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Old 10-04-2010, 16:22   #31
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Re: Selective Licensing of Landlords

can i ask why some areas of hyndburn are "Outside" the red line? don't seem to make a lot of sense to me.
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Old 10-04-2010, 16:28   #32
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Re: Selective Licensing of Landlords

Originally Posted by steeljack View Post
OK , heres my solution to all the empty houses , modern day families DO NOT want to live in 2 up 2 downs no matter how many improvements , they want more room/space , so whats the problem with the council allowing the expansion of two adjacent teracced houses being knocked thru to provide a decent modern day living space in redevelopment areas , cuts down on parking problems , creates an area density similar or less than new greenfield estates , Theres no necessity for Council tax to be doubled since the new occupants are using only half of the council ammenities and you have vibrant areas with families near to the down town business area ...... just an idea
Lots of people, including families, and myself, prefer living in a stone, well built, terraced house, rather than a newly built Wendy House.

To prove this further, some two-up, two-down, traditional terraced houses in Hyndburn, are more expensive to buy than three bedroomed modern houses, with gardens and garages.
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Old 10-04-2010, 17:54   #33
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Re: Selective Licensing of Landlords

Originally Posted by claytonender View Post
They will pay £500 per property that they rent out - provided the property is in the designated Selective Licensing Area.
That isn't very clear ! You're saying they will pay GBP 500,00 per property but the official papers states the following :-

4.2 Legislation and guidance allows the Council to charge a fee for a licence but the fee can only
cover direct administrative costs of the licensing scheme. The Council consulted on the basis
of charging a fee of £500 for a licence term (5 years), but discounted to £450 for members of
the Council’s accreditation scheme.

Looking at the official write up I was under the impression as I believe many others were that it was a one off fee of GBP 500,00 to get the licence/paperwork & it then applied to all the buildings owned by the Landlord, but from what you're saying it's GBP 500,00 per building which will not only make the whole process even more expensive, I believe it will encourage Landlords to shy away from the plan & try by other means to get round the system.
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Old 10-04-2010, 19:56   #34
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Re: Selective Licensing of Landlords

Originally Posted by DaveinGermany View Post
That isn't very clear ! You're saying they will pay GBP 500,00 per property but the official papers states the following :-

4.2 Legislation and guidance allows the Council to charge a fee for a licence but the fee can only
cover direct administrative costs of the licensing scheme. The Council consulted on the basis
of charging a fee of £500 for a licence term (5 years), but discounted to £450 for members of
the Council’s accreditation scheme.

Looking at the official write up I was under the impression as I believe many others were that it was a one off fee of GBP 500,00 to get the licence/paperwork & it then applied to all the buildings owned by the Landlord, but from what you're saying it's GBP 500,00 per building which will not only make the whole process even more expensive, I believe it will encourage Landlords to shy away from the plan & try by other means to get round the system.
They will not be able to 'shy away' plan as without a license for the property they will not be able to let it out and there will be penalties for not having a license.
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Old 10-04-2010, 20:07   #35
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Re: Selective Licensing of Landlords

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
can i ask why some areas of hyndburn are "Outside" the red line? don't seem to make a lot of sense to me.
This scheme will incorporate approx 10000 properties (not all of which are rented accommodation) and will be the largest scheme so far sanctioned by the department of communities and local government. Once it is up and running it will hopefully be able to be extended to other areas of the borough.

This a link that explains the legislation in more detail-

Selective Licensing - Housing - Communities and Local Government

If you have a look at Salford Council's website, you will see how their scheme has been rolled out into other areas of the city. Salford were the first council to be granted a license in September 2007 in the Seedley and Langwothy area.

Salford landlord first in the country - Salford City Council
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Old 10-04-2010, 20:21   #36
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Re: Selective Licensing of Landlords

Ta fer the response claytonender, the problem i can see with that, from personal experiance is simply "Define how long up n running is" plus who does that descision come down to?
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Old 10-04-2010, 20:36   #37
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Re: Selective Licensing of Landlords

If this happens,i think the landlords will put up the rents to cover it,so in the end the person renting the house will pay for it.
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Old 10-04-2010, 22:42   #38
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Re: Selective Licensing of Landlords

Middlesbrough Case Study – A positive response from a landlord
The tenant, her family and visitors to her home, had been responsible for criminal offences and serious anti-social behaviour over a long period of time. A range of legal measures had been used in an effort to curb their criminal and anti-social behaviour, including two separate custodial sentences for the tenant for dealing class A drugs, and the granting of Anti Social Behaviour Orders for the two eldest sons.
The nature of the complaints received included, drug dealing, gang nuisance, threatening and intimidating behaviour towards neighbours, verbal abuse, criminal damage and graffiti. Due to the refusal of the landlord to work with the Housing Respect Team, the tenant her family and visitors to the property were able to continue to behave with impunity. Residents, afraid of reprisals, were reluctant to report any breaches. However, with the implementation of selective licensing the landlord began to work with the council.
He accompanied the Enforcement Officer on joint home visits and completed a tenancy breach interview. He reinforced the message that the tenant would be evicted if their anti-social behaviour continued and referrals were completed to the appropriate support agencies. Unfortunately, the family refused to co-operate so the landlord was obliged to serve a Section 8 Notice and apply to the Court for possession of the property. Because the tenant lost her tenancy due to her behaviour, she was deemed intentionally homeless and the local authority, therefore, had no statutory obligation to rehouse her. Consequently she lost her priority rehousing established through the regeneration clearance programme. She also lost the right to the displacement compensation payment of £4,400.
LACORS - Subject Content Details

Well I've trawled through tons of information regarding various resident's groups in the areas where landlord licences are already up and running, and there seems to be nothing but praise from the honest, hardworking residents who live in these area, and who apparently have only seen improvements in the quality of life that has resulted from landlord's licences.

Most honest, hardworking, private landlords seem similarly pleased, in having more control about what goes on in their properties.

If this means decent people, who are trying to bring up their families, have less drug dealers as neighbours, which most certainly is the case where it's up and running, that can only be a good thing.
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Old 10-04-2010, 22:47   #39
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Re: Selective Licensing of Landlords

Good find rindy, confirms my thoughts of its a step in the right direction, also confirms that many tories will continue to oppose this.
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Old 10-04-2010, 23:11   #40
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Re: Selective Licensing of Landlords

'I hear people putting down the councils all the time regarding these licenses and inspections and I’ve even had a moan too but without this inspection the property was unsafe and no one would have know better. Is this the kind of property you want one of your relatives to live in? Perhaps your daughter who is renting while in University? I think not! So you can say what you want about Salford Council requiring licenses in order to let out your property but in this case it has saved a potential disaster.'
Salford Landlord Licence Scheme Works | Advantis Home Maintenance Ltd.

The opinion of an independent firm of property repairers in Salford, on their website.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 10-04-2010, 23:25   #41
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Re: Selective Licensing of Landlords

Originally Posted by turkishdelight View Post
If this happens,i think the landlords will put up the rents to cover it,so in the end the person renting the house will pay for it.
Sadly, somethings you just can't put a price on.

Maximum fine for buy to let landlord after tenant dies in bathroom tragedy.
'A faulty 30 year old electric radiator contributed to a mother of two being electrocuted while taking a bath in her rented accommodation in Cornwall.'
Maximum fine for buy to let landlord after tenant dies in bathroom tragedy - RL news

Here's someone else who wouldn't be able to carry on as he is, if his properties needed a licence, and benefited from inspections.

Landlord fined over 'house of horrors' that had a tarpaulin roof and holes in the walls | Mail Online
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
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Old 11-04-2010, 08:33   #42
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Re: Selective Licensing of Landlords

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
Sadly, somethings you just can't put a price on.
Oh ya can............If yer a Tory.
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Old 11-04-2010, 09:42   #43
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Re: Selective Licensing of Landlords

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
Oh ya can............If yer a Tory.
This is not a silly statement to make, its the mindset of such people, but fear not the favour will be returned when i have spread it about you tart.:rofl 38:
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Old 11-04-2010, 10:12   #44
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Re: Selective Licensing of Landlords

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
This is not a silly statement to make, its the mindset of such people, but fear not the favour will be returned when i have spread it about you tart.:rofl 38:
I'm sure reasonable people, whatever party they do or don't support, don't seriously think that 'Tories' would rather people die to save money. So yes, it is a very silly statement that you made. Hence the negative karma, which I've given out on very few occasions since I signed up to Accyweb.
formerly cyfr
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Old 11-04-2010, 10:16   #45
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Re: Selective Licensing of Landlords

Originally Posted by andrewb View Post
I'm sure reasonable people, whatever party they do or don't support, don't seriously think that 'Tories' would rather people die to save money. So yes, it is a very silly statement that you made. Hence the negative karma, which I've given out on very few occasions since I signed up to Accyweb.
Oh i do in a general sense was obviously not refering to ordinary voters, who know no better, but to the real torys on high.
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