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02-09-2011, 20:39
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School Uniform
This is the policy on school uniforms last dished out by the Labour Government, to my knowledge it hasn't been updated by the current governent.
When deciding on a uniform policy, all schools are expected to give high priority to cost considerations. No school uniform should be so expensive as to leave pupils or their families feeling excluded.
I've had various conversations with people this week where they feel ripped off by the ever increasing burden of merchandise they have to buy through 'appointed' stores.
How much have you paid for yours and what is the biggest item you feel rips you off ?
03-09-2011, 05:40
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Re: School Uniform
Blazers are the most expensive at just under £30, his jumper costs £17, his p.e top, trackies and socks are ok this year so i haven't bought anymore, but that would be almost £40 if i had, jumper and blazer and p.e kit i have to get from Abbey street , i get his trousers from Marks in the sale in June (always have) so they only cost me £10 for 2 pairs, shirts i get from the supermarket 3 for £6, i always get his boots out of the catalogue, usually when they are on sale, this year i've also had to pay £15 for a set of overalls and £25 for a pair of steel toe cap boots
anyway..... I think the prices they charge for the things you need with the school logo on are awful, the blazer in my opinion should be just plain and you buy the badge to sew on, the jumper should be plain black so you can buy it cheaply and the p.e kit, well thats just a waste of money, black shorts and footy type black top would do, it's not just Abbey street who are expensive, Whittakers in Blackburn charge exactly the same price......indeed it is a rip off
03-09-2011, 09:24
Resting in Peace
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Re: School Uniform
Think the designated store policy has been around a very long while, It certainly was when I had to get my first school uniform for the Holy Family back in 1958
03-09-2011, 09:27
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: School Uniform
Originally Posted by jaysay
Think the designated store policy has been around a very long while, It certainly was when I had to get my first school uniform for the Holy Family back in 1958
How come you had to buy the Holy family their school uniform?

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03-09-2011, 10:21
Resting in Peace
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Re: School Uniform
Originally Posted by Less
How come you had to buy the Holy family their school uniform?

Less is being pedantic again naughty naughty 
03-09-2011, 15:01
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Re: School Uniform
When I started at Paddock House in 1976 the list of uniform was immense and only sold in one shop. There was a winter and summer uniform with a felt hat for winter and a straw boater for summer, winter coat and summer blazer, indoor and out door shoes and a full PE kit. When my Aunts went there in the 1950's apparently they also had to have a school umbrella (to be carried at all times) and white gloves for summer and brown ones for winter!. You were not allowed to wear patent leather shoes as they said they would reflect your knickers!!  
I suspect that these days, with so many basic items being sold at chain stores, uniform actually costs relatively less than it used to....
“Beauty is an experience, nothing else. It is not a fixed pattern or an arrangement of features. It is something felt, a glow or a communicated sense of fineness.” ~ D. H. Lawrence
03-09-2011, 15:27
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: School Uniform
Originally Posted by mobertol
You were not allowed to wear patent leather shoes as they said they would reflect your knickers!!  
Only if, after spending a fortune on the rest of your uniform your mum could afford to buy them for you!
Still, they would put a different slant on anything else they reflected. 
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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03-09-2011, 19:35
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Re: School Uniform
Originally Posted by flashy
anyway..... I think the prices they charge for the things you need with the school logo on are awful, the blazer in my opinion should be just plain and you buy the badge to sew on, the jumper should be plain black so you can buy it cheaply and the p.e kit, well thats just a waste of money, black shorts and footy type black top would do, it's not just Abbey street who are expensive, Whittakers in Blackburn charge exactly the same price......indeed it is a rip off
I agree with the PE kit, scandalous expense for what is at times a one hour maximum lesson per week. What's the point of having it badged
I wonder who decided that sew-on badges were no longer an option, the schools or the suppliers ?
I would love to hear from somebody who knows how school uniform is decided, is it the suppliers dictating what they can supply or the schools decision. If it's the latter they clearly have no thought for parents and ultimately the children if they are continously increasing the cost of sending a child to school
03-09-2011, 19:37
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Re: School Uniform
Originally Posted by mobertol
I suspect that these days, with so many basic items being sold at chain stores, uniform actually costs relatively less than it used to....
Yes it's cheaper if you beleive the Tesco & Asda adverts. However many of the other items are badged and cost a fortune.
03-09-2011, 21:28
Re: School Uniform
Originally Posted by lancsdave
Yes it's cheaper if you beleive the Tesco & Asda adverts. However many of the other items are badged and cost a fortune.
Look on the bright side though, they go back to school on Tuesday 
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04-09-2011, 09:38
Resting in Peace
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Re: School Uniform
Originally Posted by Neil
Look on the bright side though, they go back to school on Tuesday 
Thats a bit of nice timing on your behalf Neil 
04-09-2011, 13:46
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Re: School Uniform
Originally Posted by Less
Only if, after spending a fortune on the rest of your uniform your mum could afford to buy them for you!
Still, they would put a different slant on anything else they reflected. 
Go slow on the "slant" Less - I'm a very straight-laced person I'll have you know... I do have a rather nice pair of high-heeled black patent leather shoes now (Italian, of course!)-but they wouldn't really have suited the uniform back then.... 
“Beauty is an experience, nothing else. It is not a fixed pattern or an arrangement of features. It is something felt, a glow or a communicated sense of fineness.” ~ D. H. Lawrence
04-09-2011, 16:30
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: School Uniform
Originally Posted by mobertol
Go slow on the "slant" Less - I'm a very straight-laced person I'll have you know... I do have a rather nice pair of high-heeled black patent leather shoes now (Italian, of course!)-but they wouldn't really have suited the uniform back then.... 
Until you brought the subject up, even my vivid imagination wouldn't have looked at Patent shoes, I also think that considering the position you would have to be in to actually see any reflection You may as well lie on your back shouting, "hey up girl, show me your knickers".
Life would make it that obvious.
(So far I haven't had a shoe fetish, but patents, Hmmm, maybe?).

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04-09-2011, 16:48
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Re: School Uniform
Just to be totally mischievous Less-I think we've already conversed about stockings on a recent thread!!  
“Beauty is an experience, nothing else. It is not a fixed pattern or an arrangement of features. It is something felt, a glow or a communicated sense of fineness.” ~ D. H. Lawrence
04-09-2011, 16:50
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: School Uniform
Originally Posted by mobertol
Just to be totally mischievous Less-I think we've already conversed about stockings on a recent thread!!  
Could you put a link on?

“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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