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17-09-2006, 19:46
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Re: Shame on you America
I've got a cousin in California and the anti-Mexican (or Mexofornian as they call it) prejudice is pretty grim where they live.
17-09-2006, 20:06
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Re: Shame on you America
Have to agree with Bullseyebarb on this one , I have friends who live on the Gulf coast, Pass Christian, Mississippi and the whole town was wiped out by Katrina , but the folks are pulling together and rebuilding, all along the gulf coast communities of honest decent folk have come to-gether and are rebuilding their lives without waiting for or demanding Govt. handouts,
The problem with New Orleans is , ....large segments of the local population who are not prepared to take any responsibility for themselves but expect the Feds to come riding in over the hill like the cavalry.
17-09-2006, 22:05
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Re: Shame on you America
Thanks Bullseyebarb, my blood was starting to boil to give the other side of the story. Thanks for laying so many good facts out. Same with Chav, busman, Steeljack and yeah, gotta admit it, even the chin chin grumpy 1!
People don't understand the 100s of millions of dollars that have been wasted, stolen, and /or lost to corrupt, immoral people down in New Orleans. I see the biggest initial problem being in the hands of the Governor and the Mayor. Then alot lies with many who have lived on Government handouts and don't like the spigut being shut IMHO.
As for racism/discrimination, I've travelled through much of the country (except west coast) and find alot depends on the area of the country who faces it. I've seen it in the deep south against blacks, in Florida against hispanics, the southern "rebels" against the northern "yankees" and vice versa, catholics against protestants and vice versa.
The point is when you have a great "melting pot," I guess it's never hot enough to fully melt things! Heck, growing up in Rhode Island (very catholic and irish/italian) it was tough to be the rare English, Protestant family.
17-09-2006, 22:26
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Re: Shame on you America
Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris
Go to the States with a hispanic partner, and you find out how bad they really are!
 Must admit it does stink a bit,
but reporting is so darned biased god knows what we are to believe, I
pesonally would not wish to go back, it's not the last time this will happen.
Sorry Margaret if I came on a bit strong, but I can't get my head round
why Dubya Bush is pussy footing around. 
17-09-2006, 23:19
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Shame on you America
New Orleans has a long history of political corruption. It is hardly America's fault if those elected to lead cannot get their act together. The historic districts of New Orleans survived because they are built on slightly higher ground.....such as it exists in that city. Naturally, the city government got the French Quarter up and running as quickly as possible because that is the financial lifeline of New Orleans. In other areas, battles rage on what should be done. Apparently, it's hard to get building permits. Environmentalists are against rebuilding on reclaimed swampland. I don't doubt there are lawsuits.--- agree bullseyebarb but in comparison to the other districts the french quarter was not badly affected so it didn't take that much to get it up and running surely? the corruption in local politics is legendary, i agree but its so in central government also, at the end of the day its cos the bulk of the population is black, who by the way are the most friendly people i have ever met and deserve better. 
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18-09-2006, 01:52
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Re: Shame on you America
Go to the States with a hispanic partner, and you find out how bad they really are!
Go to England with a Pakistani or Arab partner and see how your treated!!!!!

18-09-2006, 04:52
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Re: Shame on you America
i think one other thing thats not taken into account and i'm sorry if someone's already mentioned it - that so many former residents have just not chosen to return back
so if u imagine ur street - devestated. u go back home and clean up - so does aobut 5 other ppl. but then the remainin 50 decide not to show up - its a prety hard job cleanin all that on ur own.
one other thing is that the slow build has happend due to america's fingers being burnt in the past b4. not sure what hurricane it was in the 90's but it caused alot of devestation. america united all gung ho and loads of builders from around the statescame to help
only thing was some of these builders barely knew what a hammer was yet were chargin extortion. this thing happend in florida i do remmeber that.
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18-09-2006, 11:57
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Re: Shame on you America
another thing that has not been taken into account is " who bloody cares " come on be honest until this post was made or unless you see a reminder on TV has anyone given a thought to them
i certainly havnt simply because its not my problem
ime sure everyone involved is doing their best 
18-09-2006, 12:00
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Re: Shame on you America
If and when it is rebuilt it better be done properly and not on the cheap. The way the weather is at the moment a monster hurricane could hit next year and do the same damage. As for the money that Geo W B is spending abroad its down to oil and his so called war on terror and that has priority.
18-09-2006, 12:03
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Re: Shame on you America
Originally Posted by SPUGGIE J
If and when it is rebuilt it better be done properly and not on the cheap. The way the weather is at the moment a monster hurricane could hit next year and do the same damage. As for the money that Geo W B is spending abroad its down to oil and his so called war on terror and that has priority.
well you cant fight the weather ( or god as soem believe ) but i suppose you stand a better chance fighting terror 
18-09-2006, 12:33
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Re: Shame on you America
Originally Posted by chav1
well you cant fight the weather ( or god as soem believe ) but i suppose you stand a better chance fighting terror 
The way its going they aint doing to good at that. King Alfred comes to mind for some unknown reason. 
18-09-2006, 12:41
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Re: Shame on you America
Originally Posted by SPUGGIE J
The way its going they aint doing to good at that. King Alfred comes to mind for some unknown reason. 
Alfred? In what context? I don't understand.
Are you thinking of Canute?
18-09-2006, 12:59
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Re: Shame on you America
Originally Posted by Tealeaf
Alfred? In what context? I don't understand.
Are you thinking of Canute?
Maybe i was burning toast at the time.
Maybe I was thinking GW is going to get burnt. 
18-09-2006, 13:01
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Re: Shame on you America
Were you thinking of Canute perhaps? 
18-09-2006, 13:04
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Re: Shame on you America
There have been millions of dollars poured into the New Orleans area over the past twenty years earmarked for levy improvements. Much of that money was spent on building marinas and casinos. Ask the mayor (a black man, incidentally) about that.
People were told to get out. Many of them didn't. For those who did not have their own transport, there were school buses etc which could have been provided by the city but they were not provided. Ask the mayor about that.
It doesn't damn-well matter how well you build the houses if they are built below sea level and then the levies do not hold. There is plenty of land above sea level in America on which to build. What is the point of making the same mistake twice? There is absolutely no sense in rebuilding any part of that city that is below sea level.
The devastation in this very large area, makes the twin tower destruction look like a lego building has been destroyed by comparison. It is going to take a long long time to clean it up.
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