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24-02-2005, 10:53
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Re: Severe Weather.
planet p/c (not comps either) when will they see that kids NEEDto play//
Ilove accy, thats why i moved back  but now im up ossy 
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24-02-2005, 11:00
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Re: Severe Weather.
Originally Posted by mez
planet p/c (not comps either) when will they see that kids NEEDto play//
Tell me about poor little sod's. They wait all year for snow, keeps them awake at night cos they are so excited then the bloody teachers won't let them play in it.
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24-02-2005, 11:13
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Re: Severe Weather.
hi acrylic bob omg the weather outside is asolutely ridiculous im in college and its snowing heavy and they wont send us home its stupid
24-02-2005, 11:59
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Re: Severe Weather.
And quite right too! Get on with your work. We are relying on you to get a good job and support us all when we retire. How are you going to do that when you are hardly ever at college? What are you studying by the way, don't tell me it's Media Studies?
Enough is ENOUGH Get Britain out of Europe
24-02-2005, 12:02
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Re: Severe Weather.
I remember when i was at Moorehead one of St. Christophers teachers coming round all the classrooms at Moorehead with the Head Master Mr. Neville trying to identify her snowball assailent lol!! Now they were snowball fights!!!
24-02-2005, 12:04
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Re: Severe Weather.
[QUOTE]What are you studying by the way, don't tell me it's Media Studies?
and so say all of us. lazy students. i'm going sledging in a bit.
24-02-2005, 12:21
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Re: Severe Weather.
Good for you! Acrylic-biff and I have spent a splendid morning outdoors, playing "fetch" with snowballs and building a snowdog - his idea not mine - and now we are looking forward to an outing to the coast this afternoon. No time off for us just because it's snowing or because a double period of Quantum Physics is stressing us out. We just have to get on with it.
Enough is ENOUGH Get Britain out of Europe
24-02-2005, 13:21
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Re: Severe Weather.
Yup, I remember all too well getting my mortar board knocked off - thanks, Mez! We are coming up this weekend - should I be bringing skis, etc?
As for it taking us by surprise, going back one weekend the train to Preston was 20 minutes late. When we asked why, and why it was going so slowly, the guard told us it was because of the rain! - possibly wrong type - the trains slipped on the rails. THIS IS LANCASHIRE!!! - IT RAINS!! - A LOT!! It was never like this when we were kids, there was plenty of snow then, but everybody cleared their own paths and put ashes down, AND the roads were gritted.
24-02-2005, 13:29
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Re: Severe Weather.
That used to be quite a popular excuse when I used the Accrington to Burnley line. It's because of the danger of flooding. The line has been there for the last 150 years and has never once, in all that time, been washed away by a raging torrent. Why should it be a pressing problem now all of a sudden?
Enough is ENOUGH Get Britain out of Europe
24-02-2005, 15:25
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Re: Severe Weather.
Originally Posted by slinky
When taking my son to school this morning I was soooo suprised when he turned round and said ''guess we will have to stop in at break time again'', I asked why and he said ''cos we are not allowed to play out in the snow''. THEN YOU WONDER WHY KIDS ARE GROWING UP SOFT. When I was at school we could be six feet under the snow and we were made to play out while the teachers stayed in the office drinking warm coffee by the fire!!! but we enjoyed it cos thats what kids do!!
Shall only write one word on reply to that Litigation.
Well maybe a few more.
Apparantly a girl from Mount Carmel had to be taken to hospital yesterday, due to a snowball hitting her eye. I think it must have contained ice.
I for one don't like children playing out in the snow at school, it's okay when at home as when they come in they can change into dry clothes. They can't do that at school, unless they have a PE kit in school.
24-02-2005, 15:38
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Re: Severe Weather.
Originally Posted by Sara
Shall only write one word on reply to that Litigation.
Well maybe a few more.
Apparantly a girl from Mount Carmel had to be taken to hospital yesterday, due to a snowball hitting her eye. I think it must have contained ice.
I for one don't like children playing out in the snow at school, it's okay when at home as when they come in they can change into dry clothes. They can't do that at school, unless they have a PE kit in school.
All kids at school (primary) have a p.e kit, that they can get changed into.
Another thing, when we were kids like I said earlier they kicked us out in blizard conditions and I am still here to tell the tale. The weather is few and far between, take it from my son who was so depressed about going to school because he knew he would not be allowed to play out in it. At least give them a choice, saty in and stay warm, or play out.
Millions of sperm and you was the fastest??
Miracles do happen!!
24-02-2005, 15:45
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Re: Severe Weather.
The school i work at you'll be lucky if half the kids have a PE kit in school.
24-02-2005, 15:52
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Re: Severe Weather.
Originally Posted by Sara
The school i work at you'll be lucky if half the kids have a PE kit in school.
aw poor little thing!!!do you work in high school or primary?
Millions of sperm and you was the fastest??
Miracles do happen!!
24-02-2005, 16:07
Filthy / Gorgeous
Re: Severe Weather.
What a lovely sight. I worked last night and every time any of us went near a window we were watching it coming down. It looked lovely and to cap it all we didn't get our usual ward full of time wasters coming in, only the people who were genuinely in labour.  Driving home wasn't too bad either, although getting off the untreated car park at QPH was the worst bit. Hyndburn's roads were definitely worse than Blackburn's. I think they are a little more on the ball with the gritters in Blackburn.
 Never put off until tomorrow what you can avoid altogether.
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24-02-2005, 16:15
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Re: Severe Weather.
Originally Posted by Sara
Apparantly a girl from Mount Carmel had to be taken to hospital yesterday, due to a snowball hitting her eye. I think it must have contained ice.
I was hit in the eye by a snowball containing ice when I was at Peel Park. The ice just missed my eye but made a nasty cut by the side and there was blood everywhere. Did teachers panic? Not on your life. They were very well organised and sorted me out. I still have a little scar to remember it by but it never entered my parents' heads to ever consider sueing the school or the boy who threw the snowball. It was merely looked on as one of life's unfortunate events. I seemed to experience a lot of those as a child and made many visits to Accy Vic A&E
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