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Old 05-09-2004, 03:04   #1
Always EVIL within us

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One of the first things I noticed when I moved to Accy were the abundance of what I considered rare birds, ones that I used to see down south but are no more!!! The lapwing, snipe, even the tiny wren have all but vanished from the southern part of the country.
I was recently reminded of this thanks to Willow in another thread who said:

" But to get back to the point about what we can be proud of. I think we sometimes take things for granted and don't really think about them until someone else mentions them. For instance the nature reserve at Foxhill Bank which has amongst other birds, herons and kingfishers. This leaves me again thinking that there has got to be scope for creating an oasis in Accy around the river (Grange Lane/Oak St)"

Does anyone know of any conservation projects in the area to protect the environment of birds? and is it likely that the H.B.C, could get involved to help?

If there was a "high" when I moved to Accy, it was certainly the amount of wild life I had not seen for 35 years or more down south.

As a child, these sights were accepted as part of the countryside and in ignorance, expected them to be there forever..........but they disappeared. I know I will be slated yet again as a "bloody foreigner" by referring to my southern origins but my ignorance in youth has given me the experience to expect the worst from "Progression!"

In another thread, I criticised about the the growth of industry outwards rather than compacting new factories on the site of old so as not to disturb virgin land, This is a major factor in the demise of wild life in the south, but can anything be done up here to continue your childrens memory of British wildlife as they remember as a child????
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Old 07-09-2004, 22:58   #2
Registered User

Re: Sanctuary

Some wildlife birds reserves here are on land where used to be old factories. I think where you describe is such a place. Foxhill Bank is good. Grange Lane is not so good. Too many old buildings still there and look like factory types. Would need a lot of clearing to make an oasis. HBC would never get into that but look what happens like with Woodnook projects and vandals destroying. Have you been up and down the old railway? Its good.
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Old 08-09-2004, 23:22   #3
Always EVIL within us

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Re: Sanctuary

Thanks Ifty, I will try the old railway. Down south (Ooops, there I go again) we had a railway line running through the village and they pulled up the tracks 30 years ago. At the right time of year, the wild life and flowers were out of this world. I have no idea why nature is so attracted to disused railways but it is a fact! Maybe it has to do with the cinders from the locomotives?
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Old 09-09-2004, 10:45   #4
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Re: Sanctuary

I've also heard that it was a tradition amongst railwaymen to throw seeds out on the bankings along railway tracks to make them look more attractive in the spring and summertime. Maybe now they are well established and just keep blooming year after year.
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Old 09-09-2004, 16:00   #5
Always EVIL within us

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Re: Sanctuary

Good theory JohnW, Has anyone else heard of that?
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