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Old 11-08-2008, 10:19   #31
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: Russia

Originally Posted by danny27 View Post
thats all well and good cashman, but you know as well as i do that our government doesnt have an inch of common sense.

they see a conflict, they HAVE to get involved its just how it is nowadays.

And the americans wont care that ruski's have nukes, as far as they're concerned AMERICA are the super-power and everybody else can kiss their butts.

You know what america is like? America is like an obnoxious co-worker that comes into work and says on a daily basis "Im the greatest effer here, and the rest of you will DIE without me!!!"

And that, my little snow flakes is why America will get involved AND britain will soon follow cos Mr Brown will not want to lose that alliegiance that we have with the us.
well if you think that, ya have less sense than i thought, mind leeds fan says it all.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 11-08-2008, 10:29   #32
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Re: Russia

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
well if you think that, ya have less sense than i thought, mind leeds fan says it all.
Now now cashy we should not mock the afflicted, its bad enough being a Leeds fan without keep reminding him
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Old 11-08-2008, 10:33   #33
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Re: Russia

Again with the leeds jokes lol


I love Jaffa Cakes!!

All Hail evil Gloworm!!!

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I sometimes lay down at night and stare at the stars and its then i realise.. SOMEONE'S STOLE MY ROOF!!!

I'm always amazed when I hear people saying; "That GORDON BROWN, he's a great leader". And I wonder, where can one find a drug that would make one so delusional?
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Old 11-08-2008, 12:33   #34
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Cool Re: Russia

Originally Posted by shakermaker View Post
Is this the way people feel about how we entered World War two after Poland was invaded by Germany?
GB had a covenant with Poland to go to the country’s aid should Poland be invaded. It was and we did. Most people in GB accepted that we had to honour our obligation but the rush to volunteer was not as great as when WWI broke out. Once bitten, twice shy. Hence the conscription.

We had no such treaty with Iraq, Afghanistan or Georgia or, as far as I am aware, with any other country. The possible exception being the EU countries.
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Old 21-08-2008, 00:08   #35
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Re: Russia

Originally Posted by jambutty View Post
GB had a covenant with Poland to go to the country’s aid should Poland be invaded. It was and we did. Most people in GB accepted that we had to honour our obligation but the rush to volunteer was not as great as when WWI broke out. Once bitten, twice shy. Hence the conscription.

We had no such treaty with Iraq, Afghanistan or Georgia or, as far as I am aware, with any other country. The possible exception being the EU countries.
No agreements and no international commitments again we just use diplomatic language to "persude" the Russians to not attack i'ts nieghbours.. Russia is on the move to take back the territory they lost when the Berlin wall came down.. they were left with with a raggy army and a struggling economy..but not so these days.. the Russians have always had the attitude to fight on no matter the hardship.
To control such a vast nation has resulted time after time in either a tyranical royal family or a tyranical political movement..the results are usually the same.. such a massive country will always feel it is in their interest to dominate the smaller economies that surrond them. The USA and Britian have taken a less violent approach in the last 200yrs ..I don't think Iraq is an attempt to take over a nation.. but Russia still takes the attitude that power and action will bring more resourses for Russia.. and they don't have anyone to confront them in the area.

Last edited by Mancie; 21-08-2008 at 00:10.
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Old 21-08-2008, 06:53   #36
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Re: Russia

I'll hang on to my copy of 'Protect and Survive' a bit longer then

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Old 21-08-2008, 07:26   #37
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Re: Russia

May get into trouble for this ........none of the current problems facing the West would have happened but for the clown of a President ( Ronald Reagan) making the speech ..."Mr Gorbechav , tear down this wall ......etc) what were the results ........the biggest crime wave to hit western Europe since Attila the Hun, the Russian mafia are raping western Europe e.g. (insurance rates for 'quality' cars in Germany/France/ Austria/Italy have increased 300% due to theft, 90% of the vehicles turning up in the former Communist States ) .Drug trafficing and 'white slavery' prostitution at never seen before levels.
9.11 would never have happened if the Soviet Russians had been allowed to stay in Afghanistan , and allowed them to move a bit South into the no-mans land of Balucistan and thus dividing the Islamic fundamentalists in Iran and Pakistan ( let them fight the Russians and not us)
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Old 21-08-2008, 07:41   #38
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Re: Russia

and I'd go further Steeljack.. the west (USA and western Europe) Reagan..Thatcher.. pushed for Boris Yeltsin to get into power.. power he gained by force using the army..while we consoled oursevles with a victory.. effectivley the west put into power a useless man.. more concerned with McDonalds than his own people
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