Old news now it was last week, but I have been pondering it.
The main title is:-
Safer Gambling Week is a cross-industry initiative to promote safer gambling in the United Kingdom and Ireland
What? The very name 'gambling' means you are taking a risk the only way to be safer is not to take that risk in which case you aren't 'gambling'.
The human race thrives on 'risk' be it the odd flutter or jumping out of an aircraft with only a cloth canopy between you remaining you or becoming a red stain somewhere in the countryside.
The majority of parachutists do it safely and so do most 'gamblers' that enjoy a flutter, it's nanny state sticking it's nose in where it isn't wanted, again.
Where would Horse racing, dogs and so on be without the millions spent by responsible gamblers?
Yes, there are some that can't control their gambling but they aren't the majority, have a safety net to protect these unfortunates but don't ram it down everyone's throat every few minutes with these schemes.
Right, I'm off to the pub (alchoholaware) for a fag (smokingaware) and a Punt (gamblingaware), while I'm there It's been a while but i'll check out the condom machine just to be (fcukingaware).