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Old 25-09-2006, 23:29   #31
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: roundabout fact!!

Who has right of way on a roundabout? CASHY end of.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Accrington Web
Old 26-09-2006, 13:56   #32
Apprentice Geriatric
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Smile Re: roundabout fact!!

Give way to the traffic on your right and only join the flow if there is room to do so without causing the traffic on your right to have to brake or swerve to avoid you, Panther.

Sadly many drivers seem to think that 5 yards of room is enough for them to pull out into. However when it comes to multiple lane roundabouts and you see a car in the right hand lane you can pull out into the left hand lane, except the chances are that car on the roundabout will suddenly flash left to take the next exit leaving you with the problem of how to get out of his way or leaving him with a problem of how not to hit you.

I have found that the greater majority of HGV drivers are responsible drivers and appreciate any help that other motorists give them. If I’m travelling long the middle lane of a motorway and an HGV ahead in the inside lane starts to flash to come out, unless I am very close, I will generally easy off the accelerator and flash him to come out, especially if the road is uphill, even on a two lane motorway. Don’t forget he is only trying to overtake another lorry that is a bit slower and will get back into the inside lane as soon as possible. So it takes him a mile to do it, so what, you’ve only lost a few seconds. The other thing to remember is that HGV’s are not like cars. They need time and distance not just to stop but to gain cruising speed that once lost takes time and diesel to regain.

The real menace on the roads are drivers at mini roundabouts. As you approach you see a car on the right waiting to come out but no indicators are flashing so you’ve no idea where he wants to go. You slow down to almost a stop and then the clown decides to set of and turn left. Then there is the idiot who approaches a roundabout flashing to go left and goes straight on or turns right just as you pull out.

When it comes to roundabouts I treat all vehicles as being driven by idiots and take extra care.
Also alot of drivers at a T junction don't know who has right of way!!!!

When actually if you are going straight on but the car across from you is turning in your pathway, they have right of way.,

I think that you will find that the traffic on the road along the top of the ‘T’ has the right of way slinky. Traffic joining from the right or left has to give way. At the end of each road joining the main road there is either a ‘Stop’ or ‘Give Way’ sign with appropriate road markings at the end of the road.

The other and more dangerous menaces are ‘amber gamblers’ who don’t seem to have a clue about traffic lights and plough through on red and in most cases find themselves stuck in a box junction and causing a traffic snarl up.
Thanks for reading. If you have a few minutes to spare please visit my web site at
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Old 26-09-2006, 16:31   #33
Resident Waffler

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Re: roundabout fact!!

if you are going straight on but the car across from you is turning in your pathway, they have right of way.

I'm confused by that bit. Do you mean both cars on the same road which a side road joins onto? I was under the impression that the car going straight on had right of way and that you should never turn into the path of an oncoming vehicle.

Mind you, I haven't driven for years and looking at a recent copy of the Highway Code it doesn't seem to be as clear about a lot of things as I remember it being.

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