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Old 19-09-2008, 20:08   #136
Resident Waffler

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Re: Sharia Law Rules OK!

Originally Posted by katex View Post

We see evolution all the time, e.g. average size of shoe in a woman 40 years ago was size 5, beds in the middle ages were much shorter, back problems will disappear as the years roll by as we get more used to walking upwards.
Yes we see races of people growing taller or shorter with successive generations due to changes in diet and what have you, but they remain human beings. That's not evolution. What about the ermine? It's just a change of coat. Different breeds of dogs - they are still dogs.

God isn't a cartoon character larger than life with a long white beard sitting on a cloud. He's like a human only perfect.

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Old 19-09-2008, 21:17   #137
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Re: Sharia Law Rules OK!

You still not have answered my question though Willow, what does God want with our physical attributes, particularly 'you know what' .. has he got a 'sleep buddy' hanging around somewhere ?
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Old 19-09-2008, 23:39   #138
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Re: Sharia Law Rules OK!

Well we're going to get into deeper water here because my answer would be disputed by other Christians but here goes anyway.

There isn't only a 'Mr. God'. There's a 'Mrs God' as well and we are all their literal children.

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Old 20-09-2008, 07:44   #139

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Re: Sharia Law Rules OK!

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp View Post
Well we're going to get into deeper water here because my answer would be disputed by other Christians but here goes anyway.

There isn't only a 'Mr. God'. There's a 'Mrs God' as well and we are all their literal children.
Go on then I will ask the question. Where does that little gem come from? I don't remember reading that in Gods book.
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Old 20-09-2008, 17:30   #140
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Re: Sharia Law Rules OK!

Isn't that why the Mormons have accumulated so many details about ancestry and family trees? Aren't they trying to go right back to biblical times to prove descendency?
Some cinemas let the flying monkeys in............and some don't.
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Old 20-09-2008, 19:16   #141
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Re: Sharia Law Rules OK!

Not exactly. We do it so we can be eternally 'sealed' as families. Of course if you go back far enough we should all get to Noah and his family and from there automatically to Adam and Eve.

The literalness of our relationship to God is that he is father of our spirit bodies. Our earth parents are parents of our physical bodies.

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Old 20-09-2008, 20:22   #142
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Re: Sharia Law Rules OK!

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp View Post
Well we're going to get into deeper water here because my answer would be disputed by other Christians but here goes anyway.

There isn't only a 'Mr. God'. There's a 'Mrs God' as well and we are all their literal children.
See I was brought up Catholic and the issue of God was just that, an issue for me.

I don't believe there is a Mr and a Mrs. I struggle to believe in God being any sort of physical being at all, but acutally one that is just used as a metaphor for a spiritual power and most definitely genderless.

For me, God = judgement. And most people don't fear the power of God 'Himself' but actually fear the judgement after death, because nobody really wants to be a bad person. Everyone does what they think is right, regardless of the law. This is why we get groups who rebel against the law but after the revolutions they cause we actually come to accept what they were saying as morally right.

That's what I think anyway. But then I also think that what matters most is that you believe in what makes you ultimately live in the best and happiest way possible, so for me all religion is acceptable even if it isn't what necessarily makes me happiest.
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Old 21-09-2008, 03:14   #143
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Exclamation Re: Sharia Law Rules OK!

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp View Post
Not exactly. We do it so we can be eternally 'sealed' as families. Of course if you go back far enough we should all get to Noah and his family and from there automatically to Adam and Eve.

The literalness of our relationship to God is that he is father of our spirit bodies. Our earth parents are parents of our physical bodies.
Except that there was no Adam and Eve and if Noah existed there is no way on earth that all the animals (7 of each species) of the planet would have fit onto a vessel of a size quoted in the bible.

Then there is the question of how long ago was this Adam and Eve supposed to have existed?

If Adam and Eve did exist and they were the first homo sapiens on this planet and they begat children, who did these children ‘marry’ when they came of age to reproduce?

When I asked this question of a self confessed believer the reply was that the children of Adam and Eve ‘married each other. Now that was incest and this God forbade incest.
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Last edited by jambutty; 21-09-2008 at 03:22.
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Old 21-09-2008, 18:10   #144
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Re: Sharia Law Rules OK!

I would be interested to hear an answer for that question, I've often wondered the same thing.
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Old 22-09-2008, 09:04   #145
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Re: Sharia Law Rules OK!

I see that exiled hate preacher Omar Bakri Mohammed is sabre rattling again, over the internet, threatening more 9/11 and 7/7 attrosities, and will not rest until both Britain and America are under Sharia Law. This is the guy who's family (I think he has 5 or 6 kids) are being kept by the British tax payer, isn't it time that evrything conserned with this guy is shipped out to the Lebanon and get these parasites of our backs for good.
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Old 22-09-2008, 09:23   #146
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Re: Sharia Law Rules OK!

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
This is the guy who's family (I think he has 5 or 6 kids) are being kept by the British tax payer, isn't it time that evrything conserned with this guy is shipped out to the Lebanon and get these parasites of our backs for good.
No, no, no, the government are going to keep these people here and ship the Gurkhas out (or at least those who left the service before 1997). The party I'm a member of is called the Raving Loony Party, but I reckon this lot are outdoing us...will the real Raving Loonies please stand up?
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Old 22-09-2008, 11:07   #147
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Cool Re: Sharia Law Rules OK!

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
I see that exiled hate preacher Omar Bakri Mohammed is sabre rattling again, over the internet, threatening more 9/11 and 7/7 attrosities, and will not rest until both Britain and America are under Sharia Law. This is the guy who's family (I think he has 5 or 6 kids) are being kept by the British tax payer, isn't it time that evrything conserned with this guy is shipped out to the Lebanon and get these parasites of our backs for good.
Just the UK and the USA?

He’s lowered his aim somewhat. It used to be the whole world.

The UK is rapidly becoming the laughing stock of the whole world, if we aren’t already.
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Old 22-09-2008, 12:01   #148
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Re: Sharia Law Rules OK!

Originally Posted by jambutty View Post
Except that there was no Adam and Eve and if Noah existed there is no way on earth that all the animals (7 of each species) of the planet would have fit onto a vessel of a size quoted in the bible.

Then there is the question of how long ago was this Adam and Eve supposed to have existed?

If Adam and Eve did exist and they were the first homo sapiens on this planet and they begat children, who did these children ‘marry’ when they came of age to reproduce?

When I asked this question of a self confessed believer the reply was that the children of Adam and Eve ‘married each other. Now that was incest and this God forbade incest.

Wasn't it proven recently by DNA that mankind was descended from the African region or did I dream that?
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Old 22-09-2008, 12:57   #149
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Re: Sharia Law Rules OK!

Incest was only forbidden later when the human race had 'evolved' ( ) to the point where reproduction between closely related people led to increased genetically related problems and abnormalities. Immediately following the fall these things had not yet developed.

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Old 22-09-2008, 13:10   #150

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Re: Sharia Law Rules OK!

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp View Post
Incest was only forbidden later when the human race had 'evolved' ( ) to the point where reproduction between closely related people led to increased genetically related problems and abnormalities. Immediately following the fall these things had not yet developed.

I think that smiley says it all really.
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