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Old 30-09-2004, 22:45   #46
Resident Waffler

WillowTheWhisp's Avatar

Re: Rubbish !

Why not have them following the bin men round with brushes and bags so they can collect all that is dropped too?

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Accrington Web
Old 30-09-2004, 22:50   #47
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Re: Rubbish !

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp
It sounds very much like John Waterhouse.
Is he Keith Waterhouse's brother Willow??
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Old 30-09-2004, 22:59   #48
Resident Waffler

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Talking Re: Rubbish !

I meant Keith! I thought it didn't sound quite right at the time.

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Old 03-10-2004, 15:12   #49
God Member
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Re: Rubbish !

At the risk of making you all want to scream yourselves sick and bang your heads repeatedly on sharp corners, I came across this the other day:

" In 1914, the mileage was 44, (miles of streets) and the number of men carrying out the work of street cleansing was 26, including a foreman. Although more than 12 miles have been added to the area...since 1914, the number of hands remains the same....
...Our main shopping thoroughfares are swept daily, five miles of main roadways are swept three times weekly, whilst the remainder are attended to not less than once weekly, principally by hand sweeping."

So that is 26 blokes cleaning every street in the borough at least once a week - SWEEPING BY HAND!

"Street sweepings are mixed with manure from the public abbatoirs, certain market refuse and with fine dust screened from household refuse, the resultant compound producing a manure which commands a ready sale amongst farmers and others within a radius of five miles..."

In 1900 a destructor works was installed at the end of Argyll Street on the site where Pilkington Buses now have their depot.

"It may also be of interest to learn to what extent various forms of salvage and the utilisation of the residuals are carried out by the department:
Fish Meal £1,220 16s 6d
Baled Scrap Tins £288 11s 8d
Baled Waste Paper £232 2s 1d
Tar Macadam ££107 7s 10d
Baled Bagging, Carpets and Rugs £49 16s 8d
Street Sweepings £46 5s 10d"
And so on for Light Scrap Iron, Rags, Cast Scrap Iron, Scrap Lead, Glass, Fat, String, Bones, Scrap Brass, Hair, Mortar, Clinker. In addition to all this, the destructor furnaces were connected to the Electricity Company, who contributed £800 to the total realised from this primitive form of recycling of £4,921 13s 6d. for the year ending Dec 31 1927. Which was used to relieve the Rate.

This is from the Borough Jubilee Booklet published in 1928.

This is what it used to be like, when Councillors and Council Officers knew what they were doing and ran the town for the benefit of it's residents instead of the benefit of it's parasites.
Enough is ENOUGH Get Britain out of Europe
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Old 03-10-2004, 16:30   #50
Resident Waffler

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Re: Rubbish !

I'm past screaming about the filth and the council's attitude towards it these days.

I remember my Dad saying that when they had pet rabbits or anything which died they took them to "the destructors" for incinerating. That was the place at the end of Argyle St.

I wonder how many street cleaners/refuse collectors are employed these days?

Has anyone ever seen the grates being cleaned out lately? It used to be a regular occurance when I was a child but I haven't seen one for years.

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Old 03-10-2004, 20:23   #51
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Re: Rubbish !

Ah! the destructor, or dizzy as it was locally known. A great play area ( after work hours of course! ) and very useful if you needed a replacement knob for your gas cooker. We had a drawer full of `em
" Crashes "
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Old 13-10-2004, 10:41   #52
Junior Member+

Angry Re: Rubbish !

And now the problem raises its ugly head with myself.................

I have 4 people in my household and 1 wheelie bin , then theresa the recycling bit this would be ideal if the recycling wagan fit down our ave. after six weeks of a full blue box we rang the council only to be told to throw it in our rubbish as the wagan cannot fit down the street. GOOD EHH!!!

Now we have a fornightley wheeley bin collection wich i have been told not to recycle so I rang for an extra bin NO CHANCE as this would meen that Britcliffe would loose some of the vast amount of money he can claim. So I offered to buy an extra bin from the council again NO POINT as the bin men would only collect the 1 they are contracted for at wich point I am told that if I leave any black bin bags outside i will be fined £50.00 (cheaper to buy a bin me thinx.) Not to be dismayed I then ask for permission to use the tip in my minibus and yet again NO NO NO !!!

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Old 13-10-2004, 16:36   #53
Resident Waffler

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Re: Rubbish !

I'd love to know exactly what they expect you to do with your rubbish - I know what you'd probably like to do with it.

Last edited by WillowTheWhisp; 13-10-2004 at 16:38.
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