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View Poll Results: Is Same Sex Marriage a step to far?
Agree? 11 28.21%
Disagree? 7 17.95%
Live and let live? 8 20.51%
Stick to Civil Partnerships? 14 35.90%
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 39. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 18-03-2013, 22:32   #331
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Re: Same Sex Marriages.

Originally Posted by sugarmouse0707 View Post
I think it would be a better option to have an alternative to marriage for gay couples than to have them as one and the same as straight couples.
Isn't that what we have already with civil partnerships?
Originally Posted by sugarmouse0707 View Post
I want society to accept gay people as equal in their human rights to straight people-but I don't think 'Equal To' means 'The Same As', and I don't think it has to in this case.
Why not? We're all human beings and I just wish the issue of sexuality would cease to be such a big thing. It's up to each individual and there is no need to for it to be in everyone's face all the time. If two people of the same sex wish to get married that's their business and no one else's. I think the thing that's getting folks excited about this is that it involves a church and God which a minority (I would say) are against.
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Old 18-03-2013, 22:40   #332
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Re: Same Sex Marriages.

Originally Posted by susie123 View Post
Isn't that what we have already with civil partnerships?
Why not? We're all human beings and I just wish the issue of sexuality would cease to be such a big thing. It's up to each individual and there is no need to for it to be in everyone's face all the time. If two people of the same sex wish to get married that's their business and no one else's. I think the thing that's getting folks excited about this is that it involves a church and God which a minority (I would say) are against.
Civil partnerships have a few slight differences and yes you're right-much of it seems to be to do with religion.

Even the practical differences are to do with religion, the symbols allowed in the ceremony, where the ceremony is, etc. Lawfully, they are the same. I could be wrong but I don't think recognised religious buildings or places of worship are allowed to perform a civil partnership, or allow one to be performed, even if the person in charge would want to.
Or if you mean why I emphasise the equality and likeness are separate things, well I suppose I mean, a gay couple are not the same as a straight couple. They are different-not worse, not better but not the same.
Same as, a woman I think should be treated with the same respect as a man, and I treat my friends of different race to me equally. But I acknowledge and embrace their differences, I don't ignore them.
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Last edited by Sunflower49; 18-03-2013 at 22:45. Reason: Forgot to add last bit!
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Old 19-03-2013, 03:23   #333
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Re: Same Sex Marriages.

Originally Posted by sugarmouse0707 View Post

I am also one of those caustic annoying people who always notes that everything comes down to sex when all's said and done-that marriage does, is one of the more obvious ones.
I do think it's about more than just sex. There is also the element of males wishing to control the sexuality of a particular female ... screwing around is, by the way, ok for the male. (I don't want to explore the evolutionary argument. Maybe someone else will bring it up.) And we are all aware of the deadly consequences of this attitude towards marrige, and romantic love. How many women are killed every year by ex-partners? And how many of their children ... collateral damage I believe it is called? I know that, in Canada, women are victims of these crimes to the tune of about 100 a year. Maybe we should put arguments about the sacrament of marriage on the back burner for a while, and try to come up with solutions for deadlier problems.
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Old 19-03-2013, 07:39   #334
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Re: Same Sex Marriages.

Originally Posted by tommiasfc View Post
Why don't you answer questions? Are you related to cmon? Seems like it with the random meaningless stuff you spout
So....let me your opinion, I spout random meaningless stuff.
You have just confirmed my suspicions. You can see....and read, far better than you can think, rationalise and process information.
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Old 19-03-2013, 10:24   #335
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Re: Same Sex Marriages.

Originally Posted by Eric View Post
Maybe we should put arguments about the sacrament of marriage on the back burner for a while, and try to come up with solutions for deadlier problems.
Yes...the whole world seems to be in an unholy mess. Yet our wonderful government and the opposition MP's too, think that their time is well spent on dealing with something like this.......a bit like Nero fiddling while Rome burned(and yes, I know this didn't actually happen, it is an apposite analogy).
The country can go to hell in a handcart, but our leaders concentrate on something which will benefit something like 2%(according to reports) of the population.
But then, railroading this bill onto the statute books is an easy ask...especially when the views of many people have not been considered(nothing new there either)...dealing with the failing economy, the problems in the EU......Welfare concerns, the drop in manufactruing growth, problems with the press.......all these things are difficult to solve...takes much more action to sort out these issues...lots of 'jawing' goes on, but the action is strictly limited...nay, non existent.

So Eric, K to you for that. And this will be the last time I contribute to this thread. I have said all that I wish to say on the subject and if my opinions are not clear now...then, they never will be.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Last edited by Margaret Pilkington; 19-03-2013 at 10:27.
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Old 19-03-2013, 10:37   #336
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Re: Same Sex Marriages.

There are two points of view on this and never the twain shall meet, Margaret's against it and I respect her view on this, it doesn't bother me as I'm live and let live, its not hurting me, so carry on.
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Old 19-03-2013, 10:38   #337
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Re: Same Sex Marriages.

Yer opinions are always pretty clear, The mentally challenged may not grasp em though.
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N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 20-03-2013, 10:37   #338
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Re: Same Sex Marriages.

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
I have stated that I am not against same sex couples being together......having a partnership.......I am not anti-gay(though I do hate the word 'gay' used to express a same sex relationship).
As Sugarmouse has said, it is the redefining of marriage that I am against.
I have looked through all the posts you have made on this thread . You have been consistent throughout , and I think your post which I have quoted here best sums up all you are saying .

You are respecting the English language and the meaning behind the words in our language .

My Chambers Engish Dictionary defines the word "marriage" as the ceremony , act , or contract by which a man and woman become husband and wife : the union of a man and woman as husband and wife .

My Oxford Illustrated Dictionary defines the word "marriage" as the act , ceremony , or procedure by which a man and a woman are legally united for the purpose of living together .

So I will stick with the English language , and say that I can no more marry a man than I could marry my dog or my neighbour's cat .
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Old 20-03-2013, 11:03   #339
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Re: Same Sex Marriages.

Originally Posted by JCB View Post
I have looked through all the posts you have made on this thread . You have been consistent throughout , and I think your post which I have quoted here best sums up all you are saying .

You are respecting the English language and the meaning behind the words in our language .

My Chambers English Dictionary defines the word "marriage" as the ceremony , act , or contract by which a man and woman become husband and wife : the union of a man and woman as husband and wife .

My Oxford Illustrated Dictionary defines the word "marriage" as the act , ceremony , or procedure by which a man and a woman are legally united for the purpose of living together .

So I will stick with the English language , and say that I can no more marry a man than I could marry my dog or my neighbour's cat .
Neither could I, but why stop other people, who through no fault of their own, not be happy in the life they did not pick but have had to go through life with. its not as though a teenage boy or girl wake up one morning and say I've decided I'm going to be gay, its not a life choice, its a circumstance beyond their control.
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Old 20-03-2013, 11:56   #340
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Re: Same Sex Marriages.

Are there 'heterophobes' in the homosexual community? Is the revulsion felt by some of sexual preferences different from their own inborn or learnt? Just curious.
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Old 20-03-2013, 12:27   #341
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Re: Same Sex Marriages.

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
Neither could I, but why stop other people, who through no fault of their own, not be happy in the life they did not pick but have had to go through life with. its not as though a teenage boy or girl wake up one morning and say I've decided I'm going to be gay, its not a life choice, its a circumstance beyond their control.
Jaysay , I am not stopping anybody . Like Margaret I am just saying that in the English language marriage is between man and woman , and so let's respect the language and the meaning behind it .

Surely a civil union or partnership is good terminology to use , rather than bringing in language from another type of union or partnership which is specific to itself .

My saying "Please do not use the word "marriage" but stay with "civil union or partnership" " is not saying anything implied in your post .
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Old 20-03-2013, 15:06   #342
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Re: Same Sex Marriages.

Originally Posted by JCB View Post
Jaysay , I am not stopping anybody . Like Margaret I am just saying that in the English language marriage is between man and woman , and so let's respect the language and the meaning behind it .

Surely a civil union or partnership is good terminology to use , rather than bringing in language from another type of union or partnership which is specific to itself .

My saying "Please do not use the word "marriage" but stay with "civil union or partnership" " is not saying anything implied in your post .
Are you serious! We should govern our behaviour according to a dictionary! And here's me thinking that governing one's behaviour according to the Bible and the Koran was stupid enough. You have taken it down a few notches to a whole new level of dumbness.
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Old 20-03-2013, 17:39   #343
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Re: Same Sex Marriages.

Originally Posted by Eric View Post
Are you serious! We should govern our behaviour according to a dictionary! And here's me thinking that governing one's behaviour according to the Bible and the Koran was stupid enough. You have taken it down a few notches to a whole new level of dumbness.
Think I'm going to leave all my posts to you in future Eric, couldn't have put it better myself.
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Old 20-03-2013, 17:51   #344
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Re: Same Sex Marriages.

Originally Posted by susie123 View Post
Think I'm going to leave all my posts to you in future Eric, couldn't have put it better myself.
Me too, Susie! Would buy you a pint of Moosejaw (or whatever the ale is over there) for that one, Eric!
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Old 20-03-2013, 18:00   #345
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Re: Same Sex Marriages.

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
its not hurting me, so carry on.
i wonder if that will be what teh groom says to the groom on tehir wedding night
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right

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