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30-06-2005, 16:13
Resident Waffler
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Re: Serious Topic - Do Women Have More Rights Than Men?
I remember women going out to work to "make ends meet" and then coming home and trying to do all the housework and cooking too. If a woman is expected to look after the home she shouldn't be expected to do a full days work like the man. That way she's doing twice as much and still for only half the money. Nobody gets paid for housework. Maybe if both share the household chores as well then it's not so bad but men just didn't in those days did they?
As for asking the husband for money, my parents and grandparents always had it the other way round. The husband worked and then handed over the whole wage packet, from which they were given a weekly sum for "expenses" (i.e. - going down the club) and the wife paid all the bills etc and took a little something for herself if there was any left. If she was very good at budgeting she also mannaged to save some for special occasions. I think it was usually the men asking the women for extra "subs"
30-06-2005, 16:42
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Serious Topic - Do Women Have More Rights Than Men?
not in most homes in our area willow,when i was growing up,my dad and most others,were always at the pub/club/bookies etc,the mums were always hard up even though they worked,cos the men put the PUB first,i always hated that but it was life,i think you were very fortunate to have it the other way round.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
30-06-2005, 16:47
Resting in peace
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Re: Serious Topic - Do Women Have More Rights Than Men?
You see, we did need economic independence. Sadly, all too many men didn't face up to their responsibilities. How did women cope when a man came home having drunk his wage? I do think that having economic independence and paying a fair share of the household bills does make for more equal relationships, just as taking a fair share of the jobs involved in running a home does.
Okay, so what man out there thinks he can cope with my ironing better than I can? - I see from Willow's thread that it is now a sport, so come on, lads - if you want some extreme ironing, I can supply the raw materials. I will be more than happy to pass my clothing up to The Real Michael as he stands on top of the Town Hall porch dashing away with his smoothing iron!
30-06-2005, 20:23
Beacon of light
Re: Serious Topic - Do Women Have More Rights Than Men?
My hubby lets me deal with all the major decisions in life........I once asked him 'why'......he told me it is so that he can't be blamed.
If I snuff it before him.......then God help him, because he doesn't know his way round the financial world.
30-06-2005, 20:25
Beacon of light
Re: Serious Topic - Do Women Have More Rights Than Men?
And I would like to ask the Real Michael........ who told you that God was a man......?
30-06-2005, 22:59
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Serious Topic - Do Women Have More Rights Than Men?
Originally Posted by pendy
You see, we did need economic independence. Sadly, all too many men didn't face up to their responsibilities. How did women cope when a man came home having drunk his wage? I do think that having economic independence and paying a fair share of the household bills does make for more equal relationships, just as taking a fair share of the jobs involved in running a home does.
Okay, so what man out there thinks he can cope with my ironing better than I can? - I see from Willow's thread that it is now a sport, so come on, lads - if you want some extreme ironing, I can supply the raw materials.
cant iron to save my life pendy, but agree entirely about women needing econonic independence,and thankfully they got it, do think its swung a bit much the other way now,but you can't have everything.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
01-07-2005, 08:22
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Re: Serious Topic - Do Women Have More Rights Than Men?
I can iron, but I choose not to, and my wife is quite happy to do it, as long as she has some tv to watch while she's doing it!
As soon as we can afford it, we'll pay someone else to do it for us!
"The Hour of Scampering is usually around teatime, according to the Vorlon/Human Translation Dictionary."
01-07-2005, 14:45
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Re: Serious Topic - Do Women Have More Rights Than Men?
Many years ago an old fellow I met recommended marriage to me. He said " Get thiself wed lad. You don't have to think any more, it's all done for you". He described his wife as his 'Walking, talking book of instructions'.
Under democracy one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule - and both commonly succeed, and are right.
Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.
01-07-2005, 20:03
Resident Waffler
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Re: Serious Topic - Do Women Have More Rights Than Men?
How can she watch TV and iron at the same time Vorlon? I can listen to TV but I can't watch it while I'm ironing.
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