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Old 11-09-2008, 17:38   #1
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seven years later .......Sept. 11

Hard to believe its seven years today since the Towers came down , where the hell as the time gone ...and more importantly where is Bin Laden and WHY hasn't he been found

Apart from all the obvious changes , airport security etc. how did the events of Sept 11 effect your life .......did it alter your views of your Muslim neighbours ?. Make you less trustfull of your Govt. ?. Make you more cynical about our elected leaders who used it as an excuse to grab more control over our lives?
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Old 11-09-2008, 17:52   #2
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Re: seven years later .......Sept. 11

Originally Posted by steeljack View Post
Hard to believe its seven years today since the Towers came down , where the hell as the time gone ...and more importantly where is Bin Laden and WHY hasn't he been found

Apart from all the obvious changes , airport security etc. how did the events of Sept 11 effect your life .......did it alter your views of your Muslim neighbours ?. Make you less trustfull of your Govt. ?. Make you more cynical about our elected leaders who used it as an excuse to grab more control over our lives?
I think that I would go along with the "cynicism" thing. If I were a conspiracy theorist, I would argue that Bin Laden has not been found because, alive, he is more useful to those who wish to undermine those provisions of the constitution which guarantee democratic freedoms. The First Ammendment comes to mind of course.

But it doesn't seem all that long ago ... I remember having the TV on without much volume, glancing at the screen and just assuming that what I was seeing was an ad for a new "disaster" movie. Not until I jumped into my car and heard the news on the radio did I realize what I had been sort of watching. I think that in terms of terrorism, 9/11 was the day we passed the point of no return. Now, anything is possible, indeed probable; esp. a terror attack using one, or several nuclear devices.
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Old 11-09-2008, 17:57   #3
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Re: seven years later .......Sept. 11

i remember 9/11 very well, it was Reece's 5th Birthday when it all happened
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
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Old 11-09-2008, 18:08   #4
Resting in Peace

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Re: seven years later .......Sept. 11

I cannot deny that it did not change my attitude to Muslim neighbours Steeljack, even though we know only a small twisted minority, and are good people in the majority. Sure everyone has had this thought at some time.

I did think quite a bit about it today, particularly as I was flying and just hoped that no-one would be 'celebrating' the occasion... only human, isn't it.

As I passed over Stockport coming into Manchester, noted some high rise blocks and imagined how easy it would be to crash into them.

Rest all those souls that died in this atrocity.
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Old 11-09-2008, 18:13   #5
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Re: seven years later .......Sept. 11

I still think back to this date with utter disbelief(know that sounds silly because it happened) but will never try to understand what could drive anybody to act in such a barbaric way.

RIP all the poor people who died and thoughts to their poor families left behind
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Old 11-09-2008, 18:32   #6
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Re: seven years later .......Sept. 11

like eric, i'll go with the more cynical bit, and one of the usa leading military was on tonights news saying Afghanistan is a harder nut to crack now. surprise surprise, the "Russians" scuttled home with tails between their legs after many years of trying to sort em, makes me wonder why George(John Wayne) Bush thought he could.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 11-09-2008, 18:56   #7
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Re: seven years later .......Sept. 11

I didnt know anything about it till i went up to school to pick up my niece. We had visitors from northern ireland so had turned radio and telly off and mum was talking to them. When i came home i turned the telly on - the visitors were still here and we all sat here gobsmacked watching bbc1. My cousin (cos thats who it were) was worried because a friend of theirs had flown to new york two days before for a holiday.
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The views expressed in this post is mine and mine alone
anyone want to argue
well tough!!!
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Old 11-09-2008, 19:07   #8
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Re: seven years later .......Sept. 11

If 9/11 did anything, it put the so-called "war on terror" into high gear, and as usual, the military-industrial complex that Eisenhower warned about, is one of the main beneficiaries. The losers are the ordinary people .... the little guys: those Americans suffering from an economy wrecked by the cost of the war; those brave men and women in uniform who are constantly in harm's way; and let's not forget the innocent Iraqi's whose country is now a war zone. Other benefiiciaries are the extremists; thousands are flocking to their cause as a result of America's heavy handed actions. I have to stress that by "Americans" I refer to the US govt. and its leaders, particularly GW, surely one of the most unpopular Presidents of all time ... and the dumbest. The vast majority of Americans want peace and prosperity ... who doesn't.

And a little wander; I'll mention it only because it is fairly good news. Our govt. has stated that the Canadian Battle Group will leave Afghanistan in 2011. Tomorrow would be better, but 2011 is better than nothing. Already 97 Canadians have died in action ... the latest Sgt. Scott Shipway 2nd. Battalion PPCLI is on his way home after being killed serving his country on his third tour of duty in Kandahar ... Sgt. Shipway came to Canada as an immigrant from England, along with his family.

When something as terrible as 9/11 happens, many search for some sort of "meaning" ... meaningless deaths are harder to take .... and for some sort of closure. It's still hard to figure out what it meant and still means .... and closure is still a long ways off.
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Old 11-09-2008, 19:19   #9
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Re: seven years later .......Sept. 11

i only remeber this now because the yanks wont let it go and rightfully so because it was an attack on their soil but i dont see any need for everyone else to keep bleeting on about it , yes it was tragic , yes it was horrific but i think its been played on by the yanks and world leaders just a little too much

catch the swine who arranged it then let it go
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right

Last edited by accyman; 11-09-2008 at 19:22.
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Old 11-09-2008, 19:38   #10
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Re: seven years later .......Sept. 11

Digressing slightly, but there is a programme on Channel 4 @ 9 p.m. about a lady who faked the fact that she was there and her boyfriend had been killed, etc... obvious nut-case jumping on the band wagon of this event.
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Old 11-09-2008, 19:49   #11
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Re: seven years later .......Sept. 11

It stopped me and a friend making a visit to New York....something we had long looked forward to......we still haven't made that visit.

It also made me deeply sad that human beings could perpetrate such barbaric actions.....the terrorists knew that the people on those planes were just normal people with children, jobs....they watched while they sent goodbye messages to their families...they knew their fate was to die at the hands of calculating terrorists....and the terrorists were happy in dying as martyrs.
Well, I hope their god forgives them.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
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Old 11-09-2008, 19:52   #12
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Re: seven years later .......Sept. 11

In my early childhood I recall taking refuge under the stairs when the german bombers flew over..........WW2

This was followed by the cold war, when we felt under imminent threat of nuclear attack........1945 to 1989

When the Berlin Wall came down in 1989 it felt very strange not to have to live with these subconcious ever present fears.
I felt that a fear burden I had endured all my life had gone -strangely exhilerating

It didn't last long - IRA bombs and suicide bombs put paid to that.

It seems that if we weren't threatened, we are so conditioned to living with it, that we would have to find a source of threat in order to function as normal.

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Old 11-09-2008, 19:53   #13
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Re: seven years later .......Sept. 11

Originally Posted by accyman View Post
i only remeber this now because the yanks wont let it go and rightfully so because it was an attack on their soil but i dont see any need for everyone else to keep bleeting on about it , yes it was tragic , yes it was horrific but i think its been played on by the yanks and world leaders just a little too much

catch the swine who arranged it then let it go
It is something that will live on forever in the history of the the holocaust, like Auschwitz...perhaps the Jews should stop bleating(as you put it) about that too.
I don't think that the American people play on this is right that we should remember it, for it affected every single person in the world...whether they recognise it or not.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)

Last edited by Margaret Pilkington; 11-09-2008 at 19:55.
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Old 11-09-2008, 19:58   #14
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Re: seven years later .......Sept. 11

The biggest thing that suprises me about Septemeber 11th is the fact that we haven't had any further attacks over here. I expected more bombings, suicide attacks in shopping malls, poisoned water supplies, etc. I for one am glad that we took the fight to them.


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Old 11-09-2008, 20:15   #15
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Re: seven years later .......Sept. 11

Originally Posted by LancYorkYankee View Post
The biggest thing that suprises me about Septemeber 11th is the fact that we haven't had any further attacks over here. I expected more bombings, suicide attacks in shopping malls, poisoned water supplies, etc. I for one am glad that we took the fight to them.

Sorry Brian , have to disagree with you on this .........we did not take the fight to them , Bush and Co. used it as an excuse to invade Iraq, If we had put the same effort into going into Afghanistan as we did on Iraq , Bin Laden and his cronies would be a long time swinging from a gibbet .
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