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Old 12-06-2010, 07:29   #166
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Re: Selective Licensing of Landlords

Originally Posted by steeljack View Post
as an old bumper sticker of mine used to say... Whoever dies with the most toys wins!

reviving an old thread ....... wonder if this news report (BBC website) will have any effect on HBC new regulations about private landlords

BBC News - Letting agents 'let off the hook' by government
I doubt it, as this is already legislated for, and isn't a proposed change.

Seems to be already working well locally.

Crackdown on rogue landlords in Blackburn and Darwen (From This Is Lancashire)

Are you planning to have your pram buried too, along with your toys?

How you'll laugh when you realise they're of no use to you.

Oh hang on, you won't be laughing, you'll be dead.

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Old 12-06-2010, 07:37   #167
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Re: Selective Licensing of Landlords

Originally Posted by steeljack View Post
as an old bumper sticker of mine used to say... Whoever dies with the most toys wins
I bet the Onnasis family didn't have that sticker on their innumerous fleet of super yachts, after suffering the premature deaths of Alexander and Christina.

They probably learnt the hard way, that despite fabulous wealth, and the biggest 'toy' collection in the world, there are some things money can't buy.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
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Old 12-06-2010, 07:52   #168
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Re: Selective Licensing of Landlords

...and it seems at leat one half of the coalition are happy with the results of selective licensing.

Landlord Licensing Scheme has teeth (Liberal Democrats in Blackburn, Darwen, Hyndburn and Rossendale)
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
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Old 16-06-2010, 23:01   #169
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Re: Selective Licensing of Landlords

I think this is a good case study of the effectiveness of SL. The abandonement of the national register is a step back and for the industry to criticise the minister demonstrates their acknowledgement of their own problem.

I suspect the Landlords Federation, a Tory sop, would approve of the move contradicting the letting agents view. The LF are worrying.
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Old 10-11-2010, 05:47   #170
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Re: Selective Licensing of Landlords

'As individuals we feel Hyndburn Borough Council may have failed to consult with local landlords.'

Print Page - Who are Hyndburn Landlords?


Such an ambiguous word.

Also one, which when used in some sentences, has that certain whiff of desperation about it.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
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Old 11-11-2010, 13:59   #171
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Re: Selective Licensing of Landlords

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
'As individuals we feel Hyndburn Borough Council may have failed to consult with local landlords.'

Print Page - Who are Hyndburn Landlords?


Such an ambiguous word.

Also one, which when used in some sentences, has that certain whiff of desperation about it.
Hi Garinda,

Hope your well.

I'm not sure if you’re asking a question here or just spoiling for a further debate on the matter.

Hyndburn Landlords is a landlords association recently created and currently taking legal advice on the merits of a Judicial Review, in respect of the current Selective Licensing Scheme.

If you or any other person wants more details on either Hyndburn Landlords or our current challenge please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind regards,

Paul Brown
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Old 11-11-2010, 14:08   #172
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Re: Selective Licensing of Landlords

Originally Posted by Eafield View Post
Hi Garinda,

Hope your well.

I'm not sure if you’re asking a question here or just spoiling for a further debate on the matter.

Hyndburn Landlords is a landlords association recently created and currently taking legal advice on the merits of a Judicial Review, in respect of the current Selective Licensing Scheme.

If you or any other person wants more details on either Hyndburn Landlords or our current challenge please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind regards,

Paul Brown

Welcome back.

I was just pointing out the appeal seems to hang on the word 'may'.

Either H.B.C. did consult the relevant number local landlords, in accordance with the law, or they didn't.

Good luck, either way.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
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Old 11-11-2010, 18:22   #173
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Re: Selective Licensing of Landlords

Thanks for the good wishes.

I know I haven’t posted for a while, I did say I would post on matters I had a sound opinion on but it seems whenever such an issue arises someone has always beet me to the punch line.

I promise I will be less bullish in any future posts.

I can now say with confidence that Hyndburn did fail to follow the prescribed consultation process. It is this we hang our case on, you may have read more about our argument and I hope that most will see we have a genuine reason and case for review. It’s to be expected that the Private Rented Sector comes under criticism, let’s face it there are bad landlords out there. But this doesn’t mean they are all bad.

One thing I will now say, after meeting with Graham Jones, is that “I publicly apologise for the criticism I threw at Graham, my information was partially inaccurate and I had been ill advised on some points”

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Old 17-02-2011, 18:28   #174
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Re: Selective Licensing of Landlords

It seems the group of Hyndburn landlords who challenged in the High Court the introduction of the Selective Licensing scheme in the borough, have failed, according to this weekend's Observer.

Print Page - Who are Hyndburn Landlords?

(Sorry, no link to this story, as not yet on Observer website.)
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
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Old 17-02-2011, 18:33   #175
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Re: Selective Licensing of Landlords

Originally Posted by Eafield View Post
I can now say with confidence that Hyndburn did fail to follow the prescribed consultation process.
It seems His Honour Judge Waksman Q.C. didn't quite share your confidence, when he dismissed your claims.

'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
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Old 17-02-2011, 18:42   #176
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Re: Selective Licensing of Landlords

Although, according to the group's website, they are planning to appeal.

Must still be a lot of money to be made in being a landlord.

'Dear Landlords,

You may have seen recent press articles stating Hyndburn Landlords have failed to overturn the Selective Licensing Scheme.

Firstly we must confirm our application has been declined based on the papers, presented.

HOWEVER, this does not mean we have failed to achieve our goals, it is not uncommon for applications for Judicial review to be declined based on the papers and we can advise that our legal representatives have now submitted the necessary documents for a re-determination.

This application will finally allow our case to be presented orally at the high court the outcome of which remains to be seen.

Let us also please remember that at no time has Hyndburn Landlords or its members sought solely to overturn the scheme, but rather have the scheme size reduced. We have always maintained this scheme is too large and will be poorly administered by Hyndburn Borough Council, to the detriment of landlords, tenants and the whole private rented sector.

We can not comment further in a public domain, if any landlord wishes for further details please do not hesitate to contact any of the committee members via Thompson’s or Eafield & Maple.

In the meantime we can assure all members that Hyndburn Landlords continue to fight this flawed scheme, updates to follow.

Our thanks for your support.'
Hyndburn Landlords & Selective Licensing
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 17-02-2011, 19:13   #177
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Re: Selective Licensing of Landlords

Originally Posted by Eafield View Post
Again, just for the record, good landlords are not against licensing, this includes me as a landlord and an agent.
I'm sure you are Eafield, but it seems others involved with your little protest group aren't.

Makes sense I suppose, for 'some' to oppose this scheme.

Originally Posted by Greeny View Post
Thank you Graham for bringing this topic out. I dare no say too much on here but what I will say is, a couple of years ago my back door neigbours ( since gone thank goodness ) were shocking, they Lived in a private lanlords house ( one of the landlords that is objecting ) rubbish was regularly thrown out of windows into the back yard. Men urinating in the kitchen sink.( this house is higher than ours, so we can see ) I rang the landlord on many an occasion , never did he answer the phone,never. Eventually I contacted the council and a very nice man came to visit us, when he saw the rubbish I mention he was disgusted., said no-one should have to live with that mess around. I am sandwiched between private landlords property, they put anyone in them, as long as they get the rent,thats all that matters to them.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
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Old 17-02-2011, 21:05   #178
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Re: Selective Licensing of Landlords

Hi Garinda,

Sorry it this thread again.

There could be some truth in your assertions.

Our application was indeed declined on the papers. Although, I remain happy to continue this fight for myself and the many good landlords I know that maintain and manage their properties to perfectly respectable standards, representing their share of the 82% of tenants in the PRS who are either satisfied or very satisfied with their accommodation.

This said I concur with previous undertones that bad landlords need to be dealt with effectively, Licensing on the scale HBC propose is not the answer (that’s my humble opinion, one im happy to spend more time and money defending).

I hope I haven’t been bullish or too defensive, I really don’t like to be thought bad of, if you get to Accrington regularly I would love to put the kettle on and just spend 20 mins in person showing you and anyone that’s interested why we are fighting this….
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Old 17-02-2011, 21:21   #179
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Re: Selective Licensing of Landlords


Fancy you popping up here!

You should spread yourself about a bit.

Tell a joke in Anything Goes.

Go on.

Otherwise we'll think you've only got one string to your landlord's bow.

'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

Last edited by garinda; 17-02-2011 at 21:26.
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Old 17-02-2011, 21:25   #180
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Re: Selective Licensing of Landlords

Originally Posted by Eafield View Post
Hi Garinda,

Sorry it this thread again.

There could be some truth in your assertions.

Our application was indeed declined on the papers. Although, I remain happy to continue this fight for myself and the many good landlords I know that maintain and manage their properties to perfectly respectable standards, representing their share of the 82% of tenants in the PRS who are either satisfied or very satisfied with their accommodation.

This said I concur with previous undertones that bad landlords need to be dealt with effectively, Licensing on the scale HBC propose is not the answer (that’s my humble opinion, one im happy to spend more time and money defending).

I hope I haven’t been bullish or too defensive, I really don’t like to be thought bad of, if you get to Accrington regularly I would love to put the kettle on and just spend 20 mins in person showing you and anyone that’s interested why we are fighting this….
Thank you.

I do.

So might take up your kind offer.

I may be many things, but I'm someone who'll always listen to both sides of a story.

White. No sugar.

'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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