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Old 25-04-2006, 20:32   #31

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Re: sack the incompetant

When we going?
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Old 25-04-2006, 20:37   #32

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Re: sack the incompetant

Getting back to the serious side of this thread. How on earth can we expect our youngsters to take work and responsibilities seriously, when they see these public figures getting away with gross incompetance without any consequences at all. Charles Clarke should know better. he has failed miserably in his very responsible position and should face the consequences.
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Old 25-04-2006, 20:51   #33
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Re: sack the incompetant

Its still the case of "do as I say not as I do" and is the worst example to set. Its bad enough that elemnts of society dont take responsibility without those that should set a good example doing exactly the same. If Mr Clarke thinks its to be taken as is then he should consider falling on his sword to set and example. We cannot go on with all these errors that puts all of us at risk and not expect the govenment not to get their act together so we need to stand up and be counted.

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Old 25-04-2006, 21:07   #34

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Re: sack the incompetant

Well said spuggie how can these people be trusted to run our country when they can't handle a situation like this. To think we have to trust them to make life changing decisions ie invasions etc. No bloody wonder we are on the brink of financial collapse, moral fibre is a thing of the past andpersonal standards seem to drop by the day.
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Old 25-04-2006, 22:22   #35
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Re: sack the incompetant

People should be sacked for this, and it should start at the top.

This Government came to power on an anti-sleaze ticket, sadly there is more and more of a whiff of incompetence and cover ups, as there was under John Major.

In any other job if you balls up, you are shown the door. The same should also apply to politicians, even if they go out of the door with a massive index linked pension.
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Old 25-04-2006, 22:33   #36

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Re: sack the incompetant

Originally Posted by garinda
People should be sacked for this, and it should start at the top.
I agree, time to take a fall Mr Blair.
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Old 25-04-2006, 23:56   #37
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Re: sack the incompetant

charles clarke is quite simply like mr blair (never wrong) i have been a socialist all my life and i do not think these people know what the word means, and as for sacking him? i wouldn,t i,d SHOOT the incompetant clown. (end of rant)
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Old 26-04-2006, 00:09   #38

Re: sack the incompetant

maybe one of the people he let out will shoot him cashman
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Old 26-04-2006, 00:16   #39
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Re: sack the incompetant

Originally Posted by wkd_one
maybe one of the people he let out will shoot him cashman
i just might.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 26-04-2006, 06:52   #40
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Re: sack the incompetant

We all know that like football management no matter how bad you perform even if you are sacked/forced to resign you will be back within 6 months doing a very similar and equally well paid job.

Look at Blunkett. Now there is Two jags coming out saying hes been having an affair for 2 years. As Rindy pointed out teh major downfall of the Tories was the amount of sleeze that was happening. It looks like New Labour has inherited this trait as well.

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Old 26-04-2006, 08:37   #41
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Re: sack the incompetant

Originally Posted by Neil
Are you sure about that Margaret? Maybe the NHS was a different place when you worked for them. Nowadays people get away with making screw ups all the time.
It will be 4 years this October since I retired, but I can tell you I would be down the road with my P45 in my hand for something as serious as this.....and probably have my derriere sued off me....we were each one of us accountable for our errors....and we were reminded of this at every opportunity.
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Old 26-04-2006, 08:52   #42

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Re: sack the incompetant

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
...we were each one of us accountable for our errors...
I am sure you were but, you only need to be accountable if someone finds out what you have done wrong. Thats the problem I think. No one is checking on what others are doing anymore.
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Old 26-04-2006, 09:46   #43
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Re: sack the incompetant

There is an error reporting system in place and I know from experience that it was very robust and I can assure you that many people would be prepared to expose any errors that they came across in their daily duties.
There were monthly Ward meetings with a multidisciplinary input from Consultants down to ward clerks......errors were categorised and actions were taken to improve procedures, and people WERE named if they were found to be responsible.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 26-04-2006, 09:50   #44
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Re: sack the incompetant

I should also have said that the meetings were inter-departmental, and you have no idea the rivalry that exist between depts...especially if something goes wrong. It was supposed to be a 'no blame' system...but from my point of view there was definite blame attached when things did go wrong.

Maybe Lettie will clarify the current set up.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 26-04-2006, 09:52   #45
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Re: sack the incompetant

You can ask Lettie what it is like to be called to answer questions at an inquest.....even when you have done nothing wrong it is an ordeal
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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