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Old 08-06-2005, 07:34   #31
Filthy / Gorgeous

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Bejeweled Blitz Champion!
Re: schools.

Originally Posted by Tealeaf
I was only the one who went in the shop and bought it.

Oooh Tealeaf!!! I knew that behind that sensible exterior there was a naughty boy lurking..

Shame on you....
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Accrington Web
Old 08-06-2005, 07:46   #32

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Re: schools.

Originally Posted by staggeringman
I would never have found out about S@M or dominetrix if i hadnt of been naughty at school.
And you have been a naughty boy ever since I suppose
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Old 08-06-2005, 08:53   #33
Resting in peace
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Re: schools.

We live in an era when everyone knows their rights, but too few know the responsbilities that go with those rights. Unless we make a strenuous effort to educate children in how to be responsible and decent adults, we will never make any progress. We should teach children self-respect and respect for others, I do agree. And yes, there should be punishment for those who do not toe the line - not rewards. as is all too often the case. If you do wrong, you should suffer for it in one way or another.
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Old 08-06-2005, 09:35   #34
Resident Waffler

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Re: schools.

The problem is who is going to teach them? We've got a generation of children whose parents themselves had no discipline and cannot see what their little darlings are doing wrong. We have young adults who believe the world owes them even though they never lift a finger to do anything. Where do you start?

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Old 08-06-2005, 09:54   #35
Senior Member

Re: schools.

When we were kids how many of us wanted to go or were dragged to Church Sunday school e.t.c? Where we learned about God's wrath if you did wrong. IMO respect went out the window when secularisation came in. A lot of kids nowadays grow up not even knowing who or what God is! Another point is the community has all but gone. When I was a kid if I did anything wrong It was guarenteed that Aunty so&so or Uncle such & such (who were no relation) would see you and tell my Parents. Sadly this seems to have all but disappeared with people keeping themselves to themselves.
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Old 08-06-2005, 15:17   #36
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Unhappy Re: schools.

The attitude of some young people was summned up for me the other day,when I was talking to a young aquaintance who is in her late teens.Noticing she seemed a bit subdued(not her usual boistrous self)I asked her what the matter was.
The reply was that she had no money,'because the people at the social can't get off their lazy ar### and give me my 87 quid!'(per fortnight)

Now for one reason or another this girl has never done a days work since leaving school,so here I am paying taxes so such as this whinger can accuse the system of letting her down in not being prompt with her free handouts.

The sadder thing is, she could not see the irony of the situation,I really do despair for the future of this country,for she and her like will soon no longer be the minority case but the norm.
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Old 08-06-2005, 15:53   #37
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Re: schools.

I had to deal with people like that on a daily basis.

That's why I escaped from there at the earliest opportunity
"The Hour of Scampering is usually around teatime, according to the Vorlon/Human Translation Dictionary."

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