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Old 17-10-2006, 00:48   #31
God Member
shillelagh's Avatar

Re: School League Tables

[quote=lindsay ormerod]It's a real dilemma this one;we have been told to try and get my daughter into a grammar school;handily both the schools mentioned have their entrance exams on the same day.Have put down BRGS and just hope she passes the exam,even then no guarantee of getting in because of locality.Have gone for Haslingden High as second choice and Hollins as third.I don't rate any of the local schools at the moment except St Chris's,not a chance of getting in there as don't have 15 year church -going record signed by the Arch bishop of Canterbury or any of their other religious demands![/quote

My brother & his partner had this a couple of year ago. Their daughter was advised to do the entrance exams for BRGS. So on the forms you have to fill in they put BRGS first and Hassy High 2nd. They offered her a place at Fearns. When they said that they hadnt put Fearns down as a choice - it was going to be either BRGS and if she didnt get in there then they were going for Hassy High. Said because they didnt put Hassy High down as 1st choice she didnt get a place at Hassy High.

By the way - she passed the entrance exam and got offered a place at BRGS.
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Accrington Web
Old 17-10-2006, 00:54   #32
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Re: School League Tables

wow i didnt realise brgs was that good

i went there :O what went wrong?!

a family i know actually bought a house nr the school and "shifted" there just to make sure their kids got in that house and sold up soon after...

worth doin for giving ur kids a chance
If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you - Ghenghis Khan
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Old 17-10-2006, 10:58   #33
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Re: School League Tables

If it helps AccyMel, my eldest went to Mount Carmel and left last summer with brilliant GCSE results, my youngest is in Yr 8 there now, really likes it and is doing very well. I think it depends on the child as much as the reputation of the school.
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