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Old 11-09-2008, 20:21   #16
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Re: seven years later .......Sept. 11

Martyrs in this religion are plentiful, there would always be another one to replace Bin Laden.....his name would be different, but his ideals would be the same....Kill the infidel!
And the infidel is anyone who doesn't follow the Muslim religion.
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Old 11-09-2008, 20:26   #17
God Member

Re: seven years later .......Sept. 11

inetersting unsigned karma comment

seven years later... 11-09-2008 21:18 Always remember muslims did it.
yes muslims did it so what?

a christian arranged it

if your gonna be racist atleast have the balls like bagpus etc to admit it
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Old 11-09-2008, 20:26   #18
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Re: seven years later .......Sept. 11

Originally Posted by steeljack View Post
Sorry Brian , have to disagree with you on this .........we did not take the fight to them , Bush and Co. used it as an excuse to invade Iraq, If we had put the same effort into going into Afghanistan as we did on Iraq , Bin Laden and his cronies would be a long time swinging from a gibbet .
That's okay about disagreeing Jack, what makes the world go round eh?

I still stand that it wasn't only George and his cronies that went into Iraq. Politicians from both sides of the isle were in support of it. I too would have like to see us clean out Afghanistan and that the Iraqi people have taken over the role of defending their own country.

I hate the fact that my first posts in month sound so radical. Just trying to state what some Americans are thinking.

Be Well (and go Ohio State!),


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Old 11-09-2008, 21:12   #19
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Re: seven years later .......Sept. 11

Originally Posted by accyman View Post
if your gonna be racist atleast have the balls like bagpus etc to admit it
It's two S's if you don't mind.

Just to add that I don't think the karma remark is racist as it's a fact not an opinion or are true facts not allowed anymore?

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Old 11-09-2008, 22:47   #20
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Re: seven years later .......Sept. 11

Originally Posted by Bagpuss View Post
It's two S's if you don't mind.

Just to add that I don't think the karma remark is racist as it's a fact not an opinion or are true facts not allowed anymore?
of course the coment was racist unless you think that every single muslim on the planet was in on 9/11,there was no mention in my post or any refernce to any faith been responsible i only stated my opinion that the whole affair was been dragged out just a little too much and by the way if you ask me what has been done using 9/11 as its platform is an insult to those that died and their memories but all the coward could think of rather than state an opinion was " dont forget the muslims did it " and didnt even have the balls to say it under a made up name on a forum hiding behind a monitor because they knew if they posted that comment in a thread they would get a right going at for been pathetic

the comment was totaly unasociated to anything posted but they just couldnt wait to tell somone the muslims did it even though everyone knows the people who did it were muslims

oooh look out its the muslims , oooohhh look out the jews will take all your money , oooh beware of the irish their all bombers too

iv lost plenty of karma along the way and dont feel the need to post every comment left but occasionaly the level of patheticness goes so low it just has to be mentioned if nothing else but to show the anonymous pratt what i think of their toss pot remark
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Old 11-09-2008, 22:59   #21
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Re: seven years later .......Sept. 11

stop moaning n bitching about karma, last time i said that to someone it cost me. and too all the sad old *******
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 11-09-2008, 23:02   #22
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Re: seven years later .......Sept. 11

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
stop moaning n bitching about karma, last time i said that to someone it cost me. and too all the sad old *******
lol im not moaning about the karma the pratt barely made a dent ,its the patheticness of the comment i am refering to

if i actualy knew how many points i had i could have figured out who the deductee was and named the pratt as well
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Old 11-09-2008, 23:14   #23
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Re: seven years later .......Sept. 11

On 11/9/2001 I was working at an American company in Preston. It was a good contract: The bloke (from Seattle) who hired me used to get all his work done on Monday and spent the rest of the week trading stocks. He trusted me to do my stuff unsupervised as the job he'd hired me to do, the one his IT department said couldn't be done on a realistic budget, I did on my first morning about three weeks earlier. To be honest, I think he was "inventing" work just so I could stay.

Anyway, on that Tuesday, he was wandering round the office at about 2:20 with his hands in his pockets. He tended not to stand over my shoulder, but that afternoon he did - very annoying (I used to have a boss who did it all the time). Something was on his mind.

"Something bad has happened"
"Don't know. I was connected to my broker and it just stopped working. That never happens. Never."

I just assumed he was fretting about a computer that had crashed somewhere, but he was insistent that it was major because CNN and all the other stuff he wasted his time with was down, too. I didn't think anything of it so I went onto the internet (dialup!) and saw on the Land Rover list I use that there had been a post ten minutes earlier asking if anyone had heard about the plane that had hit the WTC. Then, while the boss & I were watching, an email came in with just the text "Two planes!"

He said "That would do it"

All the news sites I knew of were down. The only one that seemed to work was Ananova, which I hadn't heard of before then. The first video was available through some Greek news website.

The company's internet connection wasn't working for any sites. The three people who worked at out location ended up huddled around my crappy little laptop, looking at foreign language news sites, connected to Freeserve on 56K dialup, just because it was the only way we were getting any info.

And despite remembering all those details, it still didn't make me feel physically ill, as Beslan did.
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Old 12-09-2008, 10:25   #24
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Re: seven years later .......Sept. 11

Originally Posted by steeljack View Post
Sorry Brian , have to disagree with you on this .........we did not take the fight to them , Bush and Co. used it as an excuse to invade Iraq, If we had put the same effort into going into Afghanistan as we did on Iraq , Bin Laden and his cronies would be a long time swinging from a gibbet .
There ain't any oil in Afghanistan SJ
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Old 12-09-2008, 11:30   #25
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Re: seven years later .......Sept. 11

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
There ain't any oil in Afghanistan SJ
but by the time the iraq war is over with there probably will be it only takes a few million years for oil to form you know
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Old 12-09-2008, 12:50   #26
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Re: seven years later .......Sept. 11

The biggest difference between now and 9/11 is that today my youngest son is safe at home and not in New Yor where he was stranded for over 2 weeks. 24 hours before the bombings he had been in the World Trade Centre trying to get tickets to go round the building the next day! Fortunately there were non available and he and huis friends could not find a hotel they could afford in the City.

As for the larger picture, I think 9/11 made many of us wary of similar or worse happening again or elsewhere. I do not think Britain following America into Iraq has improved our own security or world standing. It certainly has not improved our home budget with the Yanks hiving off most of the improtant contracts and just leaving us with the expenses of war both financial and personnel wise

I am very glad to say that me Muslim friends are still friends and I thank them for their prayers and worry whilst son was over in NY

Back to the persona
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Old 12-09-2008, 13:13   #27
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Re: seven years later .......Sept. 11

My dad was talking to some one on msn that worked for the pantergon he phoned up sick and did not go in the plain hit ware he would off been
me i was on blackburn road when i got home i thought that looks like a film
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Old 12-09-2008, 21:10   #28
Accy Red

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Re: seven years later .......Sept. 11

Originally Posted by accyman View Post
of course the coment was racist unless you think that every single muslim on the planet was in on 9/11
Err.......................can I get back to you on that question

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Old 12-09-2008, 23:35   #29
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Re: seven years later .......Sept. 11

It was the day after I'd moved up from London to Glasgow.

I'd always thought it odd when older people spoke about what they were doing when J.F.K. was shot, or when it was announced that we were now at war with Germany.

After 9/11 I knew what they meant.

I watched the terrible events unfold whilst sat in a pub in Glasgow's Westend.

What tends to be forgotton is that whilst the attacks were happening in the U.S., the news reports here were telling us that Canary Wharf was being targeted, and that all flights were being cancelled, as there could be other U.K. targets. It really did feel as if the whole security of the free world was being attacked that day, and changed forever.

My most abiding memory of that day is returning to the flat I was sharing temporarily, and watching the news in the evening with my friend Elinor. As well as the same footage of the attacks on America, I vividly remember seeing a report of how the day's events were received around the world. There was a clip from Palestine of people shouting for joy, and celebrating in the streets. There was a close up of a young boy's face, as he was held up by his ecstatic father. It made me feel sick, and I certainly lost any repect for the political aims of the P.L.O.
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Old 13-09-2008, 06:50   #30

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Re: seven years later .......Sept. 11

Originally Posted by LancYorkYankee View Post
The biggest thing that suprises me about Septemeber 11th is the fact that we haven't had any further attacks over here. I expected more bombings, suicide attacks in shopping malls, poisoned water supplies, etc. I for one am glad that we took the fight to them.

Now that is the sort of brain washed reply the US government want its citizens to believe

. Why would taking the war to them, prevent attacks on American soil? Would it not be more likely to make some non violent people want revenge for the death of loved ones in Iraq/Afghanistan by the US.
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