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Old 12-02-2008, 11:42   #1
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scrap metal

Is anyone else getting pi$$ed off with people coming around asking for scrap metal?

i know i am, the other day my dad got a new cooker and put his old one outside, it had only been there about an hour when he got a knock at the door, he was out so i asked what they wanted (shouting out my bedroom window) they wanted the cooker, i said ' i dunno what he's doing with it, just leave it there' an hour or so later some other git came and asked the same question, so again i told them the same, walking to school the next morning a woman stopped me and asked me 'whats your dad doing with that cooker? does he want my hubby to scrap it for him?'

now i know there is money in collecting scrap metal but this is just getting beyond a joke, this morning 3 different vans have come past my house with 'scrap metal wanted' wrote on the side of the van, is this all these people do? drive around all day looking for metal?

and i know its only recycling but it doesnt half pi$$ me off
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Accrington Web
Old 12-02-2008, 11:57   #2
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Re: scrap metal

Your lucky Flashy they usually don't ask they just take
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Old 12-02-2008, 12:08   #3
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Re: scrap metal

agree with jaysay,put out anything round here n it just vanishes.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 12-02-2008, 12:19   #4
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Re: scrap metal

where theres muck theres brass like you say cashy
at least they asked ....good luck to em
at least someones keeping our back streets tidy
its just

like i've never been gone
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Old 12-02-2008, 12:25   #5
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Re: scrap metal

yeah but what do they do with the bits of the things they cant scrap? do they dump them? one had my old hoover away a few weeks back, god knows why though, it was plastic, and broken into two pieces
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Old 12-02-2008, 12:38   #6
Dawn-of-the-Shed's Avatar

Re: scrap metal

I know what you mean the council were clearing the flat across the road a van turned up.....within minutes.... asking council if they could have the washer/dryer/fridge
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Old 12-02-2008, 13:21   #7
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Cool Re: scrap metal

For a brief moment I thought that this thread was going to be about many of the cars that clog our roadways.

Isn’t there something about the vendor of a new washing machine – cooker – fridge and the like having to take away the old one for disposal?

Yonks ago we had someone come round shouting “any old iron” and he would pile your old thingy on his cart and give you something in return.

So these guys are just the modern equivalent.

The only problem is what do they do with the bits that cannot be sold on as scrap? Dumped in a remote country lane perhaps?

The local authority will remove such items for no charge or knowing local authorities they probably make a charge these days. Or there are rules like you can have items removed free of charge three times in a year and after that you pay.
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Old 12-02-2008, 13:26   #8
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Re: scrap metal

Originally Posted by jambutty View Post
For a brief moment I thought that this thread was going to be about many of the cars that clog our roadways.

Isn’t there something about the vendor of a new washing machine – cooker – fridge and the like having to take away the old one for disposal?

Yonks ago we had someone come round shouting “any old iron” and he would pile your old thingy on his cart and give you something in return.

So these guys are just the modern equivalent.

The only problem is what do they do with the bits that cannot be sold on as scrap? Dumped in a remote country lane perhaps?

The local authority will remove such items for no charge or knowing local authorities they probably make a charge these days. Or there are rules like you can have items removed free of charge three times in a year and after that you pay.

6 large items at a time, 3 times a year I think it is.

Catalogues that sell washing machines and things tend to take the old one away to dispose of properly. I assume they recycle what they can because it will save them money and then dispose of the rest as best they can.
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Old 12-02-2008, 14:24   #9
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Re: scrap metal

JB BwD remove them 4 times a year and i have never had a problem with the amount i have asked them to remove
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Old 12-02-2008, 16:39   #10
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Re: scrap metal

The price for scrap is massive, for example £140 for a ton of cast iron, and you don't need a lot of cast for a ton.
Also lead and copper are about £1000 per ton.
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Old 12-02-2008, 16:43   #11
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Re: scrap metal

its all about the weight thats what scrap metal is priced on, but like redash says copper and lead are worth a hell of a lot more, so save it up if you can and take it yourself, get some money back for your scrap
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Old 12-02-2008, 17:57   #12
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Re: scrap metal

Originally Posted by blazey View Post
6 large items at a time, 3 times a year I think it is.

Catalogues that sell washing machines and things tend to take the old one away to dispose of properly. I assume they recycle what they can because it will save them money and then dispose of the rest as best they can.
I think your spot on with that blazey, it was the last time I needed the service
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Old 12-02-2008, 18:31   #13
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Re: scrap metal

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
Your lucky Flashy they usually don't ask they just take
Funny you say that, When I was serving my apprenticeship as a turner, the company I worked for precision turned,milled and ground all kinds of mental and plastic.

My former employer were having building work done and one of these so-called 'scrap metal' merchants turned up asking about brass, and some copper, they were told no they cannot have it.

Anyway the following day when we arrived at work a huge bag(them woven nylon type) was about a 1/8-1/4 full, mainly with brass bar ends of various sizes and also some swarf, was behind one of the gates.

They(there must have at least been 2) climbed over the gate, and part filled it and though they perhaps could toss it over the top, thieving toerags, talk about a comedy act.

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Old 12-02-2008, 19:13   #14
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Re: scrap metal

when i have bulky items to remove, i just take it to the dump myself, saves waiting for the council to pick up and I dont have a messy back yard.......
"Dont make someone a priority if your only an option!!"
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