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Old 27-01-2006, 06:51   #31
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Sex headlines.

Originally Posted by chav1
now i know what dogging is could someone please explain teabaging and what brand of tea bag gives best results..

Tea-bagging or as it's often known, have another biscuit, is an act often performed on you by maiden aunts.

Once they have enticed you into their front room or as the professionals call it 'the parlour', they ply you with numerous cups of light brown liquid which is used to wash down chocolate coated digestives or if they are really good at the art home made scones, they always ensure that you are using the best and most delicate china that they had bought for their bottom drawer some 50 years before.
You will be strategically placed so that there is no table within arms reach just so they can enjoy you trying to juggle the scalding hot liquid and the tiny plate of delicacies. You will have to remain in this position for anything between two and three hours without being permitted a toilet break.
When you finally think of a reasonable excuse that will ensure her permission for you to leave she will make sure that you part feeling guilty about not visiting as often as you should espescially now that they are getting on a bit.

You leave knowing that you will have to got through this again next week as well.

Avoid these people whenever you can, they seem sweet and innocent,
But they do know what they have put you through and enjoy every sick minute of it!

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Winnie the Pooh
Quotes & quoting

Last edited by Less; 27-01-2006 at 07:17.
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Old 27-01-2006, 06:51   #32

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Re: Sex headlines.

Originally Posted by chav1
now i know what dogging is could someone please explain teabaging and what brand of tea bag gives best results..

Anything for you mate.

sorry link taken off there are children on here please remember this thankyou
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Last edited by Mick; 27-01-2006 at 11:07.
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Old 27-01-2006, 06:52   #33

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Re: Sex headlines.

You can find the answer to all questions on the internet. What a tomb of knowledge it has become.
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Old 27-01-2006, 06:53   #34
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Re: Sex headlines.

wow less and there was me thinking it was dipping your bollox in somones gob
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Old 27-01-2006, 07:04   #35
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Re: Sex headlines.

Originally Posted by Neil
You can find the answer to all questions on the internet. What a tomb of knowledge it has become.
god bless the net
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Old 27-01-2006, 09:39   #36
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Re: Sex headlines.

Before I start, I'm not defending this headline or this article in any way, shape or form but I do just want to add -

One of the reasons that people go to the papers is desperation with a situation. If they have repeatedly spoken to the authorities about an issue and there has been no resolution to it. It almost guarantees action from the Council because the last thing that any one from the Council wants is to be portrayed in the press in a bad light. I know we all say that today's newspaper is tomorrow's chip paper but papers are archived, history is written and no one likes to be consigned to history in a bad way.

Papers will only print a big story if they can find an 'angle' - a few local residents getting a bit cheesed off at the Council for not putting a gate up wouldn't be enough of a story - they need to hang it on something.

I can only assume in this instance that the locals were desperate for the fly tipping situation to be resolved but had already tried that tack so had to try other tactics.

Like I said, I'm on the fence about this story because I don't know the exact details or the history.

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Old 27-01-2006, 10:25   #37
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Re: Sex headlines.

Surely, logic suggests that when all the rubbish is cleared up and obstacles are placed to restrict further tipping, then the place will become a much more attractive dogging site? Is this not a cunning ploy by the good people of Huncoat, whose community , it is strongly rumoured, pocesses one of the largest numbers of doggers & swingers in England?
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Old 27-01-2006, 11:09   #38
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Re: Sex headlines.

Originally Posted by Gayle
Before I start, I'm not defending this headline or this article in any way, shape or form but I do just want to add -

One of the reasons that people go to the papers is desperation with a situation. If they have repeatedly spoken to the authorities about an issue and there has been no resolution to it. It almost guarantees action from the Council because the last thing that any one from the Council wants is to be portrayed in the press in a bad light. I know we all say that today's newspaper is tomorrow's chip paper but papers are archived, history is written and no one likes to be consigned to history in a bad way.

Papers will only print a big story if they can find an 'angle' - a few local residents getting a bit cheesed off at the Council for not putting a gate up wouldn't be enough of a story - they need to hang it on something.

I can only assume in this instance that the locals were desperate for the fly tipping situation to be resolved but had already tried that tack so had to try other tactics.

Like I said, I'm on the fence about this story because I don't know the exact details or the history.

Up to a point I agree. I have said that the longed for gate is probably a good idea, and if I was campaiging for one I would look for an angle on it too.

Sadly, screaming, sensationalist, front page headlines, all based around one three year old post on an adult web site, with no other evidence, and no police complaints, seems excessive in the extreme, and will probably lead to more problems for the area.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
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Old 27-01-2006, 12:27   #39

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Re: Sex headlines.

Will fly tippers not just dump in front of the gate when they get there to find there favourite dump has been gated off. It's the fly tippers that need sorting out not the tipping locations in most cases.
What will be the negative effect of the gate?
Will it stop innocent people doing innocent things?
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Old 27-01-2006, 12:30   #40
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Re: Sex headlines.

Originally Posted by Neil
Will fly tippers not just dump in front of the gate when they get there to find there favourite dump has been gated off. It's the fly tippers that need sorting out not the tipping locations in most cases.
What will be the negative effect of the gate?
Will it stop innocent people doing innocent things?
I'm not sure. It may well barr access to anyone in a car, which will be a great pity. It's a hell of a climb, and would deny any less able bodied people the chance to see some magnificant views from the top.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 27-01-2006, 12:41   #41
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Re: Sex headlines.

Originally Posted by Neil
Will fly tippers not just dump in front of the gate when they get there to find there favourite dump has been gated off. It's the fly tippers that need sorting out not the tipping locations in most cases.
What will be the negative effect of the gate?
Will it stop innocent people doing innocent things?
It's a very good point. Why is this place more worthy than anywhere else to be gated?

Fly tipping should be the target, not denying access to everyone. I can think of four places in Oswaldtwistle that are regularly targeted by fly tippers, including the picnic area on Haslingden Old Road. Should that have a gate accross it as well, which would stop fly tipping but would deny anyone else access too.

Fly tipping should be the story, not old unfounded comments on adult web sites.

It took HBC five weeks last summer to remove a chair, after I asked for it to be removed. It's little wonder people resort to calling rubbish removal 'firms' in the press, many of whom are unlicenced and dump the rubbish illegally, because unlike domestic waste the Council charge for businesses to dump their rubbish at the offical tip.

Sounds a much better story than the sordid sex site etc.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 27-01-2006, 15:06   #42

Re: Sex headlines.

I wrote the story. Here's what happened:

I was having a regular phone chat with Brendan Shiel about Huncoat happenings.

He mentioned the background to this land and said flytipping and other activities were going on and that the council had agreed to put up a gate in October.

Yet the gate wasn't up, he said - so where was it?

He mentioned the site may have been referred to on the internet. I did a Google search, found the website and we quoted it in the article.

In the meantime, I got a council comment on their intention to put up the gate in the next few weeks.

I submitted the story, which included background on resident's/councillors attempts to get a gate.

The editor read it and asked me for more background. He asked me to have another go at it and to change the angle from the gate to the sexual activity, with a bit more detail from the website content.

Residents didn't have any involvement until I called one of them and asked for his opinion. He said it wasn't pleasant people were doing these things. We didn't use his quotes because of lack of space.

We got a police statement, and they advised us not to use the website content, because it may attract people there for the wrong reasons.

All content was included at the discretion of the editor.

I'm glad to see it's provoked so much debate and you all bought the paper.
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Old 27-01-2006, 15:16   #43
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Re: Sex headlines.

Originally Posted by vitty
I'm glad to see it's provoked so much debate and you all bought the paper.
actualy we buy one copy and pass it around

thats why it takes some of us a bit longer to reply
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Old 27-01-2006, 15:25   #44

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Re: Sex headlines.

Originally Posted by vitty
We got a police statement, and they advised us not to use the website content, because it may attract people there for the wrong reasons.
Nice to now the Observer is interested in helping out our local Police Force
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Old 27-01-2006, 15:26   #45

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Re: Sex headlines.

Originally Posted by chav1
actualy we buy one copy and pass it around

thats why it takes some of us a bit longer to reply
I think it's time you scanned it to pdf and emailed it all to us
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