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Old 27-10-2006, 00:54   #91
bygum's Avatar

Re: Rose coloured criticism.

There as one thing always puzzeld me in the early 50's the council's always kept there respective towns very tidy and clean like today everyone who had property paid there respective rates and each year due to cost of living went up so the council would up there rates to meet the demand of that cost. Now today I am sure the councils do just the same but where does the money go it sure as hell does not get spent on the towns, It does not take rocket sciences to work that one out who are the ones driving a round in flashy car's who are the one's that live in there big houses .
But all this gripeing wont do a thing only you people can do this at the poles, and make them resposable for there actions .
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Last edited by bygum; 27-10-2006 at 00:57.
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Accrington Web
Old 27-10-2006, 09:27   #92
Resident Waffler

WillowTheWhisp's Avatar

Re: Rose coloured criticism.

Have you ever seen "Yes Minister"? I think Hyndborg BC is a bit like that.

I was talking to a friend in town yesterday and asked if she'd seen the stall on Tuesday with the development ideas. Her rsponse was "Waste of time. This council will never do anything to improve the town." Grr, grr, grr!
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Old 27-10-2006, 12:23   #93
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Re: Rose coloured criticism.

I must agree, that if people realy want to change things, then it starts at the ballot box.
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Old 27-10-2006, 12:41   #94
Resident Waffler

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Re: Rose coloured criticism.

I've lost count of the councillors I've voted for who said they were going to get something done about the rubbish. How come a lot of the things they say in their campaigning just never happens once they get elected? The ballot box isn't the be all and end all. We still have every right to complain if promises are conveniently forgotten. I'm not talking about the pointless "nothing will ever improve" sort of whingeing. I mean the "You are answerable to the voters so what are you going to do about it?" sort of complaint!

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Old 27-10-2006, 12:47   #95
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Re: Rose coloured criticism.

It's a pity that we can't have a vote of no confidence, if the promises are carried out. That would certainly make them act.

"It wasn't me, you can't prove a thing"

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Old 27-10-2006, 13:10   #96
Resident Waffler

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Re: Rose coloured criticism.

No confidence if the promises are carried out?

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Old 27-10-2006, 13:12   #97
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Re: Rose coloured criticism.

doh !

I mean't AREN'T, obviously. Where's the "edit" button when you need it? lol

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Old 27-10-2006, 22:45   #98
Foreign Correspondent

Billcat's Avatar

Re: Rose coloured criticism.

Originally Posted by garinda
Thanks for the info Bill, but Galactic law still states that I can't marry one of you humans, of either gender yet.
Lucky for us humans!

Sorry, that target was just too tempting!

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