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31-10-2010, 09:46
Resting in Peace
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Re: Security threat or?
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
I have stopped travelling abroad now.......I think that profiling is the way forward.
Why treat everyone as a terrorist? and yes I know that we have to be lucky all of the time, while the terrorists only have to be lucky once......but surely there is a middle ground.
As an elderly white woman, lived all my life in the UK, what are the chances of me wanting to blow up a plane?
So why should I be treated as if I am a terrorist, rather than a tourist?
You may have secretly been converted to Islam Margaret 
31-10-2010, 09:46
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Re: Security threat or?
Originally Posted by Boeing Guy
Whether these threats and devices are real or not is rather academic for those of us who spend our lives in the air.
There are people out there trying to kill us, it's that simple.
I don't really understand where Tony Blair, sorry Liar, comes into this. Everyone knows the whole 45 minutes etc was just Bull s@@t.
This maybe all a pack of lies, but it does concern me and I will be watching anything that goes into the hold's of my aircraft.
I mention Tony Blair because to illustrate how politicians will fiddle with evidence and lie in order to get people to do what they want, or get backing for new laws being put through parliament. Or make people think in a certain way. Politicians don't think like the public and will use means to get results - the end justifies the means.
I would have thought already that there would be strict checks on freight put on airplanes since 911 - it seems a no brainer to me, yet it seems security was very lax - particularly small packages from Yemen to Jewish addressses in the USA. Don't they have any checks as the person responsible presented the suspect package to the freight company in the first place? For example sending a printer from Yemen to America - why bother when you can buy printers for £30 these days? 
Last edited by kestrelx; 31-10-2010 at 09:52.
31-10-2010, 13:33
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Re: Security threat or?
Originally Posted by Guinness
I think I'm becoming a conspiracy theorist!!
Obama using words like 'credible', 'apparently', 'explosive materials', top gun teams of Maverick and Iceman escorting an Emirates filght to landing on National TV, one that took off from Dubai, not Yemen, but is instantly known as a muslim airline by its logo?
credible?.. something believable... like santa claus, fairies, elves, god?
apparently?... something that is reported second hand... like santa claus, fairies, elves, god?
explosive materials...something like toner cartridges, cigarette lighters, deoderants?
and finally....the top gun team...erm? why?..surely if theres a definite terrorist issue you shoot down the 400 in the plane, you dont risk a landing/last minute deviation and let it blow up 1k+ on the ground.
Aint it weird, yesterday BA says the USA are too strict on passengers, today there is a major bomb scare.
Packages addressed from the Yemen to a jewish bagle house in New York on a cargo plane, and the explanation is its a test run???
A test/dry run that is addressed to the final target, Wow! some really, really, really, really dumb terrorists?
Personally, I really don't know what to believe here, bbut I'm damn sure that something aint right!
suppose these are a conspiracy as well BBC News - Istanbul suicide blast injures 22, including 10 police BBC News - Explosive device at Belfast International Airport 
31-10-2010, 13:35
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Re: Security threat or?
Originally Posted by jaysay
You may have secretly been converted to Islam Margaret 
the thing is some nutters have remember that scottish white guy wit explosives in his shoes so profiling dont work
31-10-2010, 15:16
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Re: Security threat or?
The plot thickens
Saba Net - Yemen news agency
It looks more like a false flag op every day 
31-10-2010, 15:24
Beacon of light
Re: Security threat or?
Originally Posted by cmonstanley
the thing is some nutters have remember that scottish white guy wit explosives in his shoes so profiling dont work
Well, I am sure that if done correctly, then it would work...but for the sake of the PC brigade, no one is keen to put any thought or effort into it.....because it seems that the travelling public of the UK will put up with anything for their two weeks in the sun.
We must all be treated as possible bombers because a few people are.
And while this climate exists then I choose not to renew my passport or travel to where they do not trust me as a bona fide tourist.
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31-10-2010, 16:48
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Re: Security threat or?
i got an envelope from tesco last week to send my old ink cartridges off to em .. i get 200 points you see ... well you got to get your money back off em somehow .. so dare i send my old ink cartridges off to em .. after this ..
The views expressed in this post is mine and mine alone anyone want to argue well tough!!!
31-10-2010, 17:06
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Re: Security threat or?
Originally Posted by shillelagh
so dare i send my old ink cartridges off to em .. after this ..
Dear Shill (From the Agony Donkey)
If you like Fella's in uniform I'd say YES ! Cos you'd have about 20 of em beating a pathway to your door, but if you're not so keen on cuffs & stuff NO ! 
31-10-2010, 17:28
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Re: Security threat or?
The views expressed in this post is mine and mine alone anyone want to argue well tough!!!
Last edited by shillelagh; 31-10-2010 at 17:31.
31-10-2010, 17:51
Beacon of light
Re: Security threat or?
Jen.....you should be OK unless you are sending them via the Yemen to Tesco in Chicago....oh yes and don't forget.......no wires.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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31-10-2010, 18:07
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Re: Security threat or?
Sent via one of the carrier companies - probably all the employees in the Yemen office are Yemenis - In Riyadh & Dhahran (Saudi Arabia), all the employees were Saudi, Filipino, Pakistani or Indonesia - not a Westerner in sight.
01-11-2010, 08:34
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Re: Security threat or?
Originally Posted by MargaretR
Very interesting article that is, I have always not believed what I hear on TV and in the papers. Most people take such information as gospel - when in fact the papers often make up whatever they want, in order to sell papers.
01-11-2010, 09:20
Resting in Peace
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Re: Security threat or?
Originally Posted by kestrelx
Very interesting article that is, I have always not believed what I hear on TV and in the papers. Most people take such information as gospel - when in fact the papers often make up whatever they want, in order to sell papers.
   So you mean everything they print in the Daily Mail ain't true 
01-11-2010, 10:21
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Re: Security threat or?
Originally Posted by jaysay
Has it only just occured to you?  Everything on the front page ain't true! 
01-11-2010, 10:59
Resting in Peace
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Re: Security threat or?
Originally Posted by kestrelx
Has it only just occured to you?  Everything on the front page ain't true! 
So its on a par with the Independent and the Guardian then 
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