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Old 03-02-2008, 09:32   #16
Senior Member+
glasgow guy's Avatar

Re: Scout Promise

it was actually

On my Honuor
I promise to do my best,
To do my duty to God and to the Queen
To help other People
and to keep the Scout law
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Accrington Web
Old 03-02-2008, 15:29   #17
Senior Member

Re: Scout Promise

My mother was fine with me joining the brownies but wouldn't let me go to Church parade, which everyone was fine with. But when i moved up to the guides Church parade was compulsory, so of course i had to leave. How times have changed.

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Old 03-02-2008, 17:49   #18
Resting in Peace

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Re: Scout Promise

Originally Posted by glasgow guy View Post
it was actually

On my Honuor
I promise to do my best,
To do my duty to God and to the Queen
To help other People
and to keep the Scout law
I'm sure we used to say "To help other people at all times" .. think it may have been dropped later 'cause I used to find it difficult not to say it.

Was in Brownies, Guides and later an Akela.
Was brought up Methodist, but went to St.Johns Brownies, Guides and Akela at St. Augustines, Huncoat.
Daughter in Barnes Square Methodist Brownies.
Son in All Saints Cubs and Scouts.
Brother in St. Johns Cubs and Scouts.

Mum/Dad never bothered about us going to a C of E troops, just thought it was a good thing to do to keep us on the straight and narrow.

Must admit never really thought too deeply about the promise to God .. just summat you said. Did enjoy Church Parade because, more often than not, was chosen to do the reading, which as a Drama Queen was just an opportunity to show off my reading and acting skills ...

Although I found it later very difficult to logically believe in any sort of Maker, did not enforce these views on my children. Did not get them christened, but they both went to All Saints Primary and duly went to the Church Parades once a month as was part of their duty to the Scout movement. They objected at times, because C of E services are soooo boring. Didn't feel hypocritical as they had to make their own mind up about things ... they are all atheists now however.

I don't think should be taken out of the promise altogether, but if a child wishes to leave this out when making it (probably parental pressure) I do not see any reason why there should be an objection. Like Westender's daughter, can just go to show respect for special occasions. There again the child may wish to go.
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Old 03-02-2008, 21:50   #19
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Re: Scout Promise

I wish the P.C brigade would leave things alone. I don't understand this one, if people don't wish to make the promise because it mentions God then don't join the Scouting movement. End of problem.

Re Church Parade...I think that any child who is a member of any division of the Scouting movement should attend Church Parades. When I was a Guide they were compulsory and the Beaver group that my son is a member of states that if you miss 3 or more Church Parades without reasonable explanation you will be asked to leave. They are only once a month after all and they don't have them in school hols so there are probably only about 8 a year.

I think that this is fair because the Beaver group is run and supported financially by the Church so it's only fair that they are going to want parents' support back.
Old aunts used to come up to me at weddings, poking me in the ribs, cackling and telling me
'You'll be next.' They stopped when I started doing the same to them at funerals.
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