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07-05-2011, 10:27
Resting in Peace
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Scottish Referendum
Scottish election results: SNP to push for independence referendum after 'historic' victory | Mail Online
After winning control of the Scottish Parliament Alex Salmon is pushing for a referendum on scottish independence from Britain, well I say good let um have one and if its yes give um independence, but then they will have to find the money for all those free things that the Jocks get, which are subsidised at the moment, and it would resolve the West Lothian problem once and for all, If Scotland were independent we would no longer have scottish MPs at Westminster voting on issues which don't affect the people who elect them.
07-05-2011, 10:37
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Re: Scottish Referendum
Would agree, Jay, but I very much doubt there'll be a "yes" majority in a referendum. The jocks love to wrap themselves in the flag and gripe about being oppressed by Westminister. However, they're canny folk and they won't want to put their hands in their pockets for all those goodies like no tuition fees and free presciptions. 
07-05-2011, 11:32
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Scottish Referendum
Let em have independance, reckon Salmons just making the right noises fer effect, cannot think hes stupid enough to really want it. 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
07-05-2011, 13:11
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Re: Scottish Referendum
Cashy, I used to think that Alex Salmond deserved respect for his patriotic stance and standing up for what he believed in.
Then I heard him speak.
Scottish independence on his terms is the equivalent of having your cake and eating it, being a country separate from the UK but having all the financial benefits. The majority of Scots realise that it is in their own interests to be part of Great Britain and will almost certainly vote against independence.
If they do actually vote in favour of it then I give it two months before they realise their mistake.
07-05-2011, 13:15
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Re: Scottish Referendum
What about having a referendum in England about Scottish Independence? I'm sure there would be a landslide in favour if it meant that not one penny of the taxes raised in England went to prop them up.
07-05-2011, 13:38
Resting in Peace
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Re: Scottish Referendum
Originally Posted by gynn
What about having a referendum in England about Scottish Independence? I'm sure there would be a landslide in favour if it meant that not one penny of the taxes raised in England went to prop them up.
What a bloody great Idea, think we should write to our MP and put the idea to him 
07-05-2011, 14:21
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Scottish Referendum
Originally Posted by gynn
What about having a referendum in England about Scottish Independence? I'm sure there would be a landslide in favour if it meant that not one penny of the taxes raised in England went to prop them up.
Gordon Bennett i just love that idea. 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
07-05-2011, 14:25
Beacon of light
Re: Scottish Referendum
that's another one I'd drink too........at this rate I'm going to be legless before teatime 
(no, it doesn't take much to get me legless)
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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07-05-2011, 16:54
Resting in Peace
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Re: Scottish Referendum
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
that's another one I'd drink too........at this rate I'm going to be legless before teatime 
(no, it doesn't take much to get me legless)
Begining to think you've got a drink problem Margaret   
07-05-2011, 17:33
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Re: Scottish Referendum
It's possible they might not do as badly as some people seem to think. Roughly 75% of the cost of a bottle of Whiskey is duty & taxes paid HM Government, then there's North Sea Oil & gas.
Have read at this from the BBC.
A report last year from consultants, Oxford Economics, suggests that Scotland pays roughly as much in tax as it receives in public spending. Mr Swinney says Scotland is making an enormous contribution through the UK through oil revenues for which they get nothing in return.
"What Scottish oil has delivered over the last 30 years is a very, very helpful resource to prop up the ailing finances of the UK. And that's benefited prime ministers from Margaret Thatcher to Gordon Brown."
Does Scotland get its fair share?
Under democracy one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule - and both commonly succeed, and are right.
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07-05-2011, 18:32
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Re: Scottish Referendum
Scotland owns no oil until it becomes independent. It's not Scottish, just as it's not English or Welsh. It's United Kingdom oil. The argument should also be true when reversed - i.e Scotland doesn't get more government cash per person, rather an area of the UK does. Unfortunately the governments refusal to allow people to cross the border to receive this greater benefit makes this an arrangement of inequality. This is the major problem when you effectively have two governments for one state - an idiotic state of affairs tbh.
Even if they did move for independence, it's unlikely they'd be given 100% rights to it - a territorial border would have to be agreed, and obviously assets would be prime motivation for England and Wales to try and keep as much as possible. It's very unlikely that pure geography would dictate this.
07-05-2011, 22:20
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Re: Scottish Referendum
Maybe the Scottish nationalists should eye-ball the recent Canadian election results. The Bloc Quebecois, a separatist party, was anihilated at the polls. The NDP (Labour) gained 59 seats, mostly at their expense. One of the newly elected MPs has never even set foot in the riding she won  Her only work experience was tending bar at a University pub in Ottawa. Another new MP is a 19 year-old university student who was too busy writing exams to do any campaigning whatsoever.  Whatever: I think that the clear message goes something like, "If you are getting more than your fair share of general tax revenue; don't rock the boat."  So, the voters in la belle province (they are a tad to the left of centre), voted overwhelmingly for the NPD whoever they choose to run as a candidate. Probably, when the referendum is held, many voters may view the question as one of a prosperous union vs. a less affluent nation. Could be a no brainer 
07-05-2011, 23:13
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Re: Scottish Referendum
This issue goes back a long way.. the Act of Union between Scotland and England was signed by both Parliments in 1707.. the English Parliment "donated" around £700,00 to the then bankrupt Scots (billions in the present day)... the Scots are not a stupid nation.. the day that lot sign away the Union is a very long way off. 
13-05-2011, 19:30
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Re: Scottish Referendum
Originally Posted by Mancie
This issue goes back a long way.. the Act of Union between Scotland and England was signed by both Parliments in 1707.. the English Parliment "donated" around £700,00 to the then bankrupt Scots (billions in the present day)... the Scots are not a stupid nation.. the day that lot sign away the Union is a very long way off. 
dont forget you,s had a scottish royal family 
13-05-2011, 20:39
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Re: Scottish Referendum
The term "Scottish Independence" is a complete misnomer. Independence from what?
What is being discussed is a repeal of the Act of Union, which will affect the people of England, Wales and Northern Ireland as equally as the people of Scotland. Their views are just as valid, so must be included in any referendum.
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