf

of course the fact i actually didnt know her was like a catch 22 as to why i cudnt do it myself...

to be honest - i would've loved to propose to someone... on the bridge of sighs in venice as the sunset...
If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you - Ghenghis Khan
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Old 01-06-2006, 07:05   #5
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Re: romantic proposals

So why not do it now? If you love her then do it now, get that ticket booked Mani!

Just because its late doesn't make it worthless

As far as Julie and myself go.......

I booked her a week off work without her knowing, got her parents permissions and got them to pack a bag, I told her we were going out for a meal one Sunday when in reality I had booked us a cottage in the grounds of a country house near Dumfries. I proposed on Valentines day at the place of the altar in Sweethearts Abbey, New Abbey, Scotland

She was actually a bit annoyed with me because on Valantines day I didn't give her a card in the morning, well I couldn't as it had To my Fiancee on it!

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Last edited by entwisi; 01-06-2006 at 07:48.
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Old 01-06-2006, 07:32   #6
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Re: romantic proposals

I decided to propose to my wife about a month after we met. I invited her round to my house and set the scene with subdued lights, romantic music and a bottle of wine...then I popped the question. She looked at me with a horrified expression on her face, burst into tears and rushed out of the room. I sat there thinking that this was possibly not the best move I'd ever made, then I followed her to find out what was the matter. It turned out that, because her English was still very limited at that time, she'd thought I was saying that I was already married! Fortunately, I managed to explain to her with a little bit of Spanglish, she accepted and we were married four months later.
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Old 01-06-2006, 20:44   #7
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Re: romantic proposals

I half thought that Chris was going to propose to me on my birthday in October so was a bit cheesed off when he didn't. Then on our six month 'anniversary' a month later he booked a hotel in the lake district and did it the very conventional way over dinner. I sort of knew it was going to happen but it still made me cry buckets when it did.

He didn't actually ask me, just sort of said 'there's something I need to ask you' then put a box on the table. Then he said 'I wonder if it fits'. Me being me didn't wait to find out so put it on my finger and said 'yes, it does'. He's never stopped ribbing me for my eagerness since but in my defence, he asked me a question and I answered it - what did he expect?

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Old 02-06-2006, 00:57   #8
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Re: romantic proposals

i got hinted at , nagged at then practicaly told that i was getting married and then when i eventualy agreed the bitch ran off with another fella..

romantic side is i met somone else 100 times better
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Old 02-06-2006, 03:07   #9
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Re: romantic proposals


go on chav!! i knew there was a good ole romantic in u!

i would do it now but a) its not really the same b) she's heavily preg c) we're saving up to convert the cellar d) i want to have a 2nd wife so i'll propose to her
If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you - Ghenghis Khan
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