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Old 12-10-2004, 06:08   #1
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Selling Hyndburn by the Pound.

Recently we have learned of Messrs Britcliffe and Rix’s plans to sell off our Victorian Market Hall. We have also learned of further plans to sell off parks and recreation grounds. Why? Because the council, for the second year in succession, has overspent. To the tune of £1.8 Million pounds last year and £ 480,000, so far, this year.

Shocking figures which should give every person in the borough cause for concern. But that is not the whole story. Not by a long chalk. It was revealed, almost casually, last week that the real extent of the borough’s indebtedness was a figure far in excess of these paltry amounts. How does £60 Million grab you?


Which, given that the borough’s annual budget is a mere £41 million, is, to say the least, excessive. Can you imagine what the interest on these loans must be costing us every day?

Is it any wonder then that the borough never has enough money to finance it’s projects and has to rely on government and European handouts? Is it any wonder that the council is doing everything it can to make it’s/our assets as saleable a commodity as it can.

A mark of how desperate the situation really is, is contained in the sad story of Chaigley Manor. Now that it is sold the trustees are sitting on a £600,000 fund. Which they intend to use to support children’s groups in the borough. Britcliffe has even tried raiding this pot to fund the budget deficit.

Am I the only person in the borough who thinks that Britcliffe and Rix should resign -NOW?
Enough is ENOUGH Get Britain out of Europe
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Old 12-10-2004, 06:59   #2
Resident Waffler

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Re: Selling Hyndburn by the Pound.

No, A-b you're not alone. I think we deserve an apology and an explanation too. How on earth can HBC be so much in debt with nothing to show for it?

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Old 12-10-2004, 08:00   #3
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Re: Selling Hyndburn by the Pound.

It's a disgrace.

But will you ever get Rix and Britcliffe to reveal the truth? I sincerely doubt it.

Self more important.

I think an open accusation (say in a letter to the Observer and the Evening Telegraph) against both of them, asking for an honest reply, to either deny or accept that HBC are in debt to such an excess is a possible way of informing the population, and at the same time identifying the culprits!!
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